Provide a space in a form of a web app for investors to fund local MSME’s and MSME’s to pitch their ideas to angel investors/investors.
PitchDeck is an online platform in a form of a web app/app that connects local and/or foreign angel investors/investors with local MSME's and SME's. MSME's and SME's can pitch their ideas by making a proposal and upload it into our web app/app. The investor can then search MSME's that they are interested in and contact them to create a partnership. The concept is different from p2p lending, whereas pitchdeck concept is similar to that of angel investing and stocks. Angel investing is a type of private equity investing, in which high net worth investors attempt to earn higher returns by taking on more risk compared with investing in the public markets. Angel investors typically finance a business startup at the very early stages. Angel investor can get their return in a form of a dividend.
With Pitch Deck, MSME's can get their funds/capital without needing to take debt and the burden of interest.
Our solution serves mainly the MSME's and overall the citizens, Indonesian MSME's have a huge problem of funding, where mainly the banks and fintech technology provides the funding. But just this is not enough. Moreover, taking debt is surely not a good way for small businesses, because the burden of interest is too big for them. There is an alternative way of getting capital/funding, which is finding an angel investor/investor. But in order to find an angel investor/investor, MSME's need a wide network of connections, which surely not many of them have. By helping the MSME's overcome this problem and grow into a bigger business. It can affect many aspects such as the labour force and citizens' prosperity. As we know, the MSME's are the backbone of the Indonesian economy and labour force, According to data from Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises, MSME’s has a large contribution to GDP. It contributes 61.97% of the total national GDP or equivalent to Rp 8,500 trillion by 2020. Not only that but Based on databoks.katadata.co.id Indonesian MSMEs contribute in absorbing 119.6 million or 96.92% of the total workforce in Indonesian business units. Meaning that, if the MSME's overcome their problems, they can absorb many more labour forces, resulting in bringing prosperity to the Indonesian economy and also prosperity to the citizen's wealth fare.
I myself am an investor and have lots of communities of investors. My dad is an investor as well, there are many methods of investing that we have known such as stocks, bonds, and angel investing. We have invested in stock and many of us surely are interested in angel investing. But the problem is that, is hard to search and connect the MSME's and the investors. Moreover, MSME's have a huge problem in funding, AFPI data shows, from a total of around 60 million MSMEs, 46.6 million or 77.6 per cent of them cannot reach access to bank credit or fintech. Not only that, based on our user interview with local MSME's, most of them have the same exact problems.
- Improving financial and economic opportunities for all (Economic Prosperity)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
Our stage of development is Concept.
We choose this stage because we have done our research and we are still digging for more information so our solution is right targeted. We are also still researching the user’s profile and gradually building our UI/UX design for our website and mobile app.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
Our solution is using web applications / mobile applications technology to connect angel investors/investors with the MSME's.
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Indonesia
We are planning to serve more than 500 investors and 1000 MSME's next year after our solution is launched.
Our Impact goals for the next year are to help 100 MSME's find an investor for their business, resulting in absorbing 1% of the total unemployed workforce in Semarang ( about 438 people ).
We will do so by:
Firstly, find and persuade investors to sign up in our applications, we will do it by using our marketing strategy which is direct marketing.
secondly, we will search and analyze local MSME's, that investors may take an interest in, and persuade them to upload their proposal to our web application/ Mobile applications.
and lastly, we will survey the business that has found their investors, and analyze the impact that we have done.
by doing this, it can impact the local economy and have a domino effect on the citizen's prosperity, including women and children wealth fare. When the local economy starts to grow, companies/MSME's will absorb many more workforces which leads to the reduced unemployment rate, this will certainly affect the citizen's wealth fare.
Our solution addresses to solve the supports of financial and economic opportunities for all.
From the perspective of Sustainable Development Goals, our solution solve the SDGs point number 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
We will measure our impact goals which are, to help 100 MSME's find an investor for their business, by surveying all of our clients, to see how many of our clients already found their investors. For measuring our goal of absorbing 1% of the unemployed workforce in Semarang, we will do so by surveying the business that has found their investor on how many workforces they have absorbed since they receive the funding.
From the perspective of Sustainable Development Goals, our solution solves the SDGs point number 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
We plan on measuring our SDG's progress by looking at some indicators such as:
For SDGs point number 8, we plan on using the Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities. We will also use our own indicators, which is surveying the business that has found their investor on how many workforces they have absorbed since they receive the funding. We will analyze the quality of life of the absorbed workforce, especially their economic wealth fare.
The barriers that we will face is funding and market barriers. Our solution is considered a new concept, so we need to socialize our web application/mobile application to both party.
I myself have experienced building a company first hand by actively joining the student company competition held by Junior Achievement. While Nayla rusyda have experienced how to build a start up, starting from design thinking and prototyping. She actively participate in the Markoding competition.
- No
- Yes
We are qualified for this prize, mainly because our solution addresses to solve the quality of life, especially economically to all, including women and girls. We will use the Pozen Social Innovation Prize to upgrade our business from just connecting Angel Investors with MSME's, to supervising and mentoring the local MSME on how to expand and grow their business, which can result in better economic situations for the business owners and absorbing many more unemployed workforce, women included. We will also