eID+ is a smartphone based digital identity solution built around the safeguarding and self-sovereignty of personal data. Unlike conventional digital identity solutions, it does not rely on a central data base but the data is stored and secured directly on the identity holder's mobile device. This decentralized design of the solution has a variety of advantages for the privacy and security of the identity holder's personal data:
- centralized data bases are vulnerable for attacks from outside and manipulation or abuse from inside. Especially in regions where religious, ethnic or other minorities face a threat of prosecution, central data bases may make these communities even more vulnerable
- the eID+ is designed in a way that requires the explicit consent of the identity holder every time before any personal data is being shared.
- the design of eDI+ supports so called "triple-blindness": The user (U) creates the eID application and authenticates it with the government-authenticator (G). The G issues a unique eID registration number (EIDRN). Whenever the user accesses the online service provider (OSP):
1. The government does not know what personal information is shared and with which online service provider.
2. The online service provider does not know what eID registration number is used or through which application
3. The technology provider (Procivis AG) does not see any of the user data.
In addition to these privacy by design features, eID+ is built to integrate with blockchain protocols for use cases in environments with low trust in public institutions.
Based on these design features, eID+ is uniquely suited to provide identity at scale while preserving the highest levels of privacy and security of the identity holders.