Accessible Sign Language
Accessible Sign Language focuses on teaching every single person about sign language for free in order to promote the inclusion of deaf people, this would be in schools, TIC,etc.
Accessible Sign Language would definitely make possible that deaf people reach as much opportunities as the people who can hear has, this only by making the sing language part of our life, this will consist in teaching every single person about sign language for free, because of the pandemic will be in a online way on social media and different platforms, I strongly believe that in order to give more facilities there should be a website full of information and courses that people can enroll in, however I´m looking forward to talk with some schools and college in order to spread the knowledge there too.
There are over 70 millions of deaf people all over the world and 50.562 in the country where I live, as a matter of fact deaf people are taken for granted and don´t have the same opportunities as the people who are able to hear, beside that is so remarkable that they don´t even have the ones that are considered so basic such as education or simply being able to have a conversation with someone; it has been proved that this leads in discrimination, poverty increased because of the lack of opportunities, and mental illness.
This solution will definitely make possible that deaf people are not taken for granted and that they have as much opportunities as other peole has, even if the sing language in this time will be for people who are capable to hear, this would be useful in order to be capable to communicate with deaf people and basically giving the message that deaf people deserve to be listened and to have a word and not just people who should be taken apart.
Since I was young I have always wanted to learn sing language and be capable to communicate with deaf people but as the time went by I realized it was kind of difficult find courses given to people who are not +18, not to mention that I had the priviledge to pay for that course withouth having to worry about the incomes of my family, in some parts of my short life I have seen people near from me be suffering because the people couldn´t understand what they were saying, or even a lot of statistics prove that deaf people during the pandemic didn´t even know what it was all about because the amount of channels where is explained the news in sing language is very small.
- Improving learning opportunities and outcomes for learners across their lifetimes, from early childhood on (Learning)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
Until now, I haven´t advanced a lot with this solution because I was planning to get more knowledge about sing language in order to teach others in the best way I can, besides that I have been meeting people who do know sing language so they might be able to teach as well.
- A new project or business that relies on technology to be successful
Accesible Sign Language is a new project or business that relies on technology to be successful because it needs websites to reach more people in order to spread the knowledge.
- Audiovisual Media
- Internet of Things
- Bolivia
I plan to serve minimun 60, but I believe it will be more than that because I have a whole plan structured.
I would like to spread the knowledge of sign language in at least 6 schools, which have over 1000 students, I know it can sound a bit utopic and not realistic but I strongly believe I can make it because I know a lot of people like me who have always been interested in this kind of knowledge and who would love to assist to this clases, so I think they are not the only ones. Besides that my school is inclusive with deaf people so I´m sure that If I tell them about this program to apply it on my school at first they will give me the opportunity.
I have
It might be legal and technical considering that I´m 15, so even If I have make a lot of self development and that I´m involved with a lot of structured projects similar to this, for some people I´m still a child who doesn´t know what she´s talking about.
So there are non-profit organizations that I have got involved with; in order to help out and come up with different kind of solutions to the global problematics like Red tú decides provides free sexual education in order to reduce the teen pregnancy and promote that every teenager get to know their sexual and reproductive rights, Interact gives economy support and come up with different types of projects in order to help the community, Youth Climate Save come up solutions to environmental issues,TECHO non-profit organization that seeks to eliminate poverty in slums across Latin America, Girl up Coya and Girl Up Zone both come up with projects and activities related to SDG 5,Wild Protection come up with projects and activities regarding wild animals and how to protect them, Universitarios por los ODS/ UxODS Until now, this organization have made such a lot of projects that were completely successful, all of them have a focus in a specific SDG, Olas de Ayuda Works on the SDG 14 by cleaning the oceans and providing information about how to look after the environment, Mi zona Segura Has a focus on mental health and provides help and assistance to every single person. And I have started my own youth organizations as well, these are: Youth Animal Save Bolivia spread the idea that we all have a moral duty to bear witness, end animal agriculture and reforest the Earth, take an anti-speciesist stance and are against all forms of discrimination and oppression, Youth Empowerment the projects and activities are based on the Sustainable Development Goals and promote the youth activism. This org help me develop a lot of skills like: leadership, sympathy, activism,
- Yes
- Yes