Developing women's skills in the food and dairy industries
تكمن المشكلة في انتشار الفقر والحرمان بين النازحين الذين تركوا منازلهم إلى مناطق أكثر أمناً والعائدين في مناطق ديالى وبغداد ، فضلاً عن عدم وجود دعم لهذه الأسر ، خاصة العائلات التي تعيلها نساء ، بما في ذلك الأرامل. والنساء المعيلات والمطلقات اللائي فقدن (رجال) أثناء عمليات النزوح والعمليات العسكرية والمفقودين قسراً ، فقدت معظم هذه العائلات احتياجاتها من المنزل خلال العمليات العسكرية ضد مجموعات داعش الإرهابية التي تعرضت للسرقة والدمار بفعل الحرب. وبالمثل فإن فقدان العمل لمعظم العائلات النازحة العائدة إلى المناطق المحررة ، حيث تعمل هذه العائلات في الحرف والمشاريع الصغيرة على وجه الخصوص ، وغياب معيل له أثر سلبي على الوضع المعيشي الاقتصادي والاجتماعي ، مما أدى إلى زيادة العنف ضد النساء والفتيات بسبب الحاجة إلى المال للعيش ، حيث لا تملك هذه العائلات الموارد المالية لكسب لقمة العيش. الغالبية العظمى من النساء المستهدفات بشكل مباشر ، وهن 200 مستفيدة موزعة على نسبة المتضررين ، معظمهم من النساء النازحات في بغداد ، 50٪ من سكان محافظة بغداد ، وهم من مناطق بغداد. مخيم ابو غريب والروانية وابزيبيز ... والجزء الاخر من النازحين والعائدين والفقراء يستضيف المتضررين في ديالى: بعقوبة وجلولاء والسعدية ومناطق حسب المسح الميداني لاعضاء التنظيم تقارير المسح الميداني الصادرة عن (IOM) لمجموعة سبل العيش في دائرة الشؤون الإنسانية (OCHA) // ملاحظة ، يمكنك الاطلاع على الرابط التالي: https: //iraqdtm.iom.
يهدف المشروع إلى مساعدة ودعم الأسر النازحة والعودة إلى مناطقهم النازحة نتيجة الهجمات الإرهابية واحتلال داعش لهذه المناطق ، وخاصة العائلات التي تعيلها نساء يعولن أسرهن ، وخاصة الأرامل والمعيلات المفقودات ، والعائلات التي لا تعول. ملك. موارد مالية مستقرة.
سيساعد المشروع النساء المستهدفات على دمجهن في سوق العمل مما سيكون مصدر قوة وإنتاجية مما يساعدهن في التصدي للعنف الموجه ضدهن من خلال قدرتهن على توفير مقومات الحياة والغذاء والمال ، مما سيساهم في توفير القدرة على معالجة الظروف الصعبة التي تمر بها هؤلاء النساء والأسر ، وخاصة النازحين الذين يعيشون في ظروف صعبة خاصة في مخيمات النازحين داخليًا ، ويهدف هذا المشروع أيضًا إلى دمج هؤلاء النساء المتضررات من النزاع في سوق العمل من خلال خلق سريع. - المشاريع الربحية من خلال تطوير المهارات في صناعة المواد الغذائية وأفران المخابز والمعجنات.
سيؤدي ذلك إلى اندماج النساء في سوق العمل لكسب المال ، بما في ذلك النساء العائدات إلى المناطق المحررة في ديالى والنازحين في بغداد. كما يهدف المشروع إلى زيادة إنتاج الغذاء.
The project aims to provide the necessary supplies and participate in improving education for children by providing sufficient income for their studies and preventing them from dropping out of school. In addition to facing the (Covid-19) epidemic, it will also help increase the source of income of the families participating in the project, according to the survey conducted by the organization's members and the field visits to these displaced and returnees. . Major tools left or burned during terrorist attacks. The project also aims to increase the food product in the market through what the project beneficiaries will do after completing the training, through the manufacture of foodstuffs, especially quick-use dairy, which will be through daily use and is healthy instead of the importer, as well as selling other food products and providing bread. Daily in the areas where the participants are after the end of the project
The project aims to help and support women displaced and returning to their areas, as a result of terrorist attacks and ISIS’s occupation of these areas, especially families headed by women who support their families, especially widows and lost breadwinners, and families who do not support. King. Stable financial resources.
Number of direct beneficiaries of the project: Number of direct beneficiaries of the project: (240 beneficiaries in // Diyala = 100 beneficiaries + Baghdad = 140 beneficiaries) // 2 training courses in Diyala: 50 beneficiaries per session //2 training courses in Baghdad: 70 woman in session). (They were trained during a period of 10 days and a follow-up period of 20 days) distributed over the targeted areas, in Diyala and Baghdad, the number of indirect beneficiaries reached about 1200, mostly children and girls, at a rate of 70%. Which will contribute to changing the living situation for the better, faster and better through the fields of work through the establishment of a company that produces ready-to-eat food products, dairy products, pastries and bread. The labor market by establishing special media outlets to promote these categories according to each individual. Residential area.
The result is: empowering women and developing their skills in the manufacture of ready-to-eat foodstuffs, dairy products, bread and pastries to earn money, which helps them to overcome the difficulties they face due to displacement from their homes and areas of origin.
Each family will be able to earn ($ 750) by working to provide manufactured production services in the community. In addition, the family will benefit from food and milk for family members, which will contribute to reducing expenses and increasing income.
Expectations and results
Each family will be able to earn ($ 750) by working to provide manufactured production services in the community
(750 Boxes total) * $ 25 per business day in 30 days = $ 750
Cost of flour + title pastries = $ 100
Fuel cost = $ 50
Transportation cost = $ 50
(Total costs above) * 200-750 = $ 550 in residual earnings from working for a one-month family
In addition, the family will benefit from food and milk for family members, which will contribute to reducing expenses and increasing income.
Khairat Al-Nahrain Organization has had similar projects that have achieved remarkable progress in changing the economic and livelihood situation of displaced and returning families with donors, as found on the organization’s official website link:, as well as the change that occurred in women and girls Especially in integrating them into society, the labor market, and development and sustainable development.
- Ensuring decent working conditions and basic rights for care workers, particularly migrant or domestic workers whose labor may be exploited.
- Scale
1- The planned effects of this initiative:
Expected effects on women's self-reception
Feeling of self-reliance in providing household and market needs of good food instead of imported ones.
Feeling of providing a useful service to society by providing high quality food products and training that will provide food through food industries and complementary industries in the market at reasonable prices for all, especially the poor.
2 - The expected effects on the beneficiary of the family:
The source of income contributes to the minimum requirements of the family. Oh!
- Contributes to providing food security for the Iraqi society, especially in consumer markets.
Feeling of a secure income, which helps to stabilize family life and social security.
3- The expected effects on women that benefit society and society’s awareness of the status of women:
• Making society more stable because there are sources of income to involve families in their livelihoods, and to keep them away from unacceptable behaviors and destabilizing society.
• Changing the society's view, especially towards women, by presenting them as an active and effective element in providing livelihoods for the family and contributing to making the society's environment more stable and secure.
4 - Expected effects of a supportive environment (government, policies, services for women and society)
The expected effects will inspire government policies to combat poverty more effectively and may lead to the development of government plans to establish programs and projects that contribute to improving services, encouraging government agencies to meet family requirements and increasing community services.
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- The project will help to establish new shopping centers in the labor market, which will contribute at this time in facing the challenges surrounding the displaced and poor families, as well as facing the challenges for the families, the poorest, and the most affected according to the classification in the form for the families of the displaced and returnees. The poor and the poorest as a result of the deteriorating economic conditions and the impact of the (Covid-19) pandemic on those families, who are living in very difficult circumstances at this time, which are affected by the lack of work and access to money due to the restrictions imposed against the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as due to the displacement in which they lost most of their crafts Likewise, they lost household needs by selling them to pay for food and medicine. Therefore, this solution is considered at this time a radical solution to provide money and food for the displaced and poor families and the families who lost the breadwinner for them.
The project is an innovative and new rope in support of displaced and returning families in areas of Iraq that have been exposed to conflict, especially families headed by women, through a training course to develop women’s skills in the manufacture of ready-to-eat foodstuffs, dairy products, bread and pastries, and training on the mechanism of preserving and marketing foodstuffs in the labor market through Sell them to stores and foodstuffs, by creating small projects inside homes to sell them in the labor market when they are mature. Also there will be a small shop in the house after providing the beneficiaries. Special equipment in the manufacture of prepared foods, dairy products, bread and pastries, in addition to finding solutions and alternatives for household items they lost during displacement to help these families earn money and change their lives for the better and help children, including students as well, such as integrating these families into the host community and increasing food production In the market, which will contribute to reducing food costs, as well as support the process of building peace and community cohesion.
The result of this innovative solution is: Empowering women and developing their skills in the manufacture of ready-to-eat foodstuffs, dairy products, bread and pastries, and selling them in the labor market to earn money, which helps them to overcome the difficulties they face because of their work. Displacement from their homes and areas of origin, and this will have the effect of promoting peace, community cohesion and economic development. commercial and industrial, and relying on local industries and developing them in the future, which will reduce the process of importing waste and foodstuffs from neighboring countries, especially Iran and Turkey...
Each family will be able to earn ($750) by working to provide manufactured production services and chickens to the community. In addition, the family will benefit from food and milk for family members, which will contribute to reducing expenses and increasing income.
Outlook and results in the food, dairy and pastry industries
Each family will be able to earn ($750) by working to provide production services manufactured in the community
(750 boxes total) * $25 per business day within 30 days = $750
The cost of flour + address pastries = $100
Fuel cost = $50
Transportation cost = $50
(total costs above) * 200-750 = $550 in earnings left from working for a family for one month
In addition, the family will benefit from food and milk for family members, which will contribute to reducing expenses and increasing income.
The results and objectives will be achieved through the following sub-activities:
. Objectives and sub-activities?
1- Sub-objective 1:
Providing a source of income for displaced and returning families, providing work, and processing assets lost during displacement in order to manufacture foodstuffs and sell them in the market through food and supplement industries and the sale of chickens.
2- First objective: Activities
• Doing income generating activities
• Gaining experience during training, especially for women, through skills development during the project period.
3- Sub-objective 2:
Providing a work environment and improving labor market inputs in the food and commercial sector through an appropriate environment to provide food and other necessities for life, decent living and integration through rehabilitation and social integration.
4- Sub-objective 2: Activities
Qualifying and developing skills for the targeted families of the displaced and affected families in the targeted areas, and creating job opportunities for the returnees and displaced people in those areas by providing assets for small projects and preparing the beneficiaries of the training, as well as contributing to revitalization. in the labor market.
Make the environment for the targeted families and community environmentally safe and healthy.
5- Planned effects of this initiative:
Expected effects on women's reception of themselves:
Feeling self-reliant in providing household needs.
Feeling of providing a beneficial service to society by providing high quality food products and training that will provide food through the food and supplement industries. rearing chicks
6- The expected effects on the beneficiary from the family:
The source of income contributes to the minimum requirements of the family. Oh!
Contributes to providing food security for the Iraqi society, especially in consumer markets.
Feeling of a secure income, which helps to stabilize family life and social security.
7- The expected effects on women that benefit society and society’s awareness of the status of women:
• Making society more stable because there are sources of income to involve families in their livelihoods, and to keep them away from unacceptable behaviors and destabilizing society.
• Changing the society's view, especially towards women, by presenting them as an active and effective element in providing livelihoods for the family and contributing to making the society's environment more stable and secure.
8- Expected effects of a supportive environment (government, policies, services for women and society)
The expected effects will inspire government policies to combat poverty more effectively and may lead to the development of government plans to establish programs and projects that contribute to improving services, encouraging government agencies to meet family requirements and increasing community services.
There will be an assessment of the work and progress of the project through, field visits, writing the narrative and picture report, and after distributing the requirements of food and dairy products manufacturing, as well as following up on the beneficiaries and writing about the ongoing work and the continuous change of the beneficiaries and their families from the project level reports, and there will be daily visits after completion of training and equipping the beneficiaries with special devices in the production of food and dairy products, for a period of ten days. After 4 months there will be a visiting team from the organization to assess the completeness of the notes indicating the progress of the project. The visit comes after (12) months to give direction and guidance to develop the project for the better.
The project will directly affect the families of the displaced and the returnees, especially the families headed by widows and women who have lost breadwinners (men) through what will be obtained from the quick money profit through the manufacture of food products, dairy and pastries and selling in the labor market, which will provide and cover the needs of these families of food, medicine, water and education and other necessities, especially food
Modern technology will have an important role in marketing, dissemination and presentation of products through social media and marketing in the labor market
- A new application of an existing technology
- Audiovisual Media
- Biomimicry
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- Iraq
- Iraq
- Nonprofit
سنختار فريقًا متنوعًا من الإداريين والمدربين في العمل الميداني والتدريب من خلال خبرة كل موظف في فريق
The planned effects of this initiative:
Expected effects on women's reception of themselves:
Feeling self-reliant in providing household needs.
Feeling of providing a beneficial service to society by providing high quality food products and training that will provide food through the food and supplement industries. rearing chicks
2 - The expected effects on the beneficiary of the family:
The source of income contributes to the minimum requirements of the family. Oh!
Contributes to providing food security for the Iraqi society, especially in consumer markets.
Feeling of a secure income, which helps to stabilize family life and social security.
3- The expected effects on women that benefit society and society’s awareness of the status of women:
• Making society more stable because there are sources of income to involve families in their livelihoods, and to keep them away from unacceptable behaviors and destabilizing society.
• Changing the society's view, especially towards women, by presenting them as an active and effective element in providing livelihoods for the family and contributing to making the society's environment more stable and secure.
4- Expected effects of a supportive environment (government, policies, services for women and society)
The expected effects will inspire government policies to combat poverty more effectively and may lead to the development of government plans to establish programs and projects that contribute to improving services, encouraging government agencies to meet family requirements and increasing community services.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Khairat Al-Nahrain Organization always seeks to cooperate with international organizations and institutions working in development and to provide assistance, especially in United Nations agencies, international organizations and consulates in Iraq.Khairat Al-Nahrain Organization always seeks to cooperate with international organizations and institutions working in development and to provide assistance, especially in United Nations agencies, international organizations and consulates in Iraq.
The organization has many success stories that it worked on in previous years, and you can find them on the organization’s website
