The NPDC is tackling the issue of missing, disconnected, and incompatible data in the world of police accountability. The United States has over 3000 different counties, each with subtle differences in their legal systems. Across those counties, more the 40 different organizations are currently working to collect, analyze and distribute this data. That, of course, doesn't include the various local news organizations that are a part of this effort as well.
Add to this number leagues of criminal and civil rights lawyers as well as citizens who can record footage of events via their smartphones and you begin to see how fragmented the police dataverse is. Each law office acts as another silo of data that is kept away from public scrutiny. If the information makes its way into a trial case, some light may be shed. But, in many more cases that data is simply lost. This endemic lack of connectivity leads to difficulty identifying and dealing with bad actors in the criminal justice system who can often move around the nation to avoid scrutiny in one jurisdiction only to go and work in another.