Doris computer and stationary
I'm solving the problem of inadequate skilled computer operators and centers in the state,the issue of customers having to spend so much amount of money just to access a computer center.married partners with kids find our environment condusive and disturbance free from there kids,
The scale of the problem is 70% and has eaten deep into the education or tech sector of the country.
Th factors that contributed to this problem is unemployment, non challant attitude of teachers toward students and lack of computer subject teachers or lecturers in the schools or university.
The solutions I provide are:
Bad PC'S at home that do not allowpeople to play at maximum settings or in the latest games which I provide a better computer for gaming and 24/7 electricity.
Customers are happy to have another place for making friends and connection while sharing their online experience .
No Privacy at home (parents, partners, children) interfere but it totally different here in my business, we give maximum privacy to our customers.
Affordable prices.
We offer quality Network connection to our customers who barely have electricity and connection at home.
The target customers or population are students, civil servants, churches, government agencies, unemployed youths,young adults, market women etc.
The are currently underserved because most of them spend so much money on transport just to access a computer trainning center or internet cafe. Most schools Don't offer computer studies due to lack of teachers or lecturers that will take the course thereby making them illiterates of computer, most old women don't know how to operate their phone nor computer which we help out when they run to us.
We understand the need of people we are serving by running a survey and we observed that 80% of the user of my services are youths, students, market women, churches, government agencies and parastatal,
I Have six full time team members and three part time members who knows what it takes to be an entrepreneur and understands the customer services.Our business team are talented honest goal oriented and show mutual respect to each other. Our team's idea generation and problem solving capability has helped us to always achieve results.
- Improving access to training & certification, portable benefits, and labor organizations for care workers.
- Growth
The solve challenge will help me towards the challenges of entrepreneurship, Creating business awareness for me to reach other parts of the world.
The market barriers of pricing, knowing how to fix products price and when to increase and decrease prices as market rises ad falls, Helps my business reach the target markets online etc.
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
I provide my customers and Target market with the needed trainning, services like photocopying, scanning, printing, typing, emailing, gaming, graphics designing etc
I sell computer machines to the masses to ease them the stress of ordering them from abroad and the stress of converting monies.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
I will find my work through Fundraising and through the services I offer, through contracts from government agencies and through the trainning and services and also from my cyber cafe business.
I have not gotten any grants but I have attained several entrepreneurship training and obtained certificates.
I have startups that generates funding.
I have created unemployment for most youths through paid seminar and training that I offer every year on agriculture.
Students and youths pay for the training I offer them.
I also make money through the services I offer them daily.