Job-seeking app for freshly graduated students in rural areas.
We intend to make an app for rural fresh graduate students to find jobs. To use our app, users have to upload their information, academic level, and all of their certificates. To get the best result, we will have a survey for the user to find out the most suitable jobs for them. The content of the survey only surrounds the salaries they want, their interest, and their major. Besides suitable jobs, we also give some of the better jobs which require more skills and experience. In addition, we also give suggestions about the advanced skills classes for users if they need to improve their skills and academics.
Unemployment among recently graduated students is a serious issue in Vietnamese society. Only the most suitable candidates can survive and be recruited. Following this, the rate of unemployment continues to increase. In order to recover from it, Vietnam has to create at least 1 million jobs each year. As (Thực Trạng, 2021) reported, "According to the General Statistics Office, the unemployment rate in the first 9 months of 2021 shows the number of unemployed people of working age is more than 1.3 million people, an increase of 126,500 over the same period last year." It’s becoming more serious as the COVID-19 pandemic starts to spread everywhere, making the situation worse. As (Tapchicongthuong. vn, 2018) said, "As a result, the findings revealed that unemployment among youths in Vietnam is caused by five main issues: lack of skills, job selectivity, the imbalance between labor and jobs in the market, level of education, and policies from the government and enterprises. Besides, the major effects included poverty and migration, employees losing some of their skills, health disease issues, poor standards of living, and a high crime rate. It’s not that the fresh graduates are lazy; it's because our intense society is degrading the spirit and constraining the capacity of individuals who are raising many awesome hopes for their own bright future and the future of their country.
Our app/ website focuses on those who have a need of getting a career and those enterprises, businesses that are in demand to recruit personals, workers. Mostly, our central target is newly-graduated students from the countryside who seem to be at probability of becoming jobless. ‘Jobits’ will rapidly facilitate unoccupied people to find a job and to help the enterprises around Vietnam be able to appoint candidates that are convenient for their companies. Our app is going to be the most common and crucial ‘place’ for freshly-graduated students to visit frequently in their lives until they get for themselves a suitable career. Students who have just graduated from college in the rural area usually face many challenges in obtaining an expected career for several reasons. Within the service and support from ‘Jobits’, students who are already graduated or are about to graduate don’t have to worry about being unemployed.
After reading a lot of documents and articles on economic issues, we realized that searching for a job is toilsome for fresh graduates. We reviewed documents from online resources such as "Abel, Jaison R., Richard Deitz, and Yaqin Su. "Are recent college graduates finding good jobs?." Current issues in economics and finance 20.1 (2014).", etc. We also have an online consultation with our teacher( Mr.Fernando Oringo). In addition, we have a survey with 205 graduated students. The chart shows that I have a job in the right industry, got a job near the right industry. The left branch is 60%, 3%, and 9%, respectively. About 30% of students don't have a job yet. This is the time when we will solve that problem together. Due to Covid 19, we were only able to engage with the users online using social media platforms.
- Improving financial and economic opportunities for all (Economic Prosperity)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
The concept fits our situation best as we want to get more ideas for the app so that it can best suit the users. The solution is still in the initial stages of development for we are still looking for more data and we wanted to determine the specific concerns and challenges that the fresh graduates are currently facing. The effects of the covid-19 pandemic have also added pressure for the new graduates in the quest for job seeking. There is existing online support but it usually caters to the general public. We will also review all the existing solutions to further improve our idea and app features.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
There’s already an app called LinkedIn that also has similar features to us but much more functions to use. LinkedIn is a business-oriented networking website founded by Reid Hoffman in December 2002 and based in Mountain View, California, USA. Opposite to that, we’re just an application that focuses on finding jobs, specifically for the fresh graduates. LinkedIn served as our springboard for our innovation and we want it to make it more localized and inclusive to the needs of our target population. Our app will also feature local businesses that will increase awareness among our users to explore the possibilities of working in their community.
- Audiovisual Media
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Vietnam
We haven’t launched our application yet. According to the statistics of massive news resources, it has shown that there are more than 1 million students who just graduated per year in Vietnam. We aim to serve more than 3000 students to get the most suitable job based on their interests and major. We aim to focus on the rural provinces such as Dong Thap, Thanh Hoa, Gia Lai, etc. In the first stage, we will mainly focus on Gia Lai, the province that has a low economic status, and as we have noticed, there is a large number of the students after graduating choose to go to the city to get a job and work there.
We are looking forward to being the most prestigious seeking-job application for Vietnam citizens. Our application is made to help the users to find a job in the most efficient way. If you find a job at the job counseling center which doesn't have anything to be sure that they are legal companies; you may be scammed. With our application, we surely can help you find a job in the best and legal way. In addition, the number of users in our app will find a job within 5 months to 10 months and the unemployment rate will be around 40%. Our main target is to ensure that both the employers and job seekers will be matched based on the specifications of our app. The success rate of our app will also be determined through follow-up and feedback from the users who have received a job offer. Our other target is decent job creation, as well as encouraging the growth of small, medium-size; also motivate the freshly graduated students to work in rural companies.
To realize our impact goal, we will have a goal tracking plan. After students get the job, they can come back and tell us, sharing their work experience with other students. Based on the sharing of students, we will begin to measure the relevance and satisfaction of customers about the service. For those who just graduated after about 5 to 10 months without a job, our app will have questions to help support. By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value. Creating jobs for young graduates is our goal. Encourage the formalization and expansion of micro, small, and medium-sized firms, including through access to financial services, by promoting development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. Our app can create jobs for young people, through that it can support the work of employers
Since we’re still stuck in the COVID-19 pandemic, overcoming it is a goal for us. Besides, there's also recognition, experience, technical support, lack of personnel, etc. In particular, financial support is the biggest problem that we need to worry about. Since we’re middle schoolers, we’re still not familiar with spending too much money so maybe scammed or spent too little on the app, leading to there’ll be many bugs appearing.
As ninth-grade students, we surely lack experience in creating an app or a website. However, in our past few years of studying at school, we had done many projects that required designing a website/app. Due to our enthusiasm and determination, four of us are ready to learn more about all the needed skills in the future by all chance if our solution gets chosen by your judges. The reason why we aim to assist the fresh graduates is that they haven’t got a chance to work and show themselves but the company whose interview they always require it.
We haven't found out any yet. We can establish partnerships with universities to introduce our app that is intended for their students. We will also partner with local business industries who will support us in providing decent jobs for the fresh graduates.
- Yes
Our theme is not suitable for awards.
- Yes
We can categorically say that our app is also valuable in its own right! Not only are financial and economic opportunities promoted, but there are also work opportunities for everyone, particularly newly graduated alumni. With it, many of them will be able to find the best employment for themselves in the least amount of time. Along with that, the country's economy will begin to improve since the youth are all working hard to earn money now. As a result, our strategy is unquestionably correct. If we are allowed to win The Pozen Social Innovation Prize, we will discuss it again to ensure that we minimize the risks of things going wrong. The money can then be used to pay extra people to expedite the process. Advertising is also an option; this way, more people will be aware of our app and it will become well-known quickly.