Safe Water for Everyday Use and Consumption
- Pre-Seed
Without a clean water supply for everyday use and consumption an individual, a village, a city cannot survive. To ensure there are people, processes and tools that provide people this basic necessity is the goal of this proposal.
Addressing a lack of useable/potable water around the world by using technology we already have here in the USA we can help people to organize and lift themselves out of the systemic problems encountered due to a lack of or unpotable water. This can be mitigated in a multi-pronged approach to the problem. It all starts with listening to and understanding the water problems the people you are working with first. Education, training and knowledge transfer goes hand in hand with processes created to address the regional issue being faced. These must be simple to follow, modular and scalable to support small and large water quality challenges. Finally, a hybrid of shared knowledge via field expedience (how are they/have they been addressing it now/in the past?) and the use of existing or updated tools to execute and deliver improved water quality would be deployed. The approach would not be a "one and done" solution. Independent, standardized testing for quality could be combined with monetary incentives would create a lasting endowment cycle.
Contaminated water that is unsafe to use for agriculture or human activity(bathing, brushing teeth, the cleaning of utensils, cups, pots pans intended for human food) including drinking/consumption.
This approach puts the people living with the challenge shoulder to shoulder with the people who want to lift them up as peers by giving them a sense of endowment. I have found that people have a stronger desire to own and sustain change if they own the solution compared to those who simply own a problem but have no solution or have been given a solution.
The target is to reduce Giardia, Cryptosporidium, bacteria, viruses, arsenic, lead, nitrates, pesticides, radium, radon, and disinfection byproducts from current or net new water supplied. Reductions of each will be phase targeted where necessary. Water will be delivered either from a combination of existing or net new ground, surface, or stored sources.
The people who need clean, potable water will benefit from this effort both from the water and the ownership / creation / management of the water supply chain.
monthly samples until stabilized (within a 5% margin or error) then 4 times a year - 235 E. coli bacteria per 100mil sample with an average of no more than 126 E. coli bacteria per 100mil in the last five samples
- Pre-natal
- Child
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Urban
- Rural
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Middle East and North Africa
- Agricultural technology
- Civil engineering
I am putting the people in peril in charge of the solution. Every country on this planet has enough talented intelligent people to solve this problem. Helping to organize and motivate people to assemble and solve the problem is the key.
From development, to delivery and management of the system the people involved in the solution are the people who know best what the problems are that they are dealing with.
The solutions will be dispersed and shared following the communications paths that best fit the peoples culture we are working in.
- 0 (Concept)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
I intend to build this solution on nights and weekends.
Not having enough nights and weekends is my only limiting factor.
- Less than 1 year
- 12-18 months
- 3-6 months
- Water Treatment
- Water Sourcing
- Food Production
- Food Processing
It is my desire to show people how to lift themselves up from complex situations that are riddled with unnecessary suffering one step at a time.