Bio-conversion energy from organic waste to protein
Bio-conversion Energy from Organic Waste from Landfill using Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens)to become sustain protein and organic fertilizer for farmers & ranchers.
Black Soldier Fly's simple technology:
Organic waste will later be given Black Soldier Larvae eggs which will become larvae later.
The larvae will convert 50% of waste into energy-rich protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The larvae will later be used as feed for livestock, while the residue from the conversion used as organic fertilizer.
There will be a circular economy, where waste is processed into animal feed and fertilizer which is returned as raw material for food production.
In general, we want to reduce organic waste, especially kitchen waste. The profile of the food industry that produces 26% of greenhouse gas emissions (OWID, 2021) or 1/4 of the world's emissions, states that the efficiency of food processing is still lacking. This is supported by the condition of food waste in various countries, with a contribution of 931 million tons/year.
It's the same in the world, but worse. The condition in our country of origin, namely Indonesia with 270 million citizens, is the second-highest food waster in the world (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2016), accompanied by per person disposing of food waste as much as 300 kg/per year.
With maggot as a bio-converter of organic waste from food waste to protein, it will reduce organic waste in our area, and produce quality animal feed and organic fertilizer as an energy source.
Indonesia produced 67.8 million tons of waste in 2020 and based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), 60% of those waste is organic waste. We help the government and the environment so that they can reduce organic waste that is mounting and harmful to the environment.
On the other hand, we also help breeders and farmers whose harvests are not profitable due to unstable feed and fertilizer prices. This condition is possible to achieve if the implementation of the innovations that we bring can at least be successful in one of the provinces in Indonesia.
This is not about the money, but how much "impact" we make to help the environment to be cleaner and be better.
Armed with the data obtained, our team carried out volunteer activities from the Village Community Empowerment Program (P2MD) funded by the Indonesia Ministry of Education, to develop larvae in the Semarang area that has a lot of waste. After going into the field, we realized that the problem was not only happening upstream but downstream.
The waste management system is very inefficient in Indonesia, where there is a buildup of waste due to the absence of waste collection points. There is only a waste bank, but it does not decompose organic waste because they do not have knowledge about processing.
Finally, we went to the field, took the black soldier fly, and started to break down the garbage with the program we brought. There are still many failures, and we are still in the prototype stage so we can collect more data.
- Taking action to combat climate change and its impacts (Sustainability)
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
Even though we have been running this program for about 3 months, we feel that our product still has many shortcomings, so we chose to enter it into a prototype.
This is partly due to the lack of data that we collect, and the inefficient bio-organic conversion system.
Larvain wants at least the Jabungan Garbage Home, a community consisting of 30+ people, can be a model land for other regions in Indonesia to convert waste to make it more useful for life.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
The main development that we do is to focus on genetic engineering so that BSF can convert more energy and accelerate the life span of the larvae. We do this so that we can reduce the existing organic waste more quickly. In addition, technology also focuses on waste management, so that it decomposes faster.
In the future, we also plan to combine BSF and algae to produce superior fish feed. This will have an impact on the scalability and sustainability of human food production. So, we are focusing on the IoT technology of waste management and BSF genetic engineering for the better product development
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Manufacturing Technology
- Indonesia
Currently, we are helping more than 500 homes that are struggling to dispose of their kitchen waste. By calculation, within 1 year if there is funding, we want to help more than 3000+ families in the Semarang area, with a target of 250 families not piling up litter in their areas.
In terms of impact in the years 2023-2034, we want to be able to reduce at least 0,
We have included it in our deck, but in general, there are 3 main points in the SDGs:
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
1 kg of BSF larvae means that 100% of organic waste is converted into 50% of organic energy, and 50% of it into
Which with the minimum achievement year 2022-2024 at least being able to process 0.1% of the total 67.8 million tons of waste in Semarang can be used as 33.8 thousand tons of high protein larvae and 33.8 thousand tons as the responsibility for SDGs point 12.
With the calculation of 1kg of food waste = 2.5 kg of CO2 produced, per 2022-2024 Larvain can reduce 160.2 thousand tons of CO2 emissions produced by food production, then the implementation of the 7th and 13th SDGs is carried ou
1% of the total organic waste in Semarang, and that's already counted in the tons.
We want this empowered movement to open the eyes of the government, so waste management can be more effective and efficient in our city & country.
in the end, we want to get help from the community and the government so that we can manage more waste, at least it can help reduce 67.8 tons of waste in the city of Semarang.
We have included it in our deck, but in general, there are 3 main points in the SDGs:
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
1 kg of BSF larvae means that 100% of organic waste is converted into 50% of organic energy, and 50% of it into
Which with the minimum achievement year 2022-2024 at least being able to process 0.1% of the total 67.8 million tons of waste in Semarang can be used as 33.8 thousand tons of high protein larvae and 33.8 thousand tons as the responsibility for SDGs point 12.
With the calculation of 1kg of food waste = 2.5 kg of CO2 produced, per 2022-2024 Larvain can reduce 160.2 thousand tons of CO2 emissions produced by food production, then the implementation of the 7th and 13th SDGs is carried out.
Broadly speaking, the obstacles we are currently experiencing are:
Financial: lack of funds for Research and Development of BSF larvae so that they can excel in terms of energy conversion.
Technical: Lack of land that can be implemented in the field, so the development process cannot run optimally.
Cultural: Lack of public awareness in sorting waste, making it difficult to get fresh waste from nearby locations, except the traditional market.
Going forward in the next few years, the difficulty will be in the financial market which must require a lot of licensing and competition that will be tough, if hindered by research and development problems.
There is me, Muhammad Hanan Hauzan who is the leader of the current program. In the past few years, I have worked in a non-profit organization and volunteered on Komodo Island, West Nusa Tenggara. Then, I also worked in corporations and startups and focused on marketing and public relations management.
Meanwhile, my partner, Ardan Chrisyufa, is a volunteer from village development and focuses on hospitality in his career. Several times he has also been the chairman of the program committee and focuses on the fields of competition and research.
On the one hand, other volunteer members have many backgrounds, especially in agriculture and animal husbandry. We regularly, always voluntary in the area, for a better state of organic waste management.
We currently working with:
- Several organizations at Diponegoro University
- Several Local Heroes in the Black Soldier Fly development network
- Waste bank and village organization
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