Safetymeter - How safe are you !!
The product aims at predicting how safe a location is. It notifies the user's current location and audio recording to the nearest safety point when triggered.
Safetymeter is an application that uses satellite imagery, artificial intelligence and machine learning to determine how safe a particular location/route is and alerts the user about possible risks in the area and precautions to be taken to be safe. It measure how safe you are in a particular location considering the footfall in the given location at the given time, predator sighting, past crime trends, suspicious activity in the vicinity etc. It can also be used to determine the safest route to commute. It uses real time satellite imagery that gives a snapshot of the current location. Artificial intelligence and machine learning to sense any suspicious activity in the surroundings and assess how safe it is for the user.
Apart from guiding the user to safety, the application blurts out an alarm alongside sending an alert to the nearest police station and the emergency contacts of the user when triggered. The application is triggered when the user utters the code word determined by the user at the time of installation of application. The alert includes details of the exact location of the user along with audio recordings from the time the application was triggered.
The product aims to resolve the concern of safety among all the individuals.
With rapid increase in crime rates across the country safety is becoming a primary concern. The news is filled with horrifying details of robberies, attacks, rapes etc especially at public places.
Whenever a women steps out of her house, a particular question always lingers in her mind and the minds of her loved ones "Will she return back safe and in the same state as she left ?"
Rape and nonconsensual sexual activities form a large portion of the violence committed against Indian women. Cases like Nirbhaya, Hyderabad rape case (In both the cases women were raped brutally while travelling back home) have shaken the country and made women to choose between their safety and their education/work/prosperity. Women do not feel safe on the streets. The fear of being abused always runs through their minds while commuting and visiting public places.
The application can also be used by children, it ensures safety of kids by sirening the surroundings. Thus preventing child kidnapping.
Safetymeter aims to reduce this fear among its users including women and children and travellers. It acts as a preventive tool by alerting users to the safest route. With the use of this application, users can take cautious decisions and prevent becoming a victim of abuse.
The application also comes to rescue at the time of a mishap by alerting the emergency contacts and the police.
Target population : All individuals across the country.
The application aims to mainly serve the individuals who are constantly in fear of their safety every time they step out of their homes to work, study and prosper. The application also intends to solve the urgent problem of women’s safety. Women cannot feel empowered until they are safe. Safety is a right that no individual should be deprived of.
Being a women myself, I was immensely concerned about my safety when I was travelling from my workplace during night. I have interacted with individuals from all age groups and working backgrounds and understood their concerns regarding safety.
Online case studies, newspaper articles, victim testimonies etc about crimes have also highlighted the need for a solution to the problem of safety.
- Other: Addressing an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four dimensions above
The need that my solution aims to address the social right of safety. Safety is the birthright of every individual. All human beings including women and children have a right to be protected and live a life free from abuse.
Safety concerns should not restrict a person to step out and play a role in the society.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
Concept - stage of development is chosen because the solution is an idea which is yet to be materialized. The solution is capital and technology intensive, thus requiring support to turn the same into reality.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
The technologies that power the solution includes Satellite imagery, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. The above technologies helps in identifying activities like suspicious loitering, weapon detection etc. Through artificial intelligence behavioural analysis can be performed by comparing the present activity with the past thereby declaring it as suspicious or not
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- India
Our aim is to serve around 10 to 15 states in the country. We plan to collaborate with various women and child safety organisations there by catering a large number of women and children.
- Develop the application
- Ensure the accuracy of the application.
- Spread the word regarding the application to the population by conducting collaborations etc.
We plan to measure our through:
- The number of users.
- Coverage of wide areas.
- The decrease in crime rates (in the long run).
The main barriers are financial and technical.
As the project is capital and technological intensive, funds and technical knowledge will be required.
Challenges include limited funds, processing of huge information, analysing appropriate behaviours etc.
I am concerned about the threat to safety of people as a whole especially women. My interaction with many individuals made me realize the need for the said solution.
As the idea is in its initial stages, no collaborations have been made.
- No
- Yes
The application is qualified for this prize as it mainly intends to reduce the threat to women safety. The Pozen Social Innovation Prize shall be used to provide online self defence training to women.