AI for Gifted Education in Underdeveloped Countries
Enrichment opportunities and identification of gifted children in countries with underdeveloped education systems using financed computers with an AI-based platform.
For what it's worth, giftedness needs to be flourished no matter the circumstances, not to be able to make these kids find the staircase up to the second floor, but to give them the path they need to follow to find the elevator that's going to take them to the top of the building; why limit the same people that are going to make a breakthrough in humankind transcendence, why limit the same people who are going to make a word of themselves with their endowment to fix that loose screw that has been holding us for so long…
Our solution is to finance public schools with training about these cases, including financing computers in the classroom to provide basic but inexpensive and easy-access IQ tests that works similarly to a real one, with the teacher supervising the computer for instructions, timing, etc... We mainly provide a free online learning platform that uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to identify the kids spikes, interests, and provide material based on the child's abilities; supplying hundreds of free eBooks, PDFs, worksheets, and videos to maximize learning.
Gifted children in underdeveloped countries barely get any educational resources, quality education and deal with the lack of preparation of teachers to help them. Most of the time their teachers or even their own parents might mistake their behaviors as common of troublemakers; going into a subcategory of gifted children, many countries do not believe female education, making them unable to even know what they want in life.
If any private institution is available in the country, most of the time parents are unable to even consider attending to these schools due to sky-high tuitions and sometimes they are even unable to even attend basic things like providing food to the household, making some kids abandon their schools and work 24/7.
The scale of how big this problem is is yet unbounded, since one of the big factors is that we don’t even know who is gifted.
According to CEDAT’s data, 3% of the total global population is considered within the gifted range, nonetheless, only a 2% inside of that 3% was diagnosed and helped; but most of the time, they are misdiagnosed with ADHD or Asperger’s, with 2 out of 3 kids being a case of giftedness instead of ADHD.
Our target population are K-12 children in underdeveloped countries who might be intellectually gifted. They present around 3% of the total population but only a 2% inside that 3% is diagnosed and helped.
They are currently in need of help because they are limited if not blocked to fulfill their whole potential, and in the new era of information and technology, we can use that to solve these problems, and by solving them and eliminating boundaries no one will be able to imagine the brightness of the future that’s waiting for us; these currently locked bright minds might be the ones who takes us into a new chapter of humankind.
The solution will help them by diagnosing them without the need of a psychologist that is expensive to most people financially unstable, after being diagnosed, everyone will understand everything and their lives will begin to make sense, avoiding past problems in their personal lives; after a successful gifted diagnosis, students will be provided an unlimited learning experience to reach their goals and change humanity.
I have volunteered to work with gifted children under the age of 10 at a Neuroscience’s Clinic in my hometown, looking at their diagnosis and treating with them.
I also did some surveys to understand the learning methods they prefer.
- Improving learning opportunities and outcomes for learners across their lifetimes, from early childhood on (Learning)
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
Prototype: 2 People working in total, not yet published, currently still developing, adding more learning resources, fixing bugs or improving the overall quality of the platform; still conceptualizing the IQ Testing AI system and we haven’t tried with the public yet.
- A new project or business that relies on technology to be successful
AI, Machine Learning, Web Development
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Mexico
I expect around 500 or a 1000 users within the platform
Help gifted children fulfill their potential
Planning to use successful cases as indicators.
Financial hardship on expanding our mission across the globe; technical hardships with the hardware available to develop technologies.
We both have a background with working with gifted children; one is a freshman in CS, and the other one a 9th grader; both have background with AI, ML, and Python. We both understand the problem since we weren’t able to attend a program due to financial hardships
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