Currently, real time and near real time police communications data can be hard to access and analyze for average people. Formal disclosure of police communications data is subject to delay, short availability windows, significant omissions, may require a processing fee, and is not machine readable. Those who do not have the knowledge, technology, time or ability to decode police radio are reliant on witnesses to police activity or the self reporting of police. Such reporting is selective and may be subject to biases.
In addition to concerned/interested community members, researchers and police departments will benefit greatly from both processed and raw data sets derived from radio transcripts. Captured in entirety, analyzed and made accessible in near real time, our solution eliminates both omissions and wait times.
This automated transcription solution lowers the barriers to accessing and consuming police communications. No special qualifications, hardware, or prohibitive amounts of time/money are required. Average people will be empowered to know what is going on in their neighborhoods even if the media/police choose not to report. Researchers will have more primary data and police departments will have the option to obtain more convenient access to incident response data for training and development purposes.