STOP Cigarettes
STOP Cigarettes is a nonprofit organization that will provide education about the dangers and impacts of cigarettes in an effort to reduce cigarette related pollution and deaths.
In an effort to reduce cigarette related pollution and deaths, I've created a nonprofit organization called STOP cigarettes. STOP is an acronym that stands for Selling Tobacco Orchestrates Pollution. STOP Cigarettes is a volunteer based organization that has several efforts to maintain our mission. One of these efforts include organized volunteer clean ups to clean places littered with cigarettes and other trash. Another effort is the placing of information posters in schools, restaurants, various businesses, and highly populated areas (with permission of the business owner, family, principal, etc.). These visual posters contain information about the dangers of cigarettes on our bodies and our environment, ways to help support our organization, and a website link to learn more about cigarettes and how to get involved in helping STOP Cigarettes.
For some reason, I was getting an alert that I was over the word count and it wouldn't let me submit. The response is to the question is linked below and still fits within the maximum word count.
The target population whose lives I am working to directly and meaningfully improve are those struggling with cigarette addiction. Hopefully, through my organization, I can change the lives of smokers by helping them realize that they are causing harm to their body, people around them, and our environment. Smoking rates are higher among low socioeconomic classes, which means that smokers from this class often don't have the informational resources available to educate them about the dangers and consequences of cigarettes. Through my organization STOP Cigarettes, we strive to help educate people in this class and all people around the world. Through the education of all people, we also spread our mission. This attention to our mission helps us gain supporters, followers, and volunteers everywhere. This organization not only targets those addicted to cigarettes, but it also targets young kids and teens. 4.6% of high school students smoke cigarettes. By educating people when they are younger, they are less likely to smoke cigarettes when they are older. In retrospect, this solution serves all people and wildlife by making our environment and our world a cleaner place.
As I've mentioned in the development stage section, I came up with this idea to create an organization not very long ago. In that time, I've been able to conduct a limited amount of research about potential groups of people we'd be reaching out to with this organization.
- Taking action to combat climate change and its impacts (Sustainability)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
The reason I chose the concept stage of development is because I created this idea when I first found out about this project (which wasn't long ago). With more time, I know I can develop a successful organization devoted to changing the lives of as many people as possible and to saving our environment from the dangers of pollution and climate change. Winning this prize would mean the world to me because I really want to make an impact in this world and I believe I've finally found a way to do that. The money provided by this prize would help me launch my organization, STOP Cigarettes, and make this concept a reality.
- A new project or business that relies on technology to be successful
The technology my solution will be using is a variety of social media platforms that include Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok. I will use these platforms to spread our mission, reach and connect with others, and of course to educate others. Our organization will also utilize the internet to create a website for our organization that will include ways to get involved, educational resources, and many other things.
- Internet of Things
- United States
I haven't launched my solution yet, but I plan to serve as many people as possible. An estimate of the number of people I plan to serve in the next year would be several thousands of people.
The impact goals for my solution include distributing information fliers to over 100,000 schools globally, reaching millions of followers around the world on our social media platforms, organizing hundreds of thousands of volunteer cleanups. These are just some of the specific goals I have, but I really just want to have the biggest impact as I can. I want to serve as many people and do as much as I am able to help exceed the goals and mission for this organization.
I plan on using software that tracks your progress through charts, graphs, etc. I will establish a team that organizes this information (our progress). For example, one of the impact goals is to reach one million (hopefully more) followers on all of our social media platforms. Of course the social media director will be able to see the number of followers our organization has and in a report they would state that number and give it to the tracking team. Our tracking team would not only track progress, but they'd also track anything else relating to the organization such as our income from donations.
I am only 16, so I absolutely need the help of adults to help guide me, make business decisions, etc. I plan to still be the lead for this organization, but I will gladly accept constructive criticism and advice from more experienced financial advisors, business owners, nonprofit organizations, etc.
The little knowledge that I have retained relating to management of a nonprofit organization comes from my dad. My dad owns a nonprofit organization called Tide For Troops. Their goal is to show support and boost morale for our service men and women serving in our military by sending free Alabama themed shirts to give them a little touch of home. My dad was no longer able to continue the organization due to a change in his life and job schedule. While my dad has done great things like this nonprofit organization, he has made choices that he regrets. While it isn't my place to tell my dad's story, I would like to mention that my dad was used to be a heavy smoker. He would go out on our front porch, smoke cigarettes, and throw the butts out into our front yard. Me, my brother, and my mom had to pick up his mess, but it wasn't a bad thing. My mom taught us that cigarettes are bad for the environment, so that is why we picked them up. Are also taught us that cigarettes are bad for our bodies. My dad did teach me one thing as well. Cigarettes make your breath stink really bad! I want to help teach others about the consequences cigarettes cause, just like my mom taught me.
Currently, I am not partnered with any organizations. In the future I would love to partner with other organizations that help the environment and promote safe health practices such as team trees, the red cross, and as many other organizations that support our mission.
- Yes
I am a 16 year old young woman who created a solution to help promote a more sustainable environment for all living beings on earth through my nonprofit organization STOP Cigarettes. Me and my team will use the HP Girls Save the World Prize to change lives. We will use every penny of this prize to exceed our goals, strengthen our organization, and stay true to our mission.
- No