Personal Identity Gives Birth To New Life Experiences
End-to-End Secure Personal Data Security and Privacy Found Here!Ag8mhfJsxt... This link presents the solution in its totality and I request that it be used by the judges to best understand this proposal. This requested pitch,
There are over 1 billion people globally that have no form of personal identity documentation and are unidentified to the world and all of its services. This solution is unique as it has end-to-end data security and privacy from the personal data capture process through issuing a digital citizen ID card. Citizens in remote areas will receive their ID card immediately as our roaming internet satellite access vehicles will be equipped with ID Card Printing System
Both operationally and strategically the number one critical success factor is to partner with the United Nations (UN) or similar broad organization. Specifically the UN has the ability to generate significant synergies with our mission:
- We have mutual goals in delivering personal and privacy identification documentation
- The UN has a current personal ID registration card process for refugees
- The UN has in-country commercial and political experience
- The UN has personal data and privacy policies
The operating paradigm for this project is to ADAPT. Adapt to the partnership with the UN. Adapt culturally. Adapt to technology choices that work in the region. Adapt to bring the internet to underdeveloped villages. Adapt to add value when you can see the contribution in the environment.
Success probability multiplies with UN support as we adapt
- Idea
Four innovative points to consider:
The citizen's personal data acquisition/ID card pick-up process identified below has citizens in remote areas receiving their first personal ID card immediately on-site in their village
The solution creates an end to end data privacy and security environment "in a box" via strategically minimizing software development to produce a portable solution globally
The structure of the solution in the link provided can be leveraged to other regions on a global scale
Lastly, discuss if any vendor is willing to provide Personal Identity and Data Security As-A-Service encompassing all the technology and process; not currently offered today globally
We have a checklist that includes both Data Security and the following "Privacy by Design" functions
End to end security of personal data in this solution from data gathering to ID card pick-up at the UN
Minimize citizen personal data capture to reduce privacy risk
The UN has Data Privacy principles in place we can leverage
Cleanse internet access device before being used with free anti-malware software before accessing the Portal
Citizen receives notification if personal data in the Portal is accessed
Minimizing custom development reduces data privacy risk
Management reports on system, data events, cyberattacks, failures and more
Technology interfaces will have open application program interfaces or will not be considered. Since our current design has minimal customized system development on the purchased software we will have increased simplicity and agility to interface with open API digital identification systems.
Will speak with clients of the technology and service vendors, live demos and reviewing system/service documentation
Open API's are non-negotiable and we will not choose any vendor with proprietary technology
Low connectivity rates will be addressed by choosing internet cafes to capture digital personal data with the best available service levels. Roaming satellite internet access vehicles will be evaluated for "dead spots" in satellite connectivity for remote areas which we will initially avoid in our planning
Low literacy and numeracy levels will be addressed via assistance with the United Nations personnel or local hiring
World Bank estimates 78% of the target 1.1 billion people are in sub-Sahara Africa and Asia. We will strategically concentrate here where the impact is the greatest and deploy the new regional technology and process methodology described in attached PowerPoint presentation. Certainly technology choices that work in both the African and Asian regions are preferred for standardization but we must be open to explore better regional technologies with open API's
We recommend to review regional outsourcing providers to maintain the proposed solution since self-operating the system in an underdeveloped infrastructure represents extensive risk where in-country experience and relationships are paramount
- United States
- Hybrid of For Profit and Nonprofit
- Other (Please explain below)
- 1-5
- Less than 1 year
I am currently working with 2 other people both of whom do not want their identity shared
Leadership skills, team skills, presentation skills, know's how to operate in foreign environments, Certified IT Service Mgt. Practitioner (infrastructure SME) and outsourcing expert. Additional SME skills financial, operational excellence, strategy, technology, contracts and system implementation
The long term sustainability of this project should include regional outsourcing SME's with an in-region track record of success
As a Financial and Technology executive I choose to channel my passion to give back to the global community using my 40 years of education, experience and drive to succeed
The United Nations personnel will advise what works best in an underdeveloped infrastructure (including IT) environment
•Cultural – People are afraid or do not understand the ID card benefits - Literature will be distributed to remote village citizens prior to the satellite vehicle's arrival
•Language – Resources needed conversant in local language - UN assistance
•Sub-Standard mean time to repair can impact quality of the Portal’s service - Using proven technology vendors in the region will yield the best opportunity for service but will not succeed past broad infrastructure problems