BJ & J Pint Size Homes, Inc.
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- Connecting small business owners and key stakeholders such as investors, local policymakers, and mentors with the relevant experience to improve coordination, collaboration, and knowledge bases within the small business ecosystem
The differences between a tiny house and a tiny home, are houses are normally constructed on wheels, which will give mobility like a RV. A home is stationary; that can be customed made to accommodate 1 to 3 bedrooms. Also, tiny houses are like personal property, in which they depreciate over time. Nevertheless, the value of a tiny or small home appreciates over time. Tiny homes are efficient, environmentally friendly, invite natural light and cost effective. Additionally, tiny homes are visionary, created to appeal to senses and can stand up against harsh conditions. Residing in a tiny home can help establish financial freedom for dwellers by freeing up budget constraints, less spending, and less accumulation.
The Associated Press announced new homes sales plunged 18.2% in February (2021). The economists don’t believe skyrocketing prices will jump start the U.S. housing sales market. The high cost of lumber, rising mortgage rates, though they remain near a record lows, along with fewer properties available for sale, pushing home ownership out of range for purchasing. As a result, sales fell in every part of the country, 37.5% in the Midwest and a 16.4% in the West. In the South 14.7% decline and down 11.6% in the Northeast. Nonetheless, according to Robert Frick, corporate economist from Navy Federal Credit Union, he for sees that home sales should escalate again this Spring (2021).
BJ&J Pint Size Homes Inc. intends to support its growth through continuous emphasis on customer service satisfaction, luxury products, uniquely designs and styles, ecofriendly cottages, granny pods and cabins. In addition, services include gated area for security, landscaping, sanitation removal, snow removal and a leisurely area for picnic, cook outs, and social gatherings.
BJ&J Pint Size Homes Inc., goal is to excel in the real-estate business by constructing pint size homes units within the Northern, Virginia area. The luxury homes designs are crafted to reflex changes for those who are looking to downsize with comfort. The dwelling is not new; it toppled in the middle of the 20th century. However, they’re coming back with style, environmentally safe and comfortable for 1 to 3 people dwelling. BJ&J is capitalizing on the self-sufficient, modern, and simpler living by providing high quality and reliability homes for 51 to 70 years of age, newlyweds, single professionals, and retirees living on a fixed income. We want to exploit the 30% of Americans that are living mortgage free in the US.
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BJ&J holds leverage over its competition because there is no pint size home community located in, or available in Northern, Virginia, especially in Fairfax, Loudon, and Arlington counties. The nearest tiny home communities are in Florida, California, Colorado, Texas, Las Vegas, Michigan, Maryland and now emerging into Washington, DC. A similarity is manufactured, or mobile homes communities in Fairfax, Alexandria, Manassas and Woodbridge, Virginia. These homes are factory built in two or more sections and then installed. In addition, these homes depreciation starts when it leaves the manufactory. There is no template in building tiny homes; however, using ecofriendly materials, such as, composite wood, sheet metal, cultured stone and a solar system will provide tiny homes stability, good insulation, and climate control. Furthermore, tiny homes are uniquely crafted by appealing to senses, comfort and functionality and being one-of-a kind home. A well custom-built tiny home can withstand harsh conditions and will not depreciate overtime.
BJ & J Pint Size Homes, Inc. mission is to launch pint size homes and be the first company to establish this venture within Northern Virginia realty industry. BJ & J Pint Size Homes, Inc., integrity and status will be among reputable home builders; such as, Pulte, Ryan, and Toll Brothers.
Residing in a tiny home can help establish financial freedom for dwellers by freeing up budget constraints, less spending, and less accumulation. The dweller will need to choose their possessions carefully as to what is beneficial and eccentrical. The advantage of being a “minimalist,” is living with less and emphasize on family, friends, and relationships. Living with less can precaution to good health and happiness.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
- Idea: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
BJ & J Pint Size Homes, Inc., do not service small business at this time. This business venture is in a startup stage. It's a foreseeable vision, an innovational service that will help solve real life issues. BJ &J desire to assist with affordable housing, environmentally friendly, and energy efficient.
According to 2010 Decennial Census and UVA Weldon Cooper Center age projections Baby Boomers are seen in growth of the 65+ population.
Those who are in their late 30s and early 50s are considerably smaller. Decades of young adults are moving away and older adults moving in has created a top-heavy age structure within Virginia, with fewer residents in their 20s & 30s are many 50s and 60s residents. The Baby Boomer generation are looking to live in locations where the cost of living is low, affordable homes, enjoyable climate and close to family. BJ&J business promotion will gear toward the 50+. In addition, statistics have shown Baby Boomers buying power is expected to grow over 20% over the next decade.
The housing cost pressures for low income in Northern Virginia is highest in US. According to Researchers at the Urban Institute, Fairfax County and City of Falls Church have the most series risk of residents being displaced. Alexandria and Arlington counties are the hottest housing market in the country due to Inc. new headquarters is in Arlington, Virginia. In which, this region will need to add approximately 36,000 housing each year to meet the housing demands. In additionally to the research, they found three-quarters of people with housing costs below $800 a month could afford to pay more for housing; they determined the current spending is less than 30% of their monthly income on rent. Half the people are paying up to $1,299 a month on rent and could afford to pay more. In conclusion, the disparity suggests higher income earners are living in these homes because they do not have better options. BJ&J ‘s pint size homes will approach the deficiencies by providing small units to rent at a reasonable cost and collaborate with local state housing departments to meet low-income renter’s deprivation.
BJ&J Pint Size Homes Inc., intends to support its growth through continuous emphasis on customer service satisfaction, luxury products, uniquely designs and styles, ecofriendly cottages, granny pods and cabins. In addition, services include gated area for security, landscaping, sanitation removal, snow removal and a leisurely area for picnic, cook outs, and social gatherings. New to the industry, BJ&J Pint Size Home, Inc. intends to adopt an aggressive approach to ensure tenant’s feedback and concerns are promptly fulfilled and remain cost efficient and committed to providing added value to its existing real estate.
Being the first to establish a tiny house community within Northern Virginia, BJ&J will hold leverage over its competition. We believe that our business will gain an added layer of credibility over our competition by solicitating guidance from Pacifica Tiny Homes and American Tiny House Association, to promote creativity, simplicity, sustainability, and safety for small dwelling units. The determining factors in ensuring BJ&J, a new real estate, business by providing reliable services and quality homes within Northern Virginia counties will solidified the company’s reputation. This acknowledgment validate growth within neighboring counties, such as, Stafford, Prince William, and Richmond Virginia areas. While growth or expansion BJ&J’s commitment to penetrate the real estate market by developing miniature homes that concentrate on diversification for potential tenant(s) or home owners.
BJ&J Pint Size Homes, Inc., is owner have more than 20 years experience in retail, administrative, and finance industries; she's received recognition from former and present ventures and a true asset to the business. Her uniqueness of networking and connecting with people builds confidence, integrity, trust, and long-lasting relations.
Being a Truist Foundation and MIT Solve award recipient would assist BJ &J Pint Size Homes, Inc., in establishing a legal business name and patent, together with buy a land contract for future building. The award could help with a valid contract with a architect company.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
An Environmental Friendly Habitation