Intelligent Identification Card
the basic of cloud is used here to modify a way that make the access to our personal data easier.
An integrated intelligent dynamic system for recording all citizens in a country with statistics and counting them in all possible ways and updating them every second to get accurate results 100% at any time, as it performs an automatic census once a little part of the data is modified. The system connects each person's data with a code (QR Code) that can be read directly by a smart phone with Internet access to facilitate access to any person's data at any time.
There are types of linking in the data, for example, the father is linked to his children and his wife, if a way found to reach one of them it's easy access to others.
Intelligent system performs many tasks alone: modify the age after a full year and many other functions.
Does not cost money because the cost of construction is only some thousands of pounds and the cost of running the system is simple because it does not need a lot of labor compared to the current system.
Easy to add and modify any person through a simple form which is sent from the user with the documents by the Internet to the management to reply with approval or rejection.
The effort and time are saved for the citizen and the government because all the operations and functions that the system does need only a computer or a smartphone connected to the Internet.
The system accepts a lot of data about each person which is all registered in one place so that access to it is so easy.
an easy way to explain how it works, simply we modify away by cloud system to put all your data such that photo, name, work, health state and everything relate to you.then put it all together with it's connection between relative. governments will allow the people to reach some of their information without any permitting for editing by very easy way, just scanning QR code that is printed on every personal card to allow you see some information about this one, that will be very useful to police.
also it providing health state for person, that means if someone had any accident, any one can be able to scan his QR, know what he is caring from and will be easy to help him.
the good point that by simulating this data, it didn't take much space. that means one big server for any country will be able to have all these data and save alot of money and paper that save the environment alot.and because of the easy of construction, poor people can have their own ID with no cost and easy access their data.
many other features could be added in the future to this model like connecting between his card and his bank account by password or other creative features.
- Prototype
The new innovative idea in my project is using cloud and QR systems. QR systems is already used by many companies but not in a large scale. To use it in such number of people we have to modify cloud system to meet these specifications with high security system to make it safe for everyone data and but some blocks for other private data.
It is not difficult to use this form of ID cards for anyone, even if they do not know how to read and write. Many facilities and features have been added that make it easy to do and in a few steps anyone can access their data. All you have to do is scan the code using the phone, which is available everywhere to access more information. However, those who can not use the technology from the general public are able to add their very basic personal data to the interface of their identification card so that they can complete any operations Simple does not require a lot of information.
Also, the easy way of collecting and organizing data is considered. Everything will be stored on the computer without the need for a lot of papers and documents. This method of storage and linking it with all other government departments will make it easy for the government to modify the data of individuals. Just by pressing a finger on the data in the computer. Everything will be easy and very cheap.
In the current situation, as a starting point for the application of this model in developing countries it will be easy to move gradually from the new systems to such a modern system. Computers will be installed in a few large capacities. These capacities are not a problem. They represent the individual's entire data including his personal picture and all his data. 10 KB Therefore, the space required to store the data of most countries will not exceed a few terabytes and it does not represent any technical or financial problem currently, and after the installation of these systems will be stored data of the people, which is located on paper and documents within the computer in the new system with the creation of special encryption for Each user then print the new ID for each, it won’t be expensive or take a lot of time during this transition process.
User will be easy use this new interface with no effort, all what he has to do it scan his QR code and have internet connection then it will direct him to his own page that he can on the future do a lot of processes using his own can be easy for anyone to learn this and for those who can’t use technology, important informal=ton is written also on the back of the model.
The administrator (and the state government representative here) can determine the powers that he is obliged to provide to users. He can also encrypt what information is available, allow modification of some of them, or enable browsing mode for only some of them. Cooperation with other institutions, such as banks, Cards without having to go to the bank. Just need to encrypt the data and everything will be safe and easy to access.
This solution has two different aspects, each of which is a wave of a specific category at the moment. The first is the educated or the semi-educated. Those who can use the primacy of technology to simplify the smart phones to reach their home completely, that category represents more than 80% of the world's population, even those who can not Now they can learn those simple steps by any one and then apply them. other category is illiterate, so the first model of the project contained primitive and easy information that did not require any learning or figures to reach.
Of course, the implementation of this model will begin in the major countries first. The possibilities will be exhausted. With the expansion of its use, its tools and technology will become cheaper and easier, and it will not be long before all developing countries begin to use this model. Money for them. In five years, I expect it to be implemented in many countries, since its construction will not take much time and will soon reach the whole country over the next few years. This model will continue to be developed and expanded in the local and global context.
- Non-Profit
- Student
- 1-5
- 3-4 years
Currently, I am a student at Egypt Japan for science and technology (E-JUST) in Egypt. Studying engineering as department of computer science and engineering. Our research community help me to develop my idea and improve it, making model for it with the help of some professors’ ideas and university facilities.
I work individually so I don’t have a team, however I have learnt a lot of skills that helped me a lot during my work. from working with professors and PHD students, I have learnt how academic job is being done. Also, I learnt a lot about Cooperate with other to reach the success. The continuous improvements and hard working are very important skills I have learnt.
Mainly, this project is non-profit project. It was made only to help people especially poor people to have their own identification cards and to easy access to their information. However, this project needs to continuous improvement, as any other project, it’s not the end of what this model can do. We still can add a lot of features and get more benefits from this model, these benefits contain save money, save environment (by stop cutting tress for papers), save time and easier communication. This project can be profit for these companies that is going to apply that technology for these countries and profit for countries as it will save money for long future. All will get benefits even the people who will have good technology for free. All these benefits well worth improving ideas all the future. Even I can improve myself and be able to start a company that can help in applying that technology in Egypt.
Participation in that challenge will have many good effects on me. first of all, when I decided to enter the competition, I have worked hard to make my work worth to be in just a big competition and that improved my work a lot and taught me a lot of skills. Also, if I get any comments from people, that can help me to fix project’s weak point and get a new idea. Finally, if I won, that will be a very got experience and that money will help me a lot to start my own company.
One of the main problems in this project is how to make governments around the world adapt it to start apply it. I think if this project won in just a very famous competition, it will make it famous enough for world to adapt. Another problem is the improvements as no one can improve it alone, but if it gets popular many people can add their ideas to make it better. Space of servers is not a big problem as the new technology can afford large space with effective cost and the project not required that enormous space.