Moemia Market Place
It makes it possible to sell, buy and ship products made in Africa at a lower cost to Africans in the diaspora thanks to a secure international delivery system.
MOEMIA Marketplace which is an e-commerce site specializing in the promotion of products made in Africa. Moemia Marketplace allows you to sell, buy and ship made in Africa products to Africans abroad at a lower cost based on an innovative, untargeted and secure international delivery system that we have designated Moemia Shipping. Indeed, instead of using international delivery services (such as DHL, UPS, FedEx...) which are generally expensive, Moemia Shipping relies on private individuals to ship products ordered and sold on the Marketplace internationally. Moemia. Airline passengers and container owners can register as shippers on the platform and sell kilos of free space in their luggage /
With a low standard of living and a local market already accustomed to consuming imported industrial products that cost less, thousands are these young African entrepreneurs, with small businesses supplying and marketing local everyday consumer products made in Africa (food products – drinks, chocolates, biscuits, spices); clothes and shoes, etc.) who encounter financial difficulties and some are unable to pay their debts and others who are courageous are lost and stop their activities due to the lack of an accessible market for their products, which cost more than those imported. This situation produces every year a negative impact on the economy and the local African community.
At the same time, there is a strong African diaspora living abroad (in Europe, the USA, Asia, etc.) and which has a recurring need to consume products from home (traditional clothing and shoes, local spices and drinks …) and who also has the means to buy these products which do not find takers in Africa.
1- Sellers (artisans, entrepreneurs who manufacture agri-food products)
2- Buyers (professionals, households, students) belonging to the diaspora
3- Shippers (shipping companies, private individuals who travel) who have space in their luggage
We worked with nearly 50 local entrepreneurs during our market study, which allowed us to better structure our project and to believe in its obvious impact on the activities of young entrepreneurs and artisans of local products.
- Improving financial and economic opportunities for all (Economic Prosperity)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
We already have thirty entrepreneurs from two countries (Senegal, Togo) on the platform who have already published their products. We have a hundred people (customers) who have come to the platform to research products. We have five customers who placed orders from Lomé to receive local products.
- A new project or business that relies on technology to be successful
Moemia est une plateforme Web réactive en ligne accessible via n'importe quel navigateur Web sur n'importe quel appareil. La plate-forme Web a été développée à l'aide de langages de programmation et de technologies modernes (HTML5, CSS3, PHP8, JQUERY, JAVASCRIPT) Des applications mobiles Android et iOS sont en cours de développement et seront disponibles d'ici avril 2022. Les paiements et autres transactions financières sont gérés sur la plate-forme par Stripe , une plateforme de paiement en ligne sécurisée.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Burkina Faso
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Togo
Sur Moemia Marketplace, plus de 59% de nos vendeurs sont des femmes. D'ici 2025, notre projet est de permettre à ces femmes lorsqu'elles atteignent un certain nombre de demandes et de ventes sur la plateforme d'être éligibles à des prêts dans des microfinances partenaires pour améliorer leurs produits et augmenter leur production. Nous prévoyons d'utiliser l'intelligence artificielle pour identifier automatiquement ces femmes avec une demande pour leurs produits et avec des performances de vente sur notre plateforme. Avec un tel système de prêt qui ne sera accessible qu'aux femmes vendeuses sur notre plateforme, nous espérons pouvoir contribuer à améliorer leur condition.
Depuis le lancement officiel de notre site fin novembre 2021, nous avons déjà enregistré une dizaine d'acheteurs inscrits, une dizaine d'expéditeurs, et plus de 30 vendeurs togolais qui ont publié leurs produits et reçu et honoré des commandes totales d'une valeur de 356 700 FCFA (soit 543,79 euros). D'ici décembre 2022, notre objectif est de pouvoir toucher plus de 30 000 utilisateurs actifs avec plus de 5 000 ventes générant plus de 300 000 euros (soit 60 euros en moyenne par commande).
1- Nombre de femmes (vendeuses) présentes sur la plateforme
2- Nombre de ventes enregistrées par semaine
3- Nombre d'emplois directs et indirects créés dans les secteurs de livraison
-Barrière financière (nous devons lever près de 50 000 dollars)
- Nous devons renforcer les compétences de nos équipes marketing et avoir encore plus de conseillers au sein de notre board
KORGNAN Atchro Otanami: Tech entrepreneur, I have five years of experience in entrepreneurship.
YAWOVI Helton: Engineer in Machine Learning – Artificial Intelligence. He has more than 8 years of experience in programming web, mobile and AI systems (PHP, JAVASCRIPT, PYTHON, HTML5 & CSS3, JAVA, SWIFT). He contributes to the development, updating and maintenance of the platform.
- EDORH Kevin: Software Engineer. He has more than 8 years of experience in system architecture design and web & mobile programming (PHP, JAVASCRIPT, HTML5 & CSS3, JAVA). It also contributes to the development, updating and maintenance of the platform.
- YAWOVI Darwin: Lawyer and public relations officer. He has over 9 years of experience in entrepreneurship, corporate law and project management. He helps find and build partnerships with our vendors and other key partners.
- ATIKLEME Eddie: Cyber security specialist. He has over 7 years of experience in system security, system and network administration, and bash programming. He contributes to the hosting & deployment of the platform as well as to the configuration and security of the server.
In addition to these technical skills, we have 3 advisers (1 expert and coach in entrepreneurship, 1 entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience and 1 executive from a local bank) who coach and advise us on the different strategies to promote our platform and succeed in our project.
We are a partner in Togo with Dashmake, which supports us in the creation of the platform. In Burkina Faso with Cabinet JABAL MANAGEMENT and in Ivory Coast with Mr KOUAMBLA Fulgence.
- Yes
We are a team of young talents and our vision is to transform the lives of local entrepreneurs in Africa by involving the diaspora. We have an emphasis on the initiatives of women entrepreneurs that we value.
- Yes
Our project has a proven social impact.