The project solution is Agricultural scientific technology.
The project action is Agricultural scientific technology economic innovation for promoting the farming communities agriculture productivity and marketing through application of social science and technology innovation
The project action is Agricultural scientific technology economic innovation for promoting the farming communities agriculture productivity and marketing through application of social science and technology innovation to enable out-growers/smallholder farmers, customers and consumers use scarce resources in the production rice and maize for sustainable agribusiness economic development, effective marketing, improve food security, zero hunger and consumption of food products. The project action is to sustained food crops production impact development in the northern region’s rural and urban farming communities for improving agribusiness economic, poverty and hunger reduction to meet the SDG target.
The partners and Agricultural Commercial Ventures (Agricom) will train and support its network out-growers and support them with farm input equipment and materials such as rice seeds, fertilizers, weedicites, tractor services and planters, extension services, training in agriculture and environmental sustainability, monitoring and evaluation. After farmers harvesting, the farmers will sell their produce to the partnership Agricultural Commercial Ventures (Agricom) for processing, packaging and marketing. Overall goal of this project is to improve livelihoods, food and nutrition security, and climate resilience in the farming communities.
The Enterprise feasibility study and research work shows that the Climate change system is a problem affecting sustainable agriculture development that is increasing poverty, and food insecurity and Hunger in the Northern Region’s Districts communities and can derail the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Us we fore seen the climate
The scale of the problems are land and ecosystem degradation, green house gas emissions and bush-fires burning due to these we conducted environmental capacity education for community people and farmers and engaged them in conservation and climate change adaptation while food production, environmental sustainability and management; 25,000 people are affected due to these problems, the factors are more frequent degradation of ecosystem and farm lands by charcoal burners, hunters and contractors and occurrences of climate change; climate events and biodiversity conservation are adapted by the farmers to avoid the problems of floods, droughts, and heat waves. The consequences result is low food production, low economic income and poverty. In our research study 500 hectors of farm lands and environmental ecosystem are degraded. The said districts communities has potential of agricultural production and markets improvement through effective sustainable environmental services, management and protection.
Land degradation affects large areas and many people in the northern regions of Ghana. Increased population pressures and excessive human expansion into northern region for farming during long wet periods leaving an increasing number of people stranded without farm land to farm.
The target groups are community out-growers including women, disables and youth for Improving direct food production chain between producers,
exporters, processors, wholesalers and develop retailers on the one
hand and partnership enterprise crops production on the other hand with
the aim of building long-term market partnerships that will attract
investors and economic growth. The farmers currently undeserved due to unavailable of lands caused by degradation. The solution will address their needs by conducting environmental education in climate change adaptation, conservation in the target areas to cover most climate change-affected farming communities in the
Northern Region. Within the defined areas, the project will assist small- and
Medium-scale out-growers including women, youth and disables to acquire fertile farm land for them and ensure their access to inputs.
The partner enterprise has developed and improved policies and governance mechanisms to address farmers sustainable production by reducing hazardous of climate change and environmental degradation in agriculture and forestry sectors; The organization has improved implementation of policies and international instruments for sustainable agriculture food products marketing and income and improved livelihood in the urban and rural communities.; The project growth in production has increased the supply chain, access to food, and consumption of rice and maize products; and increased financial
performance, and the efficiency of water and land use among rural and urban poor households through the adoption of environmental sustainable systems;
The organization have conducted research in ecosystem sustainability, effective agriculture production and marketing with the participation of farmers and community people in all the farming communities
We executed the solution with collaborative organization partners already working in the communities; supporting community smallholder farmers rice and maize production. The partnership engaged community people and out-growers in the project solution for climate change adaptation and conservation, cultivating food crops that have significant market demand and being well suited for food security sustainability and economic growth.
We engaged the farmers in Capacity building training education and field staff in scientific technology innovative agriculture productivity, extension services effective environmental sustainability, Climate change effects and adaptation along the value chain, agribusiness industrial development, business management, marketing, financial book keeping and banking.
- Taking action to combat climate change and its impacts (Sustainability)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
The pilot project covered most climate change-affected farming communities in the Northern Region. Within the defined areas of Pishigu farming community, the project assist small- and Medium-scale out-growers including women, youth and disables .
Crops Sub sector
The beneficiaries are Out-growers Rice producers- 50 men; and women; 45 = 95 Out-growers.
5 hectors are cultivated for each of the 50 smallholder farmers; total 250 rice and maize farms land in the Pishigu community.
We Support them with Micro-finance credit for farm lands clearing, tractor services, supply rice and maize seeds for planting, supply fertilizers, weedicites and other farm input equipment and materials, crops harvesting, packaging, transportation and marketing. The out-growers will sell the paddy rice to the Enterprise industry after harvesting for processing, packaging and marketing. In addition, we constituted greater scientific technology technical partnership consultancy and production service providers for facilitating production, processing and to improve customer communication channels for consumers and customers to demand low-cost rice and maize of higher quality seeds increasingly produced from Savannah Crops Research Institute with more variety, consistency and year-round availability.
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
The core technology powered the solution ICT digital mobile phone communication in agriculture production and environmental services technology. The solution relies this technology for distant monitoring to minimizing environmental degradation, greenhouse gas emission and soil erosion, ensure maintenance of productive fertile farm lands for food production, effective biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation information from farmers and development of alternative sources of energy. The ecosystem sustainable such as conservation, climate change adaptation and management with more and better investment in the agriculture and environment sectors, with more attention to addressing cross-sectorial linkages between agricultural actions and outcomes for economic growth, ensure livelihoods security, environment sustainability, food nutrition, and public health. Improve agricultural practices using modern agribusiness digital marketing communication technology for effective customers, and develop industries for food processing. Digital information communication technology is use to establish farmers associations to improve agribusiness practices and financial management. Farm input equipment are needed to help farmers cultivation and harvesting and provision of transportation and warehouse produce storage facilities. Digital information communication system is use to contact Private investors to provide the equipment needed to process rice and maize into finished goods during the off season; and equipment and for maintenance of the farm. Establish a marketing research institute for the improvement of agribusiness and international market penetration; Provision Routine Transportation system.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Materials Science
- Ghana
The solution pilot project is currently serving 95 farmers both women, youth and disables. The solution will increase the number of farmers and processors to 1500 in the coming one year.
The impact goal is core technology that powered the solution is ICT digital mobile phone communication in agriculture production and environmental services technology. The solution relies this technology for distant monitoring and communication to minimizing environmental degradation, greenhouse gas emission and soil erosion, ensure maintenance of productive fertile farm lands for food production, effective biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation information from farmers and development of alternative sources of energy. The ecosystem sustainable such as conservation, climate change adaptation and management with more and better investment in the agriculture and environment sectors, with more attention to addressing cross-sectorial linkages between agricultural actions and outcomes for economic growth, ensure livelihoods security, environment sustainability, food nutrition, and public health. Improve agricultural practices using modern agribusiness digital marketing communication technology for effective customers, and develop industries for food processing. Digital information communication technology is use to establish farmers associations to improve agribusiness practices and financial management. Farm input equipment are needed to help farmers cultivation and harvesting and provision of transportation and warehouse produce storage facilities. Digital information communication system is use to contact Private investors to provide the equipment needed to process rice and maize into finished goods during the off season; and equipment and for maintenance of the farm.
Key performance growth rate; Net profit; Project schedule variance when projects completed in time; Churn rate to know how many customers are using or stop using the products or service; Average revenue for each customer; Customer Lifetime Revenue; Sales Dashboard; Revenue Run Rate; Average Revenue Per User and Team Dashboard.
The Partnership Enterprise metric measures the revenue we receive from repeat customers with certain assumptions of reasonable data set. Since Partnership Enterprise recurring-revenue model and we keep our Average customer for 12 months, the 12 months' revenue is our Customer Lifetime Revenue. Our Customer Lifetime Revenue helps us determine how much we can afford in Customer Acquisition cost.
We are aware that some customers are more valuable than others; we get really granular and look at how sales break down by channel and customer type so that we can tease out trends and devote resources to optimizing our customer mix and boosting our share of wallet. We
ensure Managing our team's time more efficiently in order to Keep track of our team's important key performance indicators (KPIs) .
is a measure of a customer’s average contribution to revenue. A rising level means we are getting more sales from each customer and/or we have
The constant setting bush-fires, land and ecosystem degradation and green house gas emissions, the land owners are not willing to release farm land for the farmers. Live-stock in some of the communities especial cattle are not control by the owners and difficult crossing the river to some farming communities.
The management team meet every two weeks with the beneficiary communities to discuss past and future project activities and focus for new ideas that will strengthen equality and economic development we also address present project Planning and arrive reasonable decision to ensure effective execution the project activities as well as managerial tasks of the project Programs. The Program Management team then developed and proposed medium-term and long term work-plans and other planning tools for Advisory Board of Directors review and approval. The Program Management Team will also dialogue with the Stakeholder Platform (the collaboration technical partners) on a continuing basis to ensure a project implementation exchange of ideas with those intended project beneficiaries who will benefit and utilize the project outputs.
- The use experience to build the capacities of Farmers, extension staff on gender mainstreaming, HIV/AIDS and related issues in agricultural development.
- We equip the 26 districts’ Women in Agriculture and Nutrition offices to acceptable standards to deliver services.
- Training women farmers on improved agricultural practices, technologies and research.
- We facilitate the development of a gender friendly land right policy on access to land and land ownership for women.
- We train farmers through e-farming in order to increase extension services.
- To add value in agricultural production by supporting farming communities Agricultural Business Centers with seeds, and the use of processing equipment.
- We improve food diversification by raising awareness, training and using recipes to improve food and nutrition security.
- We Create enterprise development and leadership training centers in the four major communities in the Northern regions of Ghana.We educate the farmers to carry out an environmental protection assessment, raise awareness and develop alternative energy saving devices for farmers in the 26 districts of Northern Ghana
- Yes
The HP Girls will be trained to take up environmental sensitization education workshops in all the communities to create environmental resilient in the community ecosystem, they will educate the community people through sensitization environmental campaigns for the communities to know the disasters of water pollution, green house gas emissions, land and ecosystem degradation that creates water shortages, food insecurity, hunger and community underdevelopment, in order to meet the present needs of ecosystem resilient development, the HP Girls will strategize issues and undertake adaptation measures such as education community people and farmers to cope with changing situations through biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation, eliminate green house gas emissions, reduce bush-fires and water bodies chemical pollution, encourage establishing water sheds and tree plantation .
There is the need for the HP Girls to address the problems to support the farmers’ production by ensuring environmental sustainability through biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation education for reducing deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and water bodies’ chemicals pollution. HP Girls will save and support production, marketing and environmental sustainability through market information and biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation for elimination land degradation, reduction desertification and greenhouse gas emissions as well as reducing water bodies chemicals pollution.
The HP Girls made decisions based on evidence for sustainable environment for agriculture production and fertile land while addressing climate change and environmental degradation, increased food security, hunger reduction and well-being development.
The HP Girls Intervention to stop land ecosystem degradation;
Land degradation affects large areas and many people in the northern regions of Ghana. Increased population pressures and excessive human expansion into northern region for farming during long wet periods leave an increasing number of people stranded there during dry periods as their alternative business that continuing degrading the farm lands and deforestation for economic income. The transfer of critical agriculture production elements to other uses therefore reducing dry season irrigation farming, e.g the use of water for industrial and urban purposes at the expense of rural agricultural producers break links in traditional production chains in dry season. This changes lead to the breakdown of the entire production systems. The removal of the protective cover to reduce competition for water and nutrients, ploughing, heavy grazing and deforestation all leave the soil highly vulnerable to wind erosion particularly during severe weather .The HP Girls will develop an improved framework for land resources development and management that addresses the evolving nature of integrated land management to ensure development of policies which will result in the best use and sustainable management of land and environment; improvement and strengthening of planning, management, monitoring and evaluation systems; strengthening of institutions, capacity education in reducing carbon emissions from organizations and communities, particularly through clean energy; Helping communities adapt and build resilience to impacts of climate change such as extreme weather; Creating goods that are renewable, repairable, reusable, and recyclable; Promoting access to sustainable and resilient food and water sources for rural and/or urban communities;
The HP Girls will establish biodiversity conservation and coordinating management mechanisms team to facilitate the active involvement and participation of communities and people at local level for reclaiming the degraded land and resilient for increasing productivity and many other potential environmental, social, economic and non-material benefits that are critical for society and development. The HP Girls intervention campaigns will contribute to efficiency of soil fertility resulting high productivity and food security. The farmers will be advised to adapt the use of high-yielding variety seeds that significantly increased in yields, since these varieties are depend on high soil nutrients and climate friendly for high production.
- No