Geno App
Geno app provides university students in distress with timely and confidential access to peer and professional support.
The term Geno is a Kenyan Luo dialect word meaning hope. We seek to bring hope to the thousands of University students in our former campuses who are going through distress and have no access to youth-friendly services.
Geno App is a mental health healthcare app that is accessible on Playstore to anyone with an Android device. It seeks to bridge the gap in mental health treatment by easing the process of finding professional help. Professional services provided include psychiatric consultation, counselling sessions (peer-to-peer and professional therapy), psychoeducation, and crisis intervention which includes, suicide prevention and emotional, and psychological first aid.
The app also connects users with preventive and supportive services to enable them to continue with their studies without interruption.
Globally, it is estimated that 15–24-year-olds account for 2-25% of the total burden of mental illness (Patel et al., 2007) which covers college and university students. According to World Health Organization 2020, the youth are reported to commonly experience depression, anxiety, psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, alcohol and substance dependence, and suicide.
Approximately 75% of all lifetimes mental disorders have their onsets before the age of 24, and these early-onset cases are related to poorer clinical and functional outcomes than later-onset cases. Additionally, the college years are associated with a significant increase in risky health behaviors, such as excessive alcohol and cannabis use, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students. Even though effective treatments exist to address these debilitating issues, only a minority of students with mental disorders obtain treatment.
In LMICs like Kenya, mental health care is inadequate, inefficient, and inequitable. Low budgetary allocation and failure to integrate mental health care into primary health care have led to more than 85% of the treatment gap. Not to mention that Kenya has less than 500 specialist mental health workers to serve its population of over 50 million. Additional constraints to mental health care provision in Kenya include lack of adequate financing, poor health infrastructure, limited therapeutic resources, and socio-cultural stigma.
Globally, 80% of the people living with mental health conditions reside in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Despite the gravity of this burden, only 12.5% of mental health service providers target the youth globally. Moreover, the mental health burden is more amplified for marginalized youth in LMICs because of the socio-economic impacts of Covid, recurrent unrest in universities leading to closure and interruption of studies, and poverty and unemployment.
Students living with mental health conditions may have genetic factors that interact with environmental factors at the university, such as academic load and demands, financial support, social interaction with peers and lecturers, and even traumatic experiences such as bullying.
University students with a higher proportion of mental distress are likely to experience negative consequences such as significantly impaired cognitive functioning, learning disabilities, poor academic performance, and substance abuse.
Geno App serves at-risk and affected university students who have mental conditions who are unable to access help. Since mental health hasn't been fully embraced in our communities, the majority suffer in silence due to the fear of being misunderstood and stigmatized that comes with it and also the services are expensive.
The App allows these students to connect with different medical professionals (psychiatrists and therapists) confidentially, affordably and easily through their phones at the comfort of their rooms. They also get to interact with those who have lived experiences on mental health and have gotten help through the App for social support.
We understand potential users from our own first hand experience as students who experienced mental distress in Campus. We have gone through the challenges of access care, getting support and being stigmatized and discriminated against by fellow students and faculty due to our mental conditions.
After getting treatment and social support from PDO at different times in the last two years, we realised that we are not helpless and could do something to help alleviate the suffering of students. We create awareness in different colleges through an outreach program supported by PDO. Through this initiative, many students are reaching out for help, which motivated us to design a solution specifically targeting students in Campus.
The three of us are volunteers members of a support group affiliated to PDO and one of us, Jacinta now works for PDO as the Head Psychologist with Psychiatric Disability Organisation (PDO) that is addressing mental health issues.
For the success of our innovation, we engaged our users in the design and development of the solution during the outreach events. Additionally, being part of a support group, we engage other members who are students in colleges and universities and have mental health lived experience to get feedback on App features and how to improve the user experience.
- Improving healthcare access and health outcomes; and reducing and ultimately eliminating health disparities (Health)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
We are on a pilot stage of development with the app. Geno App is being piloted with university students in the following universities in Kenya where we schooled at, Pwani University, Rongo University, and Moi University. We created the Geno App in the hope of making university and college life better for the majority of students who are living with mental health conditions.
Our objectives and outcomes are as follows:
- To increase uptake of quality mental health services to students in universities
- To reduce the time delay between onset of symptoms and treatment of mental health conditions
- To reduce stigma related to mental health among university students
- A community that embraces and prioritizes mental health services
- Students accessing services without fear of judgment
- The timely connection between mental health practitioners and students with mental health conditions.
We are still in the testing phase of the tech solution and less than 100 people have used it.
- A new technology
We have selected a solution that involves mobile applications software. The operating systems will be android and iOS. Users who are students in different colleges and universities download the Geno App on their smartphones through the Google Play Store or App Store. After downloading the app on their mobile gadgets, users create their profile and input their details which they are comfortable with. They can then choose the mental health service they want to access.
The user of the Geno App can choose to video chat, voice chat or text chat with the psychiatrist or therapist of their choice. The user can also decide to record the session and also share files with their therapist or psychiatrist.
The Geno App has an icon for self-assessment, where the user can undertake self-mental health tests. Several mental health tests are placed in the app to enable self-assessment.
The Geno App enables users to book their next sessions with either their therapists or psychiatrists
In addition, through the Geno app, users join a support group and link with other students who have mental health and substance use disorders. The Geno App allows users to join mental health webinars through links and also get access to mental articles. This assists in psychoeducation.
An emergency phone number is also provided in the app.
The app has a reminder and notifications icon, where users are reminded of their next sessions.
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Kenya
We are hoping to serve over 5000 students in the next year who are in colleges and universities and have mental health and substance use disorders
We hope to create a community that embraces mental health.
We hope to reduce stigma related to mental health among university and college students
We hope to ensure students in colleges and universities get access to timely mental health and substance abuse treatment.
We hope to make mental health services that are affordable, youth-friendly, and culturally sensitive accessible to young people in universities and colleges
We hope to improve help-seeking behavior on mental health among university and college students.
We hope to reduce the suicide mortality rate among university and college students which is a result of mental health and substance use disorder.
We will draw our measurable indicators from the list of indicators associated with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and they are as follows:
- Suicide mortality rate-
- Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
- Coverage of treatment interventions(pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services) for substance use disorders
The stigma surrounding mental health in our communities is a hindrance to people embracing mental health services.
Most young people who are in colleges and universities don’t have help-seeking behavior
We have fewer mental health specialists who will be attending to our increased user base through the Geno App, we, therefore, need to increase our mental health specialists who will be working via the app to attend to our projected large user base.
Financial and technical difficulties are other challenges we face in running the app, considering that we are projecting to serve over 5000 students who have mental health and substance use disorders and at the moment our services are free.
We are having challenges in increasing our user base since we don’t have mentorship on how to market our app and also due to inadequate finances.
Our team is well-positioned to deliver this solution since we all have mental health lived experience. We are passionate about the solution and relate to it from a point of experience.
From our experiences when in university, we faced challenges of not accessing mental health services due to fear of judgment, stigma related to mental health and lack of knowledge on where to access mental health services that are youth-friendly, hence we relate to the challenge we are addressing.
Apart from having mental health lived experiences, our team lead in this solution is a psychologist by profession and is also a practicing psychologist hence understands well the services that need to be offered using the Geno App.
We are part of a mental health support group that the Psychiatric Disability Organization (PDO –Kenya) runs, called Pepea support group. In the support group, we have been able to interact with peers with mental health illnesses and substance use disorders. This has expounded our knowledge on the needs of persons with mental health and substance use disorders especially when it comes to seeking help and the recovery journey.
In addition, we have been trained on lay counseling skills by PDO-Kenya, hence we do online mental health advocacy through our social media handles, we also do physical advocacy in schools, colleges, and universities. Through advocacy, students reach out and we offer psychological first aid and refer them to mental health facilities like PDO-Kenya. This has enabled us to understand the needs of our target population better.
Our work in developing this solution is in partnership Psychiatric Disability Organization (PDO), which is a community-based organization and user-led mental health organization based in Nakuru, Kenya. Psychiatric Disability Organization aim is to increase access to quality, community-based mental health services among the underserved populations.
We are part of a support group that is run by the Psychiatric Disability Organization.
Students who will be using the Geno app will be linked with psychiatrists and psychologists who are based at PDO Kenya for psychiatric assessment, therapy sessions, and psychoeducation. Users of the Geno App can decide to join a support group and link with other young people with mental health lived experience. The support group will be managed by a psychologist who is based at PDO Kenya.
In addition, Psychiatric Disability Organization (PDO)-Kenya, will provide mentorship and guidance in financial management.
- No
- Yes
We qualify for this prize as people with psychosocial disabilities who have overcome stigma and discrimination to become part of the solution to the mental health problems in our society. We have the passion and the drive to change the world.
We are qualified for this prize since our innovation is women-led and it design took into consideration of special needs for vulnerable women and girls.
Through the Geno App, young people with psychosocial disabilities in universities and colleges will no longer suffer discrimination and lack of access to human rights-based mental health services that are culturally sensitive, youth-friendly, and affordable.
Current providers of mental health and substance abuse treatment are expensive, thereby making many women and girls from lower economic brackets unable to access services even when they want to. Geno is their ray of hope.