light a home
smart metered system for prepaying for biogas allowing uninterrupted supply in an affordable way.
most small scale farmers in arid and semiarid areas keep very little number of livestock ,since the resultant farm waste and animal waste cant feed a biogas plant, it is left to disintegrate on farm and compost while these farmers suffers from lack of efficient cooking fuel .
we are a biogas construction company that have advanced in controlled rapid fermentation through use of effectively selected bacteria vials and controlled temperature and ph to ensure our biogas production unit is 50% faster and achieve 30% more yields.
Through light a village, we design and construct community biogas on credit to aggregate of small scale farmers who manage and feed the biogas from their waste, the system come with a smart meter and measuring that predict the amount of biogas to be produced from feed waste and smart regulator to ensure the gas pumped out matches the paid credit(pay as you use). as a company charge 20% of the cost of gas produce which we use to recoup our investment plus 20% profit of investment within an year. at non farming periurban community, we own the plants wholly and buy organic waste separated from houses as feed stock through redeemable points
High methane emission from disintegrated animal waste in rural villages and organic waste in peri urban regions leading to global warming in the midst of high rate of tree felling in rural areas for cooking fuel.
In rural kenya,an average farmer has 2 cows our equivalent number of pigs/chicken.The resultant waste isn’t bulk enough to feed a biogas plant, inmost cases these waste is left to ferment and compost in field or community piles in high density residential areas.The results; High methane emission leading to global warming,foul smell from ammonia produced as well as possibility of water pollutions where waste is pilled and washed to rivers during rainy season.
In Kenya 85% of rural dwellers depends on firewood for cooking , these leads to high level of deforestation and a great contributor to desertification.
Light a village, has its beach head operational area in Nakuru city neighbourhood,a semiarid area surrounding international bird area of l. Elementainta, locally the area is protect for bird conservation and women and girls from the locality have being ,raped,beaten and some jailed as they sneak to fetch firewood. It is for these reason that we decided to act and develop a solution from what they have on farm as well as replicate these to thousands of farmers in central and rift valley Kenya.
our beach head market is nyandarua and nakuru county where we are targeting to serve 50% of 80,000 households that have a cattle and still uses wood fuel for cooking and heating .most of them earn below $2 per day and affording gas would be a problem to them. however from point trading through waste supply, we are able make biogas refill affordable to them
i was born and brought up in Nyandarua, a small scale farming hub with a population of 80,000 farmers.Of these population, 90% depends on firewood for lighting despite the wet waste generated per day being approximately 400tonnes with equivalent of 1.6 million litres of ghg emitted to environment. I Grew up knowing every end month weekend as a tree felling weekend for firewood, the luxury is no more as trees are few and government is more strict.
Volunteering as scout in 2017 at a conservancy in l.Elementaita, i witness the pain that local communities around semi arid conservancy goes through,women and young girls as per society norm would sneak for firewood oblivious of dangers of wild animals and unmerciful security personnel.
its after these pain that i sat with 3 local women cbos to strategize on the way forward, i learn the first model in 2019 which was a success and am building on these to scale on operations .
- Taking action to combat climate change and its impacts (Sustainability)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
We have already done pilots which have being sucessful. however we have introduced more services in our model and we want to build on these in our next mvp( enhanced and digitally regulated biogas plant)
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
biogas production is an ancient tradition which have being in use for centuries. the chemical and biological process are well known and at lab scale have being enhanced to fasten production or lead to increased biogas production per material.
light a village work to improve on these by developing a temperature, PH controlled ,bacteria enhanced biogas plant that includes biomonitoring and digital regulators to met our unique operation model which is economical, sustainable and circular in nature.
we combine biotechnology innovation in influencing the rate of fermentation of feed material as well as digital based technology in setting out biogas regulator that ensures pay as you fill model that enable us to recover of investment.
- Behavioral Technology
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Kenya
our beach head market is nyandarua and nakuru county where we are targeting to serve 50% of 80,000 households that have a cattle and still uses wood fuel for cooking and heating .most of them earn below $2 per day and affording gas would be a problem to them. however from point trading through waste supply, we are able make biogas refill affordable to them.
we aim to reach out to 4000 of these farmers if funding is available in the first 1 year.
build 100 biogas unit to serve 3000 families within the next 1 year thus saving 30000 acicia trees in semi arid area that could be cut down for use in firewood
Amount of biogas produced ,number of families served and equate these to amount of ghg saved from going to environment as well as money saved that could otherwise be used to buy firewood.
we are working to accomplish sdg 12 and 13 .
we have our model and product developed but large scale operationalization requires capital as our business is slow return.
our main challenge is capital availability .
with gas fuel sale highly regulated by government, we also need government approval for sale of gas outside the producing community.
we are a blend of diverse knowledge, experiences and brought together by passion and will to achieve change.
James kamau is a trained mechanical plant operator engineer with 3 years experience in bioreactors operations, he brings wealth of biotechnology, bioengineering and biogas production and regulation process to the team,he is a trained social entrepreneur via ygap social entrepreneur .
he serve as the project c.e.o and founder
Hannah wangari : Operations manager of the venture ,trained accountant and community development officers, works to train women on biogas feeding and usage as well as customer reviews
wambui kuria: 17 year old cofounder and previous leader of girls gang that raided forest for wood,she is only active on holidays to train young girls on how to feed biogas plant and use biogas waste to start kitchen garden.
we are working closely with uwezo builders , who supply biogas building materials as well as actual building of a designed external skeleton.
Mirangine vocational training: provide trained personnel for biogas construction on a scheduled post pay agreement
- Yes
women and young girls are the one that suffers most as society bestows to them the role of cooking and fetching firewood .we are providing a solution that will make cooking safe, cooking energy affordable, available in a safe manner.
no more risk to women ,no more girls raped for firewood and more time will be created for women and girls to engage in productive and self empowerment projects .
wambui kuria an equal cofounder is 17years, she used to be a leader of a village girls troop raiding forest for firewood( most of girls used in are aged 12-17), but today she trains these fellows on how to feed biogas plant and use the biogas waste to do kitchen gardens, she no longer shout for them to go to forest, but guides them how to start a sustainable future.
- Yes
women and young girls are the one that suffers most as society bestows to them the role of cooking and fetching firewood .we are providing a solution that will make cooking safe, cooking energy affordable, available in a safe manner.
no more risk to women ,no more girls raped for firewood and more time will be created for women and girls to engage in productive and self empowerment projects .