According to United Nations estimates (2010), it is expected that by 2050 the percentage of older adults will increase from the current 12% to 22% worldwide, considering this increase to be quite high; that is, from 605 million to 2 billion in the course of half a century (*); where the trends on the stabilization of the world population project that very few children will be born in developed countries, and a few more in developing countries, which projects an increase in the percentage of the elderly population in everyone. In other words, according to the World Health Organization, by the year 2050, 400 million people over the age of 80 will inhabit the planet.
In response to this projection, there is consensus in recognizing aging soon as a phenomenon of great social impact, modifying the expectations of the labor and financial market and the demand for goods and services (housing, transport, social protection...), as well as for family structure and intergenerational ties. The world accommodates itself to the new generations, but also to the changes of the old generations.
The elderly population is demanding a paradigm shift and in its eagerness to stay and look young, has led it to demand new goods and services that reconstitute them as human beings with equal rights, with the possibility of inclusion in e world of work and education, and with a consumption potential that is worth taking advantage of. On the other hand, situations such as the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the current military conflict between Russia and Ukraine; among others, it force us to maintain hyperconnected homes, but with older adults are increasingly isolated from technology and therefore from the world, generating a technological lag that makes them more vulnerable to mental and physical social situations. These world scenarios also encourage migratory movements in which the elderly often do not participate, staying at home without the help of other relatives, where they are forced to catch up with technology, at least to be able to maintain closer contact with loved ones.
In this sense, there is today a "digital divide" worldwide that especially affects older people, which has caused, in the current circumstances, the need to catch up very quickly. Access and Use are the main factors contributing to this situation. Access is represented by the device, the platform, or the connection. In this sense, the stereotypes perpetuated by the technology industries, whose target audiences do not seem to include older adults, without making them understand that technologies can satisfy some of their needs and give way to intergenerational conjunction that boosts that. According to data extracted from Eurostat, while 68% of young people (between 16 and 24 years old) have advanced skills, only 6.5% of those over 65 have these skills. Almost half of people between 65 and 74 years old who use the internet have low digital skills. The technological lag is caused by technophobia, which then disappears as ICTs are used. The "USE" element enters into play, where "digital literacy" is facilitated and the importance of not only being trained in the use of technology but satisfying those needs in an organized, friendly and simple way through the Internet. technologies. Older adults are the most isolated age group in times of pandemic, but at the same time the most disconnected, and they are the ones who should be more connected to their support networks, hence the importance of having access to technology.
Taking into account this reality, another equally important one is added, Women, daily, as in most countries of the world, suffer inequality and discrimination; labor vulnerability; they face situations of violence, abuse, and unequal treatment both at home and in their work environment; they are denied opportunities to learn, earn income, make their voices heard, or lead. Many of the serious situations that have been generated by the pandemic, global warming, and the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, among others, is the feminization of the head of household, as a result of its reconfiguration due to the effect of migration, limiting women to intense and overloaded domestic work, to a great extent dedicating themselves necessarily to the empirical care and protection of the elderly (86.05% of the women take care of the elderly practically 24 hours a day, with 95.81% being daughters or granddaughters ), which generates high levels of stress (89.77 of the caregivers suffer from it) remaining trapped in a cycle of poverty and continuous stress, since this occupation is not even recognized as decent work, nor is it economically remunerated, even removing the possibility of a decent quality of life.
The immigrant woman is the second group in a situation of vulnerability. The migratory flow of women is not only limited to being a complement to male immigration, but they also undertake migratory projects on their own, whose main reasons are economic, linked to the need to guarantee the meager family income. Of the 5 million Latin American migrants to the United States, 4.9% are nursing professionals, and 3.5% from the medical area, female, with high academic training, refugees throughout Latin America in search of dignified integration Into the labor market; many unable to exercise their profession due to political and regulatory limitations on the validation of health titles, which pushes them to survive under the unstable protection of the informal economy. In this sense, a UNHCR survey, in the first half of 2019, indicates that 66% of the migrant is unemployed or in the informal economy, 20% are street vendors, and, for the most part, without formalized contracts, causing governments of recipient countries, among others, increased spending on public health, increased unemployment rates, and social and fiscal burdens. This whole scenario is represented in a vicious circle of need, inequality, and minimization of these population groups.
ACTERLY is a technological platform aimed at the caregiver of the elderly, the elderly, their families, and providers of goods and services for active aging to promote their products to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
The workers for the care of the elderly represent a vulnerable population as previously described, due to multiple factors: the empiricism that they are forced to exercise in the care of the elderly, due to the circumstances that surround this situation. In this sense, the migrant woman is also presented, who is also subjected to complex and hard work that is poorly paid. The satisfaction of caring for a person is always praiseworthy and reconfigures the self-esteem of the person who does it. In this case, approaching a platform that facilitates specialization, learning, and then a network of support and socialization is a relevant opportunity.
Another population that it attends directly is the elderly, which according to the health organization refers to any person, whether male or female, over 60 years of age. This stage is usually relegated socially since the development of new skills is stigmatized, as is the case of ICT. Due to technological lag, this population makes little use of technology to socialize, educate themselves, update their knowledge and open their minds to new options and information opportunities to improve their quality of life.
The ACTERLY platform will reduce the digital divide by facilitating access to training programs to maintain active and healthy ageing. Location in a single click to a window of products for use and self-care, recreation, real and virtual tourism, physical activity tutorials, platform for the purchase and sale of products, location of caregivers, systems for the condition of the elderly for family and caregivers, among many other services.
Likewise, ACTERLY also has a social network for older adults where they can exchange photos, videos, experiences and everything that a social network contains.
Promoting the autonomy and independence of the beneficiary, as well as improving the quality of the knowledge of the caregivers or relatives of the elderly, are the principles of ACTERLY.
Didactics to teach older adults to digitize themselves through manuals and instructions, and caregivers to facilitate digital literacy, are part of the challenges posed in this platform.
ACTERLY is a technological platform aimed at the caregiver of the elderly, the elderly, their families, and providers of goods and services for active aging to promote their products to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
The workers for the care of the elderly represent a vulnerable population as previously described, due to multiple factors: the empiricism that they are forced to exercise in the care of the elderly, due to the circumstances that surround this situation. In this sense, the migrant woman is also presented, who is also subjected to complex and hard work that is poorly paid. The satisfaction of caring for a person is always praiseworthy and reconfigures the self-esteem of the person who does it. In this case, approaching a platform that facilitates specialization, learning, and then a network of support and socialization is a relevant opportunity.
Another population that it attends directly is elderly, which according to the health organization refers to any person, whether male or female, over 60 years of age. This stage is usually relegated socially since the development of new skills is stigmatized, as is the case of ICT. Due to technological lag, this population makes little use of technology to socialize, educate themselves, update their knowledge and open their minds to new options and information opportunities to improve their quality of life.
The ACTERLY platform will reduce the digital divide by facilitating access to training programs to maintain active and healthy ageing. Location in a single click to a window of products for use and self-care, recreation, real and virtual tourism, physical activity tutorials, platform for the purchase and sale of products, location of caregivers, systems for the condition of the elderly for family and caregivers, among many other services.
Likewise, ACTERLY also has a social network for older adults where they can exchange photos, videos, experiences and everything that a social network contains.
Promoting the autonomy and independence of the beneficiary, as well as improving the quality of the knowledge of the caregivers or relatives of the elderly, are the principles of ACTERLY.
Didactics to teach older adults to digitize themselves through manuals and instructions, and caregivers to facilitate digital literacy, are part of the challenges posed in this platform.
The collaborative project team is structured by the alliance of resources and strengths between FUNDAACREDITA CIDAD, and the Allies of both organizations. We have the relevant professional, relational, organizational, and structural experience and capabilities to make the project a successful initiative based on innovation.
We have our roles clearly established, with responsibilities and time commitments necessary to achieve the proposed goals, with the necessary management and innovation capabilities to test and expand the project in its scaling and expansion phases. Both organizations consider in their mission, educational programs as the main point for their development, visibility, and contribution to society.
This proposal, being strengthened by the FUNDAACREDITA-CIDAD alliance, presents greater capacity and scope for the implementation, development, and accreditation of the "ACTERLY" proposal, which has the endorsement of recognized allied Venezuelan universities: the University of Carabobo and the University of Zulia, as well as, local allies according to the country of reception of the migrants to validate the international certificates for the exercise of education and training.
On the other hand, the human resource that makes up this alliance has extensive experience in the design and academic exercise, as well as professional, for more than 20 years of experience, which gives it decisive capacity in the planning and logistical execution of the proposal.
Likewise, it has experience in network business entrepreneurship and its multiple benefits to those who integrate it. Likewise, we are aware of the current humanitarian emergency situation that Venezuela is going through, being the fourth country in the world with a serious crisis in the health sector, a scenario that is aggravated by the pandemic generated by Covid-19, for which we consider that by implementing the project remotely via the web, our ability to approach and meet the technical and time objectives are viable, as well as the scope and capacity is magnified; coupled with the safety of those involved and of the participants.
The organizational structure and description of responsibilities are as follows:
* General Management of the project: responsible for the project. The main function lies in the proper administration and management of resources, as well as relations with allies and beneficiaries.
* Management Control: responsible for the process of monitoring, evaluating, and control of project management indicators.
* Educational Management: responsible for the processes related to the correct and suitable performance of the preparation of materials and transmission of knowledge in the area of health, and of the entire academic process of the project.
* Business Management: the department responsible for the implementation of the network business model, and the incorporation of actors and strengthening criteria to the network.
* Quality Management: the department responsible for guaranteeing the correct functioning attached to service protocols and standards, valuing user satisfaction.
* Technological Development: responsible for monitoring the digitalization process of the project and content development for social networks and websites. This organizational approach confirms that the project team has the necessary management, operational, and evaluation capabilities to test and expand the project in all its phases.
The rendering of accounts of the project will be carried out as follows:
Ø Solve: As specified by the Solve initiative. Ø Beneficiaries: Accountability via web + Impact Assessment: at the end of the project. Ø Allies: Accountability personally: at the end of the project + Reports of logistical and financial activities carried out. Ø Other collaborating partners: by obtaining strategic alliances + Sustainability of the project: by Website + Emails + Contests and Grants + Personalized interviews. Ø General public: Public rendering of accounts + Sustainability of the project + Evaluation of the impact: by website + social networks: at the end of the project via the website and social networks.
- Improving access to training & certification, portable benefits, and labor organizations for care workers.
- Prototype
The CIDAD – FUNDAACREDITA alliance, like any entrepreneurial team, faces numerous barriers to developing its capabilities and the challenges that arise in order to carry ACTERLY forward. The approaches are presented below: Techniques: Technology: The design of a friendly, simple, and effective technological platform for the use of the target populations is required. Web development and design, data analysis, among others, are required. It is hoped that through participation in solve, we could find an alliance with web design specialists interested in addressing these vulnerable populations and be able to dynamize the proposed solution.
Financial: Funding is required to complete the development phase of the proposed web platform. A true business vision to address a rapidly growing population, accessible in its needs and in the wide supply and demand that is projected. The financial aid offered by solve is really attractive to carry out the project and move up.
Human capital: Logistical support is required to meet the demands of the project; In this sense, the most important requirement is specialized and qualified people in the design of applications and web platforms, as well as programming to ascend to the next level. With Solve, we hope to expand our network of entrepreneurs specialized in these areas and collaborate or contribute to the development of ACTERLY.
Business model: We are convinced that our proposed model is successful and innovative in this area, taking into account the growth figures of the population of older adults. It is scalable over time and in the market, and it is definitely the best to apply it to this population. For this reason, we consider the opinion of experts, mentors, coaching and assessing strategic advice, and SOLVE networks to hit this business model that makes it sustainable over time and in covering needs as well as in solving the problem posed.
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
ACTDERLY, is a completely innovative and feasible idea. This is because there is no similar solution on the market, with a similar business model aimed at women, migrants, and the elderly. ACTERLY encompasses innovation, entrepreneurship, and training in a single platform.
ACTERLY contributes to the solution of the problem since it allows caregivers of older adults to access training, entrepreneurship, growth, and join a social action since it addresses the elderly population, largely neglected.
ACTERLY is innovative and streamlines problem-solving, because it integrates a range of services and products in a single technological platform, to facilitate location and knowledge on how to improve active aging and maintain quality of life.
ACTERLY is unique because it provides support networks for caregivers and the elderly.
Impact Goals:
1.- Achieve population coverage of women who participate to educate themselves as caregivers of the elderly in 3 Latin American countries: Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador, in 1 year.
2.- Enter the Latin American market in the USA, with a coverage of 5% in 2 years.
3.- Provide the technological platform in 2 more languages apart from Spanish in 3 years: Portuguese, Italian.
4.- Consolidate 20% of product and service items globally aimed at older adults on the technology platform in 2 years.
5.- Approach to the elderly population and technological incorporation by 5% in 5 years in 2 countries currently served; through alliances with technology organizations, marketing and global alliances.
By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university.
By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations.
By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.
Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate.
Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws.
Others indicators.
1.- Rate of older adults registered on the platform.
2.- Rate of caregivers of older adults in training.
3.- Rate of female caregivers of older adults who are entrepreneurs of the business model in 1 year.
4.- Trade rate offered by marketing on the technology platform.
The access link is attached below:
Our technology is based on reducing the intergenerational gap, and it is precisely by using this difference between generations that we want to improve the technological lag in which older adults are.
Our technology is simple, up-to-date, and integrated software so that anyone, including older adults and women who have never been in contact with technology, can function appropriately and efficiently.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- Argentina
- Ecuador
- United States
- Venezuela, RB
- Argentina
- Brazil
- Colombia
- United States
- Venezuela, RB
- Nonprofit
1.- Monetization through social networks associated with the ACTERLY technological platform.
A.- Organic compensation.
-Training in care and reintegration of the elderly.
Approved international certification.
-Sale of training courses.
B.- Monetary compensation.
Attention or face-to-face or virtual consultancies from the first approved module. Generated both by direct location or by the job bank offered.
Sale of products for the elderly (diapers, clothes, walkers, medicines, specialized software, etc.).
Compensation for payment of membership or affiliation for entering the network to other people for training.
Compensation for the entry of older adults into the job market, (recruitment of this productive population: the payment of a fee for insertion in a decent job and according to their abilities).
15-40% of what each new affiliate produces for each service named above. Either by accumulating points or with money (it can be 50% and 50%).
Accumulate points:
Accumulate them to a retirement plan.
Benefits in pharmacies and supermarkets.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
I. Path to sustainability and expansion.
To ensure the sustainability and expansion of the project, it is planned to execute it in 3 phases:
Prototipe Phase:
1. Agreements with commercial allies that collaborate in sustaining the network, as an attractive source of business for customers.
The duration of this phase is 10 months, with the direct beneficiaries: 300.
I. Scaling up by incorporating beneficiaries, institutions, commercial allies, and multiplier agents in host countries (including Venezuela), for the foundation and strengthening of the "Caregivers Network" throughout Latin America through the approaches of the network business model (network marketing). The duration is 36 months. Estimated direct beneficiaries: 946. Estimated commercial beneficiaries: 1,050.
II. Expansion through the full implementation of the "Caregivers of the Elderly Network", which seeks to improve the quality of life of migrant women and the elderly, at a local, national and international level. Estimated direct beneficiaries 1,658. Estimated commercial beneficiaries: Estimate based on market study.
In the first year, the project is financed by FUNDAACREDITA-CIDAD, and SOLVE is requested to finance the development phase of the prototype. For the second year, in the scaling phase, a Recurring Annual Income of $74,381.00 is planned for its development.
Without ruling out other business niches, sustainability is planned by the NETWORK, where the following will be marketed:
Affiliations of Caregivers to the Network.
Affiliations of Clients to the Network.
Affiliations of Providers of Goods and Services to the Network.
Affiliations of Care Centers for the Elderly to the Network.
Advertising sales.
Sale of specialized support material.
Sale of Products (Goods and services).
Personalized advice.
Update Courses.
Data and Information.
Subscription to news related to work.
Donations, subsidies, prizes.