Kitambulisho offers a codified assurance of identity to the attributing party.
Kitambulisho is a DOA-driven identification approach relying on national Civil status registry to aggregating individual attributes, preferences, personal traits and digital footprints for a seamless digital identity. Each Digital Identity(DI) or Digital Object(DO) is represented by a globally unique and resolvable handle, and each underlying element could also be represented by a child-handle linking to an independent system.
The Web has made information widely available but many issues
remain unaddressed when dealing with information management. Kitambulisho is a paradigm shift in managing information because it offers a granular approach to link information to information in order to precisely insure adequate authentication, access control and information sharing.
each handle is composed of a prefix and a suffix. the prefix is generically a constant [digit.digit] representing the Multi-primary Administrator(MPA) and a specific local handle service(LHS). The suffix is versatile and multi-layered; and could be anything from a picture, a video, a text, etc; with capacity to store up to 4G of size!
Below is a schematic description of handle format:
Eg: 25.001/DOCREP/DOC/14/1888793024
DO 1: Civil Status Registry[HandleID]
- Place of birth
- Name
- Place of Residence
- ………
DO 2: Kitambulisho [HandleID]
- CivilStatusRegistry[…]
- Medical history [……]
- Purchasing behavior […..]
- bank balance[..]
- InsuranceID[…]
- …………
- Favorite brand of shoes [….]
- preferred currency
- …….
- eye color
- nationality
- Hair color
- Height
- Waist
- Weight
- Fingerprint, iris scan, palm scan, foot scan, facial scan,[…]
- ….
Digital footprint
- devices
- environment
- locations[....]
- Username
- Password
- Cookies[.....]
- Sessions[...]
- …….
- Idea
Kitambulisho is handle-driven, enabled by the Digital Object Architecture (DOA) which is open and technology-neutral on interoperability of systems . It offers a seamless systems interoperability approach .
Kitambulisho insures trust between the attributing party and the subject claiming the attributes. i.e. It insures that the later is correctly associated with the attribute claimed. Conversely, the subject claiming attributes may choose to grant selectively access to information/data by successfully providing authentication.
Access control can be enforced at any level of Kitambulisho and consists in a trust-based identity attribution, providing a codified assurance (mostly PGP-PKI) of the identity of one entity to another. It could be equally enforced on specific attributes, traits, and all underlying elements depending on the case scenario presented.
Kitambulisho offers and is REST APIs ready to integrating various systems.
Depending on the level of security required, attributes or a combination of attributes and other elements of the Digital Object | Digital Identity will be able to guarantee the trust relationship between the record and individuals claiming ownership of the records.
Kitambulisho offers, and is REST APIs ready. The DOA generally enables interoperability across participating information systems, whether in the Internet or not. It is a non-proprietary architecture and is publicly available.
Kitambulisho offers a maximum flexibility of cashing data and insures synchronization whenever it becomes opportune.
I have been trying to pitch the idea to the Minister in charge of ICT and Innovation of Rwanda and and planning to share the approach with colleagues at African Telecom Union. My ambition is to have a pilot phase rollout at Rwanda national level to revamp out current identity system. The planning is to offer release an API that will make it possible to integrate with third party applications and systems in Rwanda. Ultimately, Kitambulisho deployed at African continental level will help to solve recurring identification challenges and drive the continental free trade area initiative (cFTA).
- Rwanda
- Employee of a company but submitting my solution independently
- 1-5
- 1-2 years
I have been involved in the conceptualization, analysis, deployment and administration of the Global Handle Registry (GHR) on behalf of the Multi-primary Administrator(MPA): Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority(RURA) and Smart Africa Secretariat.
For the lat 2 years, I and my colleagues have been running the Global Handle Registry and supervised a number of hackathons aimed at discovering its large-scale potential. We gained sufficient experience that will help us to go forward should our proposal be retained for the next level
We believe data and information specifically has monetary value. Offering the possibility to control own data and information already is poised to attract a portion of rewards. However, my utmost ambition is to contribute to the livelihood of the global citizens.
By participating in the Mission Billion Challenge , My proposed solution will get a very high visibility which will speed up adoption.
Autonomies and independence of states is an opportunity because Kitambulisho is enabled by DOA which offers an interoperability platform to all systems, irrespective of the technology implied. However it is also a challenge to be trusted at large scale.