Smart Job Bank for Women with Visual Impairment STAGE-2 TRL7
The 2017 census revealed that 2 million 892 thousand 10 people with at least one disability are part of the Working Age Population (PET). Of this total, 1 million 668 thousand 588 are women, that is to say 57.7% and 1 million 223 thousand 422 are men and represent 42.3% of the PET. Likewise, 1 million 144 thousand 380 people were registered as part of the Economically Active Population (PEA), which corresponds to 39.6%. The Economically Inactive population (No PEA) reaches 1 million 747 thousand 629 people (60.4%). the province of Lima shows the highest percentage of the population with some kind of disability (31.2%), far surpassing the departmental percentages. Vision difficulty ranks as the most frequent, WITH 1 million 550 thousand 196 people, that is, 48.3% (INEI, 2019).
Population with secondary education is 28.7% and completed higher education is 8.2%. The 2017 census records that 248,571 worked as unskilled service workers, laborers, itinerant workers and the like (23.9%). Another group of 244 thousand 374 people with disabilities (23.5%), work as service workers and commerce and market vendors. (INEI, 2019)
Almost half of the population with disabilities, that is, 508 thousand 70 people, representing 48.9%, work as independent workers or self-employed. The differences by sex reveal that in the group of people with disabilities: there are more men (50.1%) than women (47.5%) working as independent workers or self-employed.
Classifying workers with disabilities by the branch of activity to which they belong, it is found that 302 thousand 215 (29.1% of the employed EAP with disabilities) work in the branch of commerce, repair of vehicles, automobiles and motorcycles. A second group made up of 295,864 workers (28.5%) works in agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing. Likewise, 275 thousand 56 workers (26.5% of the employed EAP with disabilities) are engaged in retail trade.
The female population is the one with the highest percentage of disability, having 11.6%, while the male population has a lower percentage with 9.1%.
Currently, some 85 million people with disabilities live in Latin America and the Caribbean, which represents 14.7% of the regional population. The data indicates that households where people with disabilities live are poorer and in 1 out of every 5 households in a situation of extreme poverty lives a person with a disability. However, the full inclusion of people with disabilities remains an elusive goal. Despite their increasing visibility, people with disabilities are more likely to live in households that are poorer than average, they are overrepresented among those vulnerable to falling into poverty, they are more likely to live in informal neighborhoods, they are younger education and tend to be out of the labor market. (WORLD BANK, 2021)
“Intersectionality helps to represent how the convergence of multiple discriminations occurs in individual and collective lives, mainly in the lives of women. It is built from social / cultural / economic / religious / linguistic / ethnic encounters, intersections and intersections; considers the social totality, the personal context and all the variables that make up the micro and the macro social and shows a wide range of situations experienced in the first person” (Gonzales, 2010).
Along these lines (Gonzales, 2010) reflects on Latin America: In Latin America "probably more than a quarter of the total population is affected directly or indirectly by situations of disability" (PAHO/WHO, 2002), about 82% live under the threshold of poverty that affects not only the person but the family (World Bank, 2004). This scenario is infinitely more serious in the case of women with disabilities in whom other components converge to aggravate the situation: poverty, ethnicity, illiteracy, place of residence (rural); and, on occasions, the role of caretaker mother that she must assume jointly with that of head of household - due to abandonment or migration of the couple - a situation that traps her in the impossibility of generating resources. Thus, the vicious circle of poverty becomes more and more constricting.
Investigate the multidimensional barriers of the company (large and medium) associated with the job positions that women with visual disabilities can occupy to design and implement a virtual platform that generates an intelligent recommendation to identify job options and reasonable adjustments for women. with visual impairment in different productive sectors, with different combinations of success. Then predict future performance in a work ecosystem based on their multicultural profile. At the same time, an intelligent analysis of the available job position is required to adjust the conditions of the candidate and, if the requirements are not met, identify the size of the gap and recommend the training program to achieve the best approach with a candidate.
The focus is equality of ability: “the most adequate way to consider “true” equality of opportunity has to go through equality of ability, that is, the elimination of unambiguous inequalities of ability (because comparisons of ability are typically incomplete). )" (SEN, 1995, p.20). On the other hand, in the economic context, one of the factors that lead to the middle-income trap in a country is: "excessive inequality and lack of protection of vulnerable groups" (FOXLEY, 2012, p.16).
Public policy requires "out of the box" initiatives, in the company a blind woman is never considered for a job, this is an initiative to generate social public policies from the academy with a Digital Transformation approach based on a pilot program .
A recent study (Bernuy, 2017, p.143) shows "a person with a disability recognizes that having studied a career without a complete orientation means that they cannot exercise the career and that a vocational orientation is fundamental above all because they must relate their disability with their future professional performance and that is accepted by society”.
“In the case of women and also with some disability, regardless of the labor market and training, they find many obstacles to access work due in part to prejudices and social stereotypes, which survive in large sectors of our society. Many of these sexual stereotypes attribute characteristics to women that present them as more suitable for some jobs than for others” (LANTEGI BATUAK. 2004, p.75).
The orientation is vocational or labor, the labor orientation seeks to quickly integrate the person into the market, where some training is required; then the vocational guidance seeks a specialized education that allows to train a specialized and competent person for the market.
It is necessary to create new cultural components based on equality, participation and non-discrimination of blind women and a model of labor insertion aligned to the UN social model is a theoretical contribution that will support social development.
We have the support of associations of people with disabilities at the national level and, along with the company, we have an agreement with CONFIEP, so we have a high potential for the use of the products and the early benefit of the results.
There is potential for its implementation in CUBA and Honduras thanks to the support of the ONCE Foundation for Latin America, who have financed the first stage of the Project, and thanks to the contributions in the context of the Research of the University of Havana (CUBA) and Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University (UPNFM) of HONDURAS.
As for technologies, we have a cognitive system and an accessible system in virtual worlds, with the support of the UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI (USA) and the FREE SOFTWARE R&D FOUNDATION Foundation - FIDESOL (SPAIN) a high technological potential is expected , and the opportunity to develop the project in the USA and Spain.
- Ensuring decent working conditions and basic rights for care workers, particularly migrant or domestic workers whose labor may be exploited.
- Pilot
We hope Solve helps us to focus STAGE-3 in order to use this project in US and other countries in LAC
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
We have the support of associations of people with disabilities at the national level and, along with the company, we have an agreement with CONFIEP-PERU, so we have a high potential for the use of the products and the early benefit of the results.
There is potential for its implementation in CUBA and Honduras thanks to the support of the ONCE Foundation for Latin America, who have financed the first stage of the Project, and thanks to the contributions in the context of the Research of the University of Havana (CUBA). ) and Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University (UPNFM) of HONDURAS.
As for technologies, we have a cognitive system and an accessible system in virtual worlds, with the support of the UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI (USA) and the FREE SOFTWARE R&D FOUNDATION Foundation - FIDESOL (SPAIN) a high technological potential is expected, and the opportunity to develop the project in the USA and Spain.
a) Articulation with the private company through the formal link that the USMP has with CONFIEP, the Municipality of La Molina and Las Caramas de Comercio and the municipalities of the geographical area and with a group of companies selected to obtain proof on a commercial scale
b) Coordination with associations of people with disabilities in the scope of the project
c) (1) Supported Undergraduate Thesis
d) (1) Supported Master's Thesis.
e) (2) Research papers submitted to Journal or Conference are standard SJR Q1
f) (1) Presentation at an international congress
a) Tests with the users of the Commission for Blind Ladies of Peru and the validation of the ONCE Foundation for Latin America FOAL, as well as with associations with disabilities in the cities of action of the project.
b) (03) prototype, obtained at a higher level of development in relevant environments in the field of its application of Level TRL 7
c) (1) Master's Thesis with Approved Plan
d) (1) Doctoral Thesis with Approved Plan
e) (2) Research papers submitted to Journal or Conference are standard SJR Q1
f) (2) Presentation at international congress
g) (2) Copyright
h) (2) Registration of the Utility Patent file – Patent Viability Report
i) “Funding” for the 3rd STAGE – TRL9
j) (2) Plan for the use of project results in a real or simulated relevant environment foreseen, containing a social economic evaluation of the technology
k) Sustainability agreements with companies through compliance with LAW 29973, and general agreements for people with disabilities
l) (03) "Disclosure of the Invention" sheet of the technology
m) (03) registration of technology file through the platform VINCÚLATE
n) (03) Technological Package for its transfer and/or implementation for technological development
o) (3) Examination and validation of Utility Patents
p) Planning of the 3rd stage at the national level
q) Execution of the third Stage TRL9
r) Investigations for signing contracts automatically
s) Investigations for other disabilities
t) Implementation in other Latin American countries
u) Implementation in the USA and Spain
a) Identification of variables, principles, characteristics, values, barriers, selection processes and reasonable adjustments of companies for the labor insertion of women with visual disabilities in the cities of Arequipa, Ayacucho, Chiclayo, Cusco, Huánuco, Lima, Moquegua, Piura and Trujillo, with exchange of research and experience in Honduras and Cuba.
b) Creation of a system in virtual worlds that identifies the accessible job position for a woman with visual impairment in different work fields, recommends reasonable adjustments, makes the change of the technical effect in the company's activity plan and automatically supervises its execution through periodic controls.
c) Development of the 2nd prototype, a cognitive system model that performs the change of technical effect with the minimum adjustments to the job position in the selection process and generates the adjusted requirements that ensure the adaptability of women with visual disabilities to employment, as well how to recommend the conditions of adjustment of social and physical accessibility for the company.
d) Creation of an agent that develops the automatic application management in the 1st prototype of stage-1, as well as the training recommendations in case of not meeting the requirements. The technical effect is that the woman with a disability does not know about the job opportunity and the agent finds it on the Internet and makes the application.
e) Integration with the technological development of the first stage that identifies the skills of women with visual disabilities for a job.
f) Development of the 3rd prototype with functionalities that allow the effect of automatic neutral selection (without discrimination) of a woman with visual impairment and the automatic acceptance of both parties for the signing of contracts.
g) Tests in companies in 8 locations nationwide: Arequipa, Ayacucho, Chiclayo, Cusco, Huánuco, Lima, Moquegua, Piura and Trujillo, through agreements with the Commission for Blind Ladies of Peru CIP, CONFIEP and municipalities and regional governments of the areas of action.
The following represents among the most accepted definitions currently promoted (WORLD BANK, 2007, p.7):
a) Disability: the outcome of the interaction between a person with impairment or health condition and the negative barriers of the environment (including attitudes and beliefs, etc.).
b) Disabled person/people: a person or people (group of individuals) with an impairment or health condition who encounters disability or is perceived to be disabled.
c) Environmental factors: factors that make up the physical, social, and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives.
Personal factors are related to personal issues, self-determination or self-promotion, among others. In this analysis it is important to understand about the differences between the cultural characteristics of people in Latin America.
Disability begins with social and cultural exclusion, also stigma, because it is well known that many people do not want to be close to people with disabilities to share their activities. On the other hand, people with disabilities are treated as lesser people because they have a lower level of education, since the vast majority of them do not have higher education or their education is not of interest to others. In the end they do not have opportunities for economic, social and human development. The result is poverty and vulnerability.
It is proposed to study two hidden factors, the first is related to "personal and social identity" and the second is "cultural response" of society. These factors must be integrated into this cycle for Latin American countries. Some risks associated with vulnerable groups.
Therefore, our focus is the optimization of the models defined at the frontier of knowledge. We first perform an enhancement to the ICF model on contextual and environmental factors in order to include cultural factors separately.
In this way we can structure different issues related to society and people with disabilities, such as the personal identity and social identity of people with functional diversity, and thus the restrictions and needs can be understood.
Deep Learning studies and models, Virtual Worlds and Cognitive Systems for the creation of new job opportunities in the groups of people involved.
Economic development is generated for all services linked to labor income, in addition they will have the opportunity of their own economic development in freedom. At the same time, it is a source of technological innovation by being able to innovate artificial intelligence products, with the integration of applications and data analysis.
Persons with disabilities constitute one of the main vulnerable or at risk groups, who face difficulties in accessing services, which hinders the full social, economic, labor, cultural and all kinds of integration of persons with disabilities (CONADIS, 2012).
The project improves skills for job placement, thereby developing a life in freedom project, overcoming poverty, improving human development and gender equality indices in Peru. The principles recognized by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are:
a) Respect for the inherent dignity, individual autonomy, including the freedom to make one's own decisions, and the independence of persons;
b) Non-discrimination;
c) Full and effective participation and inclusion in society;
d) Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of diversity and the human condition;
e) Equal opportunities;
f) Accessibility;
g) Equality between men and women;
h) Respect for the evolution of the faculties of children with disabilities and their right to preserve their identity.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
- 1. No Poverty
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- Peru
- Nonprofit
Experimental research to identify the multidimensional barriers of the company, the social, cultural, physical, economic, productive context, which prevent taking into account women with visual disabilities in jobs and how to link the skills of women with visual disabilities who are identified in the first stage of the project to make it possible to cover the company's requirements in different productive sectors, identifying knowledge gaps to be covered in the new post-pandemic scenarios.
The convenience sample is about 30 companies and about 500 identified beneficiary women with disabilities in Peru.
The research on accessibility barriers is quantitative, the construction of the intelligent platform with the support of FIDESOL (Spain) and the University of Missouri (USA) allows experimentation to be carried out from a mobile application, which eliminates the factor of geographical distance. A prototype of TRL7 maturity level is expected to be achieved, which will be operating under a controlled environment and the regulations of each country that can join this initiative until reaching TRL9 level in Stage-3.
In stage-3 s it hopes to achieve the participation of more beneficiaries in LAC, Spain and the US
It has the support of the ONCE Foundation and FIDESOL to apply for AECID funds. There is an agreement with CONFIEP, and agreements will be made with the regional and local governments in the cities of action of the project.
For the final sustainability in TRL-9, a model of donations from companies (with tax deduction) has been foreseen in compliance with the General Law of Persons with Disabilities, Law 29973.
- Organizations (B2B)
The potential market is national, but for this stage it is planned to reach 9 cities with a TRL7. Associations with disabilities in the 9 cities in the project's scope of action generate interest for Universities, regional governments and private companies.
As it is a social innovation, the original platforms will be in the custody of the UMSP and the technological transfers will be made to non-social Universities. Research centers that are joining the project. Although we have invited Universities in different cities, such as Moquegua, Ayacucho, Cuzco, Piura, not all of them have the capacity to face a research project that turns out to be totally new, rather sometimes the custom is to follow the already known lines of work. However, we have the project as a Peruvian associated university with the National University Hemilio Valdizán de Huánuco, with which we would be ensuring the start-up in Lima, Arequipa, Chiclayo and Huánuco. USMP regional headquarters are in Arequipa and Chiclayo. In addition, we have the support of associations of people with disabilities at the national level and, along with the company, we have an agreement with CONFIEP, so we have a high potential for the use of the products and the early benefit of the results. At the licensing level, we will use Open Source technologies that may be the subject of future research and improvements.