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The technical system alerts officer of a 'misbehaving' car sometime before latter tries to attack former.
Suppose 100 cars cross a given checkpoint one fine day wherein officer(s) are on duty.
a) 95 give no alerts. System signals no-beep & lights blue indicating guarded alert/normal risk. It still doesn't mean that officer will not be careful with these 'normal' cars.
b) System signals single-beep & lights blue indicating elevated/significant risk on these remaining 5 cars now profiled as 'suspicious' cars.The police be more cautious, ready with all self-defenses regarding these.
Out of these 5, 4 turnout normal-it was just that these vehicles didn't conform to a pattern earlier but later behaved normal.
c) The remaining 1 car turns-out criminal or 'bad'. As it closes by, System signals beep-beep & lights orange indicating high risk. Officer gets fully prepared to defend him/her self and take appropriate action in accordance with law.