Face History
Our solution is mainly to identify the faces of thiefs and lost childrens very easily with the help of face history.
Firstly we need to fill all information of a person with image of his face to a website ,I know that it would be very difficult to just fill these information of each and every person, but we need to do it just one time, because afterwards when any person will try to change information in birth certificates or anywhere than information about that person in the website would also be changed. I know that you would be thinking that in this case anyone can see the information, but the answer is no, because the website will only be available to the police officers and to government only. Than we just need to attach the video of the home or street camera in which the thief is caught. After doing so, it will automatically try to recognize faces that are present inside the video and it will show all information regarding those faces, the phone no., house address etc. And the police officers can now catch the thief very easily. Sometimes, when the face of the thief in not visible clearly,the website will try to recognize face and will show possible results.
Sometimes, the face of the thief is recorded in the home camera or in the street camera, but than also it is very difficult to identify and to catch the thief. In some of the cases the thief caught in the camera is caught by the police, but in many of the cases they are not caught.
There will be an authorized web page that can be only used by authorized people like police officers to identify thiefs or lost children. Nowdays police officers usually check there old records that take a lot of time to identify.
Our solution will search for the pic they want to identify in our web page. When the pic.is identified it will give all the details of person like his house address, phone number ,mainly all the details is his or her identity card.
I have done some surveys with police officers and local people.Police officers said that it takes roo mich time to identify thiefs. Local people told that till the timw thief is identified he or she just go out of the city or state.
I have also done online surveys as due to covid it was not possible to do many offline surveys.
- Other: Addressing an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four dimensions above
As you all know that these days, a lot of thefts are increasing day by day. A lot of missions have been started by the government to control these thefts. But, according to the google results, in 15 seconds one house burglary occurs which means that in one day 4800 house burglary occurs. There are many gadgets that are launched by many companies, to protect our houses, but they are too costly that a common man can’t buy them.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
We selected concept stage because at this time we are collecting all the details ro build our prototype for our idea.We are collecting responses from people about our solution.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
Our solution is a website.It will take help of CCTV camera .The CCTV camera will give face of person anf our website will try to recognize it .
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- India
We plan to serve all the government officials.
Our impact goals are mainly that with the help of this project thiefs can be easily cathched and all the lost childrens can be easily identified.
We will tegularly tru to contact government officials and ask them that is this helpful to you or not.
Also we will ask some people in whichs thefts were there recently and was the thiefs identified easily.
Our main barrier is to firsrly get apprrovel from government for this idea.
Divyam Dhawan (I)is good in robotics and coding
Akashita my team member is good in presentation and thinking of ideas.
- Yes
- Yes