YAKU-AIR is an initiative that was born as a solution to the shortage of drinking water in remote areas, taking advantage of the humidity in the air.
Our solution is based on generating water from the humidity in the air which generates drinking water for human consumption and domestic activities. This is a device with a very simple operating principle. It consists of cooling the air to a low temperature so that the water vapour condenses and consequently generates droplets, which during a day can produce several litres of water.
The shortage of drinking water is a problem that has remained unresolved for years. According to INEC figures, 26.6% of the country's population does not have access to a source of drinking water, leaving many rural areas marginalised from this basic resource for subsistence. Government mismanagement has led to a complete neglect of basic services and arid areas of the territory, making it difficult to supply water to families who generally live in these areas. According to the World Health Organisation, 85% of the causes of disease and death in the world are associated with contaminated water and lack of access to a safe source.
This device is designed to address the problem of drinking water shortages for families in the poorest parts of cities and communities vulnerable to lack of water supply. It is ironic that these people pay even three times more for this service than the exclusive areas of the country. This is the reality for many people who are forced to find the means to fetch water, travelling long distances or relying on a truck that periodically provides a few litres of water that are not needed. Providing a device that would offer several litres of water a day, for months at a time, with a small initial investment, would improve the quality of life and greatly reduce demand as well as the conflicts generated by this shortage.
In Ecuador or anywhere else in the world, the shortage of water fit for human consumption is notorious. Every day we see how people living in big cities prefer to buy bottled water rather than drink it from the supplies guaranteed by the municipalities. "Because of what?..." Ecuador is a developing country, there are many problems associated with quality of life. The post-pandemic effects have generated a greater disinterest in attending to the needs of the inhabitants located in these areas. VISION 360 is an award-winning television programme that exposes the harsh reality suffered by thousands of people in Ecuador, calling it a real war for water.
Although we don't live in this reality, we know about the problem because it has been going on for years without any solution from the authorities.
- Other: Addressing an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four dimensions above
Our team aims to prevent water shortages in families, as 8 out of 10 lack a secure supply. The cantons of Esmeraldas, Los Ríos, Atacames, among others, are clear examples of the conflicts caused by this shortage, which has led to many of the inhabitants having to beg for a few litres of water. Even so, the lack of this indispensable resource means that they have to draw water from the surrounding rivers in order to survive, despite the fact that there is pollution from the industrial sector. Providing people with water is of utmost importance, preserving their health as it is an essential nutrient that participates in all physiological processes of the human body, preventing consequent diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, poliomyelitis.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
Our work team was born along with the challenge, during this short time we have explored several ideas to solve the need for clean and pure water. Our project is based on the development of a product capable of supplying a family with several litres a day. Several prototypes have been proposed that make use of renewable energies that abound in our territory due to its geographical location, allowing the device to be as autonomous as possible, according to the economy of each family and that does not represent an additional economic factor.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
The prototype under development uses technologies generated from renewable energies, in this case using photovoltaic solar technology that uses sunlight to generate electricity. This energy is used to drive the internal mechanism which uses a cooling system that uses the flow of atmospheric air to condense thanks to the variation in temperature, concentrating water droplets that are stored in a container until they reach their maximum capacity. Once this process has been completed, the user has access to clean, safe water that is fit for consumption.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Biomimicry
- Other
- Ecuador
We are focused on demonstrating that our initial device can meet basic needs at a low cost.
- The mechanism under development aims to supply a family of 4 people for consumption and household activities, proving to be an accessible product for vulnerable people.
- At the end of the development of the prototype it is expected to generate a social-environmental impact obtained in the short term. Reducing the inequality of conditions for subsistence.
- The product is proportional to the need, a larger scale product can be developed with greater functionality depending on the resources available. A larger scale prototype can generate the necessary litres recommended by the WHO.
The shortage of drinking water for human consumption is not new news, it has been growing steadily for years. The development of our device will certainly help to minimise the social gap caused by negligent action of the authorities.
- The main objective of YAKU-AIR is to minimise water scarcity in the face of economic and environmental disasters.
- To improve the quality of life of the inhabitants by reducing excessive costs.
- Reduce high rates of disease in the poorest and most vulnerable localities.
- Mitigate conflicts over scarce water supply sources.
- To curb the use of contaminated sources for use and consumption by the inhabitants of certain communities.
- Create new opportunities and sources of employment by contributing to Ecuador's productive matrix.
EFFECTIVENESS: measuring the relationship between the objective to be achieved through projected sales and the sales that we want to achieve in the long term, maintaining sales ranges of 20 to 40 units or increasing the profit margin according to the needs that we want to solve.
EFFICIENCY: measure the performance of consumption and inputs to achieve the objectives by examining the area where the device is going to be generated, making the most of its resources and achieving what is proposed.
EFFECTIVENESS: we measure both effectiveness and efficiency, i.e. the relationship of the objectives achieved by supplying and improving the quality of life of people with the programmed mechanism.
HEALTHINESS: maintaining quality standards with norms that certify the purity or potability of water for domestic use, without the presence of microorganisms, chemical substances and radiological hazards that threaten the health of those who consume it.
As students we have not been able to achieve a final device, due to lack of time or personal activities that each of us has.
We have solid concepts of the technologies to be implemented varying autonomy and results. Financial costs have been a constraint when it comes to advancing with the prototype, limiting the technologies that are within our reach.
On a cultural level, we expect to have a high level of consumer acceptance and expect consumers to opt for more sophisticated models than the entry-level model.
Currently there are similar products on the market, this new technology developed by these companies is very expensive and inaccessible to people who really need it, our product aims to break this barrier reaching thousands of people.
We are a group of 3 students Jorge, Camila, Ricardo each person in our team has different skills, qualities and aptitudes, but with a common interest in solving problems in the community using our ingenuity and knowledge.
Jorge, Camila: we are mechatronics engineering students. During our student career we have carried out multiple mechanical, electronic and biomechatronic projects inspired to develop technological solutions to social needs, which have allowed us to put into practice all the knowledge related to electronics, programming and design.
Ricardo is a student related to medicine and his experience has allowed him to witness how people living in those vulnerable areas develop diseases due to lack of basic services.
Our team can guarantee technological integration, providing solutions in various fields.
We are not currently associated with any organisation but we are open to establishing agreements.
- Yes
Our project involves the development of a device that is capable of providing a supply of several litres of clean water per day, which will undoubtedly help to minimise the high death rates that are currently evident due to contaminated water. Our solution addresses a fundamental aspect that improves people's quality of life by maintaining and preserving their health even more so for children, adolescents, women, mothers who require thorough cleanliness.
There are several interesting ideas that help to mitigate social problems, but we should focus on the problems that overwhelm vulnerable localities by providing them with basic services so that they can subsist. There is no point in undertaking social aid campaigns if they do not have the necessary resources to carry on with their daily activities.
- Yes
Ideas that help combat water scarcity in vulnerable or excluded areas, in addition to combating disease, boost the economic growth of countries and contribute greatly to poverty reduction by minimising the marginalised gap that exists in these areas. My purpose is to lead my team to produce a viable, sustainable and low-cost product by allocating funds to the development of prototypes that cover the basic needs of each family.