There are over 40 million people trafficked for sex and labor across the world each year. In the U.S. it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children are trafficked every day.
While those numbers are staggering, the dearth of trafficking focused prosecutions is even more troubling. Over the last 5 years, despite increased federal attention and financing, the number of federal trafficking prosecutions reported annually by State Department have decreased by over 13% from 241 in 2016 to only 210 prosecutions in 2020. The majority of initiated cases that claim to fight human trafficking are instead VICE-focused prostitution stings that disproportionately affect women of color, LGBTQ community members, and people in vulnerable mental health, addiction, and socio-economic circumstances.
To minimize these adverse encounters, departments must permanently cease “easy” VICE stings, which far too frequently target exploited people, and instead use a data-driven, networked approach to target traffickers and abusers. They must be equipped to efficiently work with cross-sector partners to better identify and support potential victims. And finally, they must be able to show reluctant policymakers that this change is growing around the country. These problems require innovative and collaborative agencies, and strong leadership.