Georgia Atlanta Haitian Chamber of Commerce
- Yes
- Advocating for and shaping policy that supports small business owners and/or place-based efforts in their geographic areas, including increased access to resources, removal of structural barriers, and access to infrastructure such as broadband
Our organization would incorporate the multi-generational programming in a simple way that operates like an exosystem.On the surface we would provide formal education, consulting and training, as well as resources to support owners that are looking to advance, stimulate and revive their businesses. The chamber's network of professionals in these similar industries would support each other, via the supply and demand chain, and other professional networks of resources.
The challenges that our community faces and that we look forwards to addreessing are lack of knowledge, eduction, foramal training and access and access to recources to thrive and maintain longevity in a sustainable business.
The problem that our community faces and that we look forwards to addreessing are lack of knowledge, eduction, foramal training and access and access to recources to thrive and maintain longevity in a sustainable business. Through our initiative growing membership, we plan our highligting and supporting one area of the business community at a time. One example would be the restaurant industry, therefore frequenting each of those known businesses in GA and assisting them in gaining the resources and trainigs that they are lacking through the chamber and our highlighting that particular business on our platform, through fruition.
The target population that we plan on focusuing on our businessess in underpriveledged communities. This would inadvertely, bring more business opportunities to that communites as well as skills and resources to the people in these communities to bring about long term sustainability.
- Yes
The state that is being affected by this solution is the state of Georgia
The goal of our organization is to help support and sustain small businesses starting with Haitian restaurants in the various state of Georgia and making them more main stream to the general population. This would have to start wtih, proper branding, marketing and advertisment and the challenge of maintaining cultural uniquness while, accomidating the comfort level of the community.
My expectations on how our solution will help make an impact on the problem is by providing a generalized implementation process to every Haitian and minorty Restaurant in Georgia and underpriveledged communities on the key protocols to a successful restaurant businsess, in addition to how to maintain a sucessful restaurant. Our program would provide trainings to the main employees, examples on successful marketing and advertisement, accessessing reasonably priced supplies, maintenance, finances and the day to day operations of a successful business.
- Scale: a sustainable product, service or business model that is active in multiple communities, which is capable of continuous scaling, focusing on increased efficiency.
- Growth: A registered 501(c)(3) with an established product, service, or business model in one or several communities, which is poised for further growth. Organizations should have a proven track record with an annual operating budget.
We are skilled in are various life professession in addiiton to the skill sets that we are bringing to the organization and this initiatieve. The members of our team come from various business backgrounds including business adminstration, CEO's of their own businesses, Finances, IT, Marketing, Sales, Advertisement, Media, Healhtcare and Public Relations.
All of these plethoria of resources, skillsets and networking opportunities bring about the strenth of ideas and manpower required to make the change that we are seeking.