Healthy environment
Reducing the use of plastic in the local community, the Middle East or the world, where plastic water bottles are widely consumed, millions of tons of these plastic bottles are removed daily
Certainly, the process of plastic recycling may require more effort and costs, so we seek through this solution to reduce the use of plastic, especially water bottles from which tons are produced. Where millions upon millions of millions of these plastic containers and cups, their plastic consumption, or their storage, their storage is plastic.
Whereas, through courses and seminars, it is possible to increase the culture and knowledge of the population about the environment and the harms of plastic and what is purchased, as well as distributing the manufactured product that will be an alternative to plastic and will be environmentally friendly and durable
Plastic water bottles, plastic bags and plastic materials
A very big problem, as there are thousands of tons of plastic dumped, as there is an alternative to it, and it was not possible to reduce or reduce it, but due to the lack of sufficient awareness and the lack of models for alternatives, the consumption of these quantities of plastic increased
Thousands of plastic bags and packages are thrown or burned daily, and this will contribute to causing damage to the environment, society and health.
Every day, a thousand tons of plastic are consumed in my local community. The quantity is increased at the state, regional or global level. It will be the start of a new project that will change the ideas of future generations about the environment and will expand to include the whole world.
Population The population is the people of the countryside, villages and cities, i.e. the areas in which there is a concentration and the percentage of plastic purchase increases through plastic packaging or bags that increase the percentage of pollution and their infection with diseases. This behavior resulted as a result of less awareness of the dangers resulting from plastic. An alternative to plastic and of higher quality,
Through my experience of living in the local community, as well as in my school and university, I found that the problem is not only dependent on a specific place, but is spread as a result of learning and culture acquired from childhood, and therefore it must be addressed by raising awareness in order to create an entire generation that understands and is keen on the environment, and also through a vision The rising smoke resulting from burning plastic and seeing the thousands of plastic containers lying on the ground, then you will realize that the disaster is real, with these quantities of plastic that can be dispensed with environmentally friendly tools
- Other: Addressing an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four dimensions above
Reducing the use of plastic and burning it because of its effects on the population themselves
Work to reduce the purchase of bags and plastic packages, which consume thousands of tons of them daily
It is important because by educating students, parents and residents about the possibility of replacing plastic and giving them an environmentally friendly and harmless product, therefore we will increase the culture of the population and students, thus creating a generation that can distinguish what harms the environment and find alternatives to it
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
As for me, I had started preparing courses, seminars, etc. It is an expensive topic and needs support to arrange meetings, courses and seminars, and there will also be a tour that will be presented during this project to convey a unique experience, as it will be on a large scale, such as schools and universities, and holding awareness meetings that enable impact to see the plastic containers that are attached. On the ground, bags and burning plastic, we will seek to create a new type of generation capable of contributing to the creation of a problem-free environment.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
The media is the only way to regulate the media
However, a special application can be developed in which each family or individual who abandons the purchase of plastic and plastic items can be registered and his experience is published through which all can see, and plastics cannot be left.
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Software and Mobile Applications
- West Bank and Gaza
The current number is 100 people due to poor capabilities and necessary resources
Next year, I will seek to develop by starting to work in schools and universities that consume large quantities to raise the number to be above a thousand, and thus a greater increase in the number
My goals will be to transfer this local experience to be global and regional that can start in all countries to get to zero problems of buying plastics.
By decreasing the rates of purchasing plastic, as well as spreading awareness and culture regarding the environment, which in many countries is just a side thing and, on the contrary, it is the basis of life by returning the environment to normal.
financial obstacles
This project needs financial support to hold seminars and courses to manufacture and distribute the environmentally friendly product to cover transportation, labor and other expenses
It is also cultural by bringing in higher experts for the environment and at a higher rate
The difference is distinct, as there are some experts in the environmental environment and the General Authority of Al-Bayda are white in the environment and its protection and environmentally friendly production
Through the teams, we were working on monitoring the consumption of plastic, and we found it to be a worrying, expensive, and environmentally harmful issue
There are no organizations
We seek to work with more organizations through environmental and protection organizations as well as education organizations to increase students' knowledge of the environment
- Yes
Qualified because my problem is not only a local problem but a global one. Our project will be a starting point for an idea and a project that develops and involves all countries. This is an endeavor that will impact and feel for all of us through its benefits to the environment and society
- Yes
Because my problem is not only a local problem, but a global one. Our project will be a starting point for an idea and a project that develops and involves all countries. This is an endeavor that will affect all of us and see it through its benefits to the environment and society.