No monthly income, no savings, no life insurance, no monthly paying financial / investment scheme, no liquidity to pay for essential needs like shelter/rent, school, consistent groceries, internet access, electricity, water, public transportation costs, home solar kits, for +- 70% of the world.
We can provide all the above for everyone.
We will create a desktop & mobile app platform. We will partner with a bank and a whole life insurance company. This platform will also have a marketplace strictly only to improve livelihood and increase their chances of having a greater life.
We will create direct access to money for shelter/rent, money for school and college tuition, money to purchase secure monthly paying assets, money for consistent groceries, money for internet access, money for electricity, money for water, money for public transportation costs, money for home solar kits.
- Our platform lends our customers money to fund an uninterrupted compound interest account, which they can borrow against whilst their initial lump sum continues compounding. This account is a whole life insurance policy ; the lumpsum will give it its cash value. This is why we need a bank and a whole life insurance partner.
- After KYC procedures, we want to give minimum and maximum loans to normal people, to fund their whole life insurance policy with an early cash-value.
- After our users are screened, and have borrowed money to fund an automatically wonderfully structured cash value wholelife policy, they will be promoted to select to ‘activate’ the lump sum we have lent them, which will then make a deposit to fund their early cash value whole life policy.
- We will have the whole life policy structured so that our customers can then loan a decent portion of the cash value from their whole life policy uninterrupted. This means that they can loan money against their whole life insurance policy which we (and the bank) helped them fund, whilst the money stays in their policy an compounds uninterrupted at 4-6% as if they never touched.
- Non-repayment would only affect their death benefit.
- our customers automatically will be promoted to buy good and absolutely reliable monthly paying assets, which will be on our platform. They will have no choice in this. They cannot withdraw any money they have loaned against their policy ; our platform does not allow that.
- Our platform will automatically debit a calculated portion for to relay the bank accordingly, as well as our repayment. This will come from our customers monthly payouts that they receive from the monthly paying asset classes they have purchased/invested in on our platform using the money they have loaned against their cash-value whole life insurance policy.
- After monthly paying assets have been purchased, our customers will then be promoted to use the money they have been paid out on our platform to strictly pay for, and buy things that improve their opportunity to access education, pay for groceries, and overall improve their livelihood and living conditions.
- Like the good parent everyone needs, we will significantly control the spend of the monies loaned against their whole life policy, and make sure 99% of it is spent on our very own ‘life improvement marketplace’. So no spending money in the club, or buying luxurious vehicles and funding of over the top lifestyles. (No balling in the club, and no nonsense!)
- Our platform will force them to invest in our options of the best investments that pay monthly income; and then secondly spend the rest on our ‘livelihood marketplace’ on the app ;
- Using the money loaned against their whole life insurance policy ; our apps algorithm will make sure they spend and shop in our online marketplace, where they HAVE TO spend 99% of their payout on necessities that will improve their living conditions:
- So we want to have a marketplace on our app to make our customers use the money they loan against their whole life policy to directly pay and buy life improvement things like ;
- pay for school fees directly from our app
- buy medication from our app
- pay for doctor services from our app
- buy groceries from our app
- buy electricity from our app
- buy airtime & data from our app
- buy furniture from our app
- buy home solar kit from our app
- order & pay for home renovation services from our app
- buy home appliances from our app
- pay for water from our app
- pay for rent directly from our app
- buy self-care sanitary items from our app ;
- and pay for general items and services that IMPROVE ONES STANDARD OF LIVING.
- We want to make it that they HAVE to spend their loaned policy money on these absolutely necessary things.
- We will then give them a set amount that they can then transfer to their bank accounts for withdrawal, ONLY after 98-99% of their cash is spent on our ‘life improvement marketplace’.
- Then the other 1-2% is theirs to withdraw and spend on whatever they please.
- The monthly paying assets they will be purchasing from our app will be like the following:
1. Certificate of Deposit (CDs)
2. Short-Term Corporate Bonds
3. Long Term Corporate Bonds
4. International Bonds
5.SA & US Treasury Bonds, Bills and Notes
6. Municipal Bonds
7. Floating Rate Funds
8. Money Market Funds
9. Dividend Paying Stocks
10. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
11. Master Limited Partnerships
12. Real Estate Mortgage Notes
13. Business Development Companies (BDCs)
14. Royalty Income Trusts
15.Self Storage Units
*We want to create immediate liquidity. Not money sitting.
E.G: Sarah would like to take a loan to put it into her Sendlend Whole life policy, and then place that money as a lump sum into Imperative whole life policy, which has a cash value, and also allows for Sarah to make a loan against her policy whilst her money continues to compound and grow over time uninterrupted. She receives her loan and cannot withdraw any of that money. This will all be guided, so that the user isn’t negligent. This account will also allow for Sarah to loan against her funded whole life insurance policy to to choose options to get paid monthly, bi-annual, quarterly or yearly, by choosing certain investments schemes on our platform like dividend paying stocks, and other critical essential needs like paying school fees, college tuition fees, doctor & medical procedure fees, electricity and water bills. This will assist Sarah in securing her families future whilst creating generational wealth simultaneously. All because we lent her money on our platform to automatically fund her cash-value whole life insurance policy.
Paid-up additional insurance is available as a rider on a whole life policy. It lets policyholders increase their death benefit and living benefit by increasing the policy's cash value. Paid-up additions themselves then earn dividends, and the value continues to compound indefinitely over time.
The solution serves human beings who need a miracle to be financially included.
Our ‘Sendlend solution’ is the care. It provides the care needed.
More than 90% of South Africans don't have life insurance, savings, and a monthly paying asset to keep them financially stable.
Human beings who need a miracle to be able to have access to their essential and basic human rights needs taken care of like shelter, food and education. Sendlend has heart, and we go a step further to secure monthly income, goods and services - coming straight from the marketplace on our platform.
there is a huge #FeesMustFall campaign in South Africa, because students cannot afford to pay for tertiary education. They have been marching, getting shot by police due to mass unrest and tension, and have even been burning university campuses to have their voices and frustrations heard, as it is a cry for free education which the government is not willing to do. This has resulted in South Africa officially having 52% of its population living off government grants of R350 ($24), in which they use to survive. That is not “care”. That is not financial inclusion.
People cannot even begin to try save money because of the little that they get, so they turn to crime and fraud.
People need a string helping hand helping to take care of them and access a good livelihood. They need to be taken care of by our platform. It ensures a better life - it is a full guarantee.
Our platform is for people who are not served, underserved, mildly served, and one could even go as far as saying it could be appreciated and even utilized by the middle class.
My family is the first generation that managed to move out of the rural areas. We go there every weekend to visit my cousins and extended family. I know the people there, the culture, the struggle, the lack of resources, the lack of access, the lack of opportunity, and the lack of care given to everybody who lives there. I grew up there and am a fabric of the rural areas. Kids are on the streets because nobody can pay tuition fees, everybody is under fed, nobody can get to an area that has alot of job opportunities because of transport costs - and even if they do, they are under qualified.
They need our platform to gain power and access in ways they never dreamed of.
- Enabling new models for childcare or eldercare that improve affordability, convenience, or community trust.
- Concept
i need technical support to create the platform. I need networking to get a bank and a whole life insurance company to partner and be onboard. I need small financing to make the website based platform, and if there is enough money, make it an app.
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Nobody has this approach, absolutely nobody. Google it. There is utterly nothing like this anywhere in the world. A ‘Wealth-Tech Digital Insurance Investment lending & livelihood platform’.
The government is supposed to be taking care of everyone, especially the less fortunate. Our solution does exactly that.
Our solution does not only solve one problem, but multiple problems. We understand that people need money to make money. We understand that people need money to take care of themselves, their families and their futures. We understand that people need strict unavoidable guidelines to spend their money like those that are coming from generational wealth. Our solution is new and isn’t being done. It guides, teaches and implements next level financial inclusion for all those that need care, and we ultimately give access to education, shelter, food and all the other basic human rights and necessities that the government, political movements, NGO’s, and absolutely no other platform is able to give at present.
Once 5 people are approved a loan of 500k + without having to have a credit record, to fund a cash value whole life insurance policy - which they can borrow against to buy monthly paying investments, send their kids to school, buy groceries, and purchase home solar gadgets - trust me.. everybody will know about this. This solution is a generational change maker. The market and “care giving” landscape will witness a shift for the good like never before.
Our impact goals are centered around financially including people, which leads to them being taken care of by our solutions. This will impact any individual, their family, and their future.
We will cause impact by taking care of the following areas of life:
The marketplace on our platform will mandatorily make our customers use the money they loan against their whole life policy to directly pay and buy life improvement things like ;
- pay for school fees directly from our app
- buy medication from our app
- pay for doctor services from our app
- buy monthly paying assets from our app
- buy groceries from our app
- buy electricity from our app
- buy airtime & data from our app
- buy furniture from our app
- buy home solar kit from our app
- order & pay for home renovation services from our app
- buy home appliances from our app
- pay for water from our app
- pay for rent from our app
- buy self-care sanitary items from our app ;
- and pay for general items and services that IMPROVE ONES STANDARD OF LIVING ONLY.
We want to make it that they HAVE to spend their loaned policy money on these absolutely necessary life changing things.
- We will then give them a set amount that they can then transfer to their bank accounts for withdrawal, ONLY after 98-99% of their cash is spent on our ‘life improvement marketplace’.
- Then only the other 1-2% is theirs to withdraw and spend on whatever they please.
- The monthly paying assets they will be purchasing from our app will be like the following:
1. Certificate of Deposit (CDs)
2. Short-Term Corporate Bonds
3. Long Term Corporate Bonds
4. International Bonds
5.SA & US Treasury Bonds, Bills and Notes
6. Municipal Bonds
7. Floating Rate Funds
8. Money Market Funds
9. Dividend Paying Stocks
10. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
11. Master Limited Partnerships
12. Real Estate Mortgage Notes
13. Business Development Companies (BDCs)
14. Royalty Income Trusts
15.Self Storage Units
*We want to create immediate liquidity. Not money sitting.
*We will achieve this by creating the website, partnering with a bank and a whole life insurance company - and then getting on the radio to talk about it. Once two people get their loan approved and start improving their lives infront of others who were in their exact same position - everything will change. Word of the platforms life changing transformational solutions will spread like COVID19.
We will have data of all users of our platform and how much their net worth has increased via their accumulation of assets. We will have a metric that indicates how much their livelihood has improved based off what they buy and pay for on our ‘livelihood market place’. We will have data tools to track and understand how much our users lives have been changed since using our platform.
We will measure our impact based off the SDG’s.
Our solution takes care of:
SDG 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15 and 17.
once they have their loan to fund their whole policy, and then borrow against it (which they will automatically be promoted to do by the platform because they have no other choice) to buy assets that give them monthly income - that will cause change. Because going from getting either an unstable, non-guaranteed minimum monthly income, to a decent guaranteed monthly income improves every single persons life. We know this because having a stable source of income allows one to cultivate a life where they can take care of themselves and their family without falling into poverty.
A website and an app. We monitor and collect data of our users life improvements and the impact our platform makes on access to education and basic human rights they are currently deprived of due to financial exclusion.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- South Africa
- Canada
- China
- India
- Nigeria
- South Africa
- United States
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Our business model is centered around WealthTech, Lending solutions, InsureTech and Fintech.
We provide solutions by giving people access to financial inclusion, which we curate on our platform to make sure that the finances managed and loaned on our platform are strictly focused on them realizing basic human rights and dignity through our “livelihood improvement marketplace”.
The services we provide are:
- Giving loans to fund a wonderfully structured cash value whole life insurance policy.
- We give people access to life insurance
- We give people access to cash
- We give people access to monthly paying assets for wealth creation and an exit strategy from property
- We give people access to care:
On our platform, people can pay for and buy the following:
- pay for school fees directly from our app
- buy medication from our app
- pay for doctor services from our app
- pay for medical procedures
- buy groceries from our app
- buy electricity from our app
- buy airtime & data & Wifi for access to the internet from our app
- buy furniture from our app
- buy home solar kit from our app
- order & pay for home renovation services from our app
- buy home appliances from our app
- pay for water from our app
- buy self-care sanitary items from our app ;
- and pay for general items and services that IMPROVE ONES STANDARD OF LIVING.
- We want to make it that they HAVE to spend their loaned policy money on these absolutely necessary things.
- We will then give them a set amount that they can then transfer to their bank accounts for withdrawal, ONLY after 98-99% of their cash is spent on our ‘life improvement marketplace’.
The monthly paying assets we will have for them to purchase on our platform will be:
1. Certificate of Deposit (CDs)
2. Short-Term Corporate Bonds
3. Long Term Corporate Bonds
4. International Bonds
5.SA & US Treasury Bonds, Bills and Notes
6. Municipal Bonds
7. Floating Rate Funds
8. Money Market Funds
9. Dividend Paying Stocks
10. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
11. Master Limited Partnerships
12. Real Estate Mortgage Notes
13. Business Development Companies (BDCs)
14. Royalty Income Trusts
15.Self Storage Units
There is nobody who is living a life of struggle who does not need this service. If they do not need it, they will want it.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We will raise funds through equity capital investments from the bank we partner with, government grants, VC’s and raising investment capital from interested parties.
Our revenue model:
- We will charge a monthly subscription fee
- We will charge 4% of all loans approved and disbursed on our platform
- We will charge transaction fees on purchases made on our “livelihood improvement marketplace”
- We will a charge 1% service fee
I started a medical waste business which I raised funds for and is now fully operational. I also am in the process of closing funds for my second company, which is an electrofuel energy company, which I managed to secure an offtake agreement with Total Energies.
The funds raised were all grant funding from Pfizer, Naspers, and government grant funding. So I understand the intricacies and requirements needed to raise funds for a start up business. I have good relationships with organizations, and will utilize Sendlends impactful and powerful life changing service offering to raise the funds needed to create the platform.
I am confident that the bank and the whole life insurance provider we partner with, will have more than enough money to assist in funding the building of the platform, and app.