The Healthy Schedule Robot
Become Organized, Healthy, Relaxed, Calm, Refreshed, and Reduce Stress with The Healthy Schedule Robot.
The Healthy Schedule Robot reminds you about every minor, but important event. These include waking up at 8 AM, what to have for breakfast, where a nice not-distracting place to study would be, how long you should study for, where to exercise, how long to exercise for, when and what to have for your meals, when to sleep, and much more.
This robot works pretty much like a human would, it has the senses to see, hear, and touch. With these abilities, it has the opportunity to communicate with you and can identify if you are sticking to the schedule, however, you also have the option to change the schedule, but it does have limits.
The problem that this robot can solve is that 3.5 billion people, also known as more than half of the world population, do not know what, when, and where to do things that could help their health. They do not have the resources, or the services, or the money, to be able to take care of their health.
In fact, 97% of Americans aren’t satisfied with their overall health, as they don’t bother to take care of their health, meaning less than 3% of Americans are living a healthy lifestyle.
This robot can serve the 3.5 billion people who are not able to take care of their health, due to not having access to necessary resources/services, or not being able to afford it, or not knowing exactly what you should do to improve your health.
Using this robot will allow you to stick to an organized and healthy schedule that can take care of your health in multiple ways:
Become Organized
Become Healthy
Become Relaxed
Become Calm
Become Refreshed
Reduce Stress
I, myself have sometimes found myself not taking care of my own health. Just with the little unhealthy things here and there, not drinking enough water, sleeping too late, waking up too early, spending time on the screen too much, eating a lot of unhealthy food, which can all end up to cause a huge difference, which is what I learned overtime.
Along with this, I am also the founder of my own health organization, Healing Hearts, which empowers to spread awareness on Mental Health, to encourage people to not make the same mistake I did. This organization mainly takes place on instagram ( @the_healinghearts ), which is where I really came to understand how many people do need to start caring more about their health. On this platform, I have seen many times (with comments and DM’s) where people do appreciate how this organization is helping them in taking care of their health.
- Improving healthcare access and health outcomes; and reducing and ultimately eliminating health disparities (Health)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
The Healthy Schedule Robot is only in the Concept Stage, as of now, because the materials are currently not accessible. However, even with only the stage of development being the concept, it still has had a lot of thought process into it, and could realistically become true.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
The Healthy Schedule Robot relies on metal, silicone, and core concepts of how a robot works. A few of these necessary concepts are Artificial muscles, Carbon Nanotubes, Elastic Electric Cable, Tactile Sensations, BioTac Tactile Sensor, and much more.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Robotics and Drones
- Other
- United States
The Healthy Schedule Robot is designed to serve the 3.5 billion people who currently need support in taking care of their health. Everyone who uses this robot, once it is created, will be positively affected, and their body will become healthy mentally and physically.
I hope to, mainly, be able to create the robot, or at least start it, as it may take quite a bit of time. Other realistically achievable goals to complete next year would be to advertise the robot in any way possible, make it an official company, make sure that this robot is heard worldwide, and that it is affordable, accessible, and helpful. Also, considering the fact that I may not be old enough, it will probably take a few more years to get everything together.
In the future, when The Healthy Schedule Robot gets released and becomes official, I will definitely keep track of the data about it’s progress. For example, taking into consideration those who use the robot, those who find it helpful, those whose health has improved since they have used the robot, etc….
One of the main obstacles that get in the way is the financial situation. Meaning that the cost of the materials needed and the environment needed for building a robot would be pretty expensive altogether. In fact, it can go up to $1,000,000!
With starting my own organization, Healing Hearts (@the_healinghearts on instagram), I was actually able to understand why people wouldn’t take care of their health. I was able to realize that many people didn’t care much about their health because they didn’t want to put extra effort into doing so. Many people wouldn’t realize that the very tiny amount of effort you need to put, will end up with a great end result.
- Yes
The Healthy Schedule Robot is a robot, which is designed by a 13-year-old girl (me). With the money that this prize gives, this robot can finally come to life. The materials, including silicone, metal, and technical pieces, can mostly be affordable with this prize.
- Yes
The Healthy Schedule Robot is designed to help people of all ages, including girls and women. As research has proven, women use health resources/services a lot more than males, meaning women would find this more helpful. Once again, if any monetary donation or prizes are made to this solution, it would definitely help. The Pozen Social Innovation Price can, once again, help make this solution come to life, with being able to afford the materials.