One Stop Sustainable Solution for All Plant Diseases.
We offer Novel and Natural Substitutes for Fungicides that work like the medicine we consume and make plants capable of defending themselves.
So, we introduce a solution that works better than current alternatives without any of its side effects. We introduce a method of treating Plants with medicine mimicking the use of medicine by humans. Our novel, toxicologically proven, 100% herbal Agri - Biostimulants work by triggering and retaining Plant Immunity in such a way that the plants become capable of defending themselves. This is achieved by working in a fivefold pathway where it activates important plant defense pathways which induces an immune response, known as systemic acquired resistance in a dose-dependent manner offering protection against a broad spectrum of plant pathogens or Plant diseases. A Farmer will just have to dilute our product and feed it to the plants. It costs up to 50% less than the current alternatives while increasing the yield up to 30%. Overall it serves as an inexpensive, highly efficient, safe, and sustainable alternative for plant disease protection.
Plant Diseases causes around $220 Billion worth of crop loss every year and is considered a threat to food security. It is dangerous because it doesn't only affect the yield but also kills the plant. The supposed solution for this problem, The Fungicides have been causing problems of their own affecting everything from soil to air and is basically a -cidal formulation. Moreover, According to us, the approach itself is wrong. Because using Fungicides, we are trying to create a chemical barrier around the plants so that pathogens wouldn't reach the plant; It is like wearing a PPE kit which we know is temporary. Also, the logistics of maintaining this barrier in the open field hard considering it is prone to rain and wind.
Our target population is small and marginal farmers. They are forced to spend a lot of money on mediocre solutions that cause other problems to their land and health without solving the intended problem entirely. The Application is hard, maintenance is harder and precautions required are largely neglected.
We offer a solution that is not only reliable and effective, It costs 50% less than current alternatives, Toxicologically proven to safe, Application is very easy and it increases the yield by up to 30%.
We were part of the target population, faced this issue, and decided to do something about it. Thorough Market research was conducted which identified pain points such as application issues, precautions being neglected, maintenance of current alternatives, and also some plant diseases without any solutions. Third-party market research reports identified the current market requirement was for bio fungicide with no environmental footprint which kind of exactly matches the description of our product. Farmers' plots were used for product trials with help from research institutions and even today our customer acquisition revolves around trial plots. The early revenues were also from Farmer Producer Organizations and Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperatives.
- Other: Addressing an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four dimensions above
The need is for a Sustainable, Safe, and reliable alternative for Plant Protection that is cost-effective as well. This is important because it will not only protect the livelihood of small and marginal farmers but will also be important for food security and the protection of biodiversity from degradation.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in at least one community, which is poised for further growth
The Product for Arecanut, Coconut, and Pepper is tested and in active use at Chikmagalur, Uttara Kannad, and Dakshina Kannada Districts of Karnataka and in Kasaragod, Kannur Districts of Kerala impacting 2000 hectares of Land. The Product for Potato and Apple is in active trials in Punjab and Kashmir. The Products for Fruits such as Papaya, Mango, and Banana will be tested soon in Maharastra.
- A new technology
The core technologies that play a key role in our products are
- Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) - The induced resistance in plants that work by increasing and strengthening the physical and chemical barriers in plants so that pathogen couldn't infect it.
- Herbal Medicine - For Identification, Extraction, and Manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients that are not toxic but can trigger SAR and improve Plant Health.
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- India
We currently impact 2000 hectares of the land saving nearly 1.5 million INR for the farmers totally. We intend to serve 10000 hectares of land in 1 year spreading our wings to cater to 5 other crops.
- Eliminate chemicals from 8000 hectares of land bringing the total area under impact to 10000.
- Save a total of 10 Million for our farmers which were to be spent on plant diseases protection. (Numbers may not seem proportional because different crops are involved.)
- Total Area under cultivation using our product and Total Sales.
- Total expense incurred compared to the total cost of using a most relevant substitute.
- Total Increase in Income for farmers after switching to our product (Plan to use).
- Financial and Human Resource constraints
- Changing Market Landscape with new Regulations (we are complaint but revenue channels need to adjust.)
- Competition from Larger Players
Our team consists of seasoned innovator, experienced entrepreneur, trained executive, and budding scientist, all belonging to the same target group we are serving. We are supported by host of institutions throughout India sharing our common goal of making Agriculture profitable, easy and sustainable.
We have partnered with numerous institutions which can be categorized into 3 groups as below;
- Training, Mentoring, Funding, Connections, and Lab/Office Access: Kerala Startup Mission, Punjab Agricultural University (Under National Agriculture Development Programme), Manush Labs, and The Land Accelerator.
- Recognition and Promotion: UNDP, UNV, Jubilant Foundation, Indigram Labs, and NABARD.
- Farmer connects and product testing: Global Parli, Sammunati, and BB&GG Group.
- No
- Yes
As we are catering to an unmet Social, Environmental and Economical need of Farmers, I believe we qualify for The Pozen Social Innovation Prize. The Prize will be used to increase human resources and accelerate product development. This will help us in reaching and catering to more farmers while speeding up product development to cater to newer crops. Overall, The Prize can help us in increasing our capacity in both depth and width resulting in more farmer acquisition and more impact.