Water Solutions for dry and semi-arid places.
Water extraction, desalination and distribution will work greatly to ensure water security in desert and arid places that have underground water, rivers and water bodies, whether saline or fresh.
Dry and desert areas are not necessarily dry as they may contain water present in form of underground water, seasonal and permanent rivers and even large water bodies such as lakes. To be able to provide a sustainable water solution to these areas, we first have to consider what type of water is naturally available to them. Afterwards, we then work on a mechanism that will extract this water, purify it and distribute it to the locality without impacting the environment. A majority of the lakes in arid areas are saline. This water needs to be extracted first using mechanical pumps and then piped into desalination chambers for desalination. Then, the water is channeled to distribution points to be given to the locals for their basic needs. This desalinated, purified water is now fit for use and can be use for plant growth to ensure food security and to start afforestation programs in the area. The post-results of this project will promote food and water security in the region.
Hearing desertification and famine in Turkana County in Kenya is a normal occurrence on the daily news. This particular county, located on the North Eastern part of Kenya is constantly faced by drought and famine. The government and well wishers are constantly called upon for food aid and support. The community living in the area is poor and practice nomadic pastoralism as a means of livelihood. However, with lack of water and food, these people are incapacitated and them and their animals die from starvation. The climate of the region is generally hot and dry with the place receiving rainfall of up to 50mm in a year according to local statistics. In 2018, the government conducted a food drive to donate food and water to Turkana after it was hit by a drought. More than 100 people and their livestock died from lack of basic needs, food and water. On the other hand, this area hosts the largest desert lake in the world. As a solution of their water problem, water extraction from the lake and its desalination, purification and distribution can be employed.
The solution aims to serve the local community living in the region. Currently, the region is facing a possible drought that could adversely affect them. Cattle and their owners are dying from lack of food and water. This community that actively practices nomadic pastoralism will have water for use for them and their cattle. They could then be educated on starting and developing agriculture to ensure food security using the water now available to them. Since this place is very arid while experiencing very high temperatures, green houses operating under irrigation could be started. Afforestation programs could also be initiated to start combating climate change and its adverse effects.
To understand the needs of the population I intend to serve, I have extensively done my research on the subject, evaluated all potential options and solutions and even interacted with locals in the area. While in Kenya I have first hand witnessed the adverse effects of drought in the region. Governmental and non- Governmental efforts by groups and individuals to control and eradicate the problem have also been noted. With this solution in place, these efforts could work hand in hand to ensure food and water security in the affected county. The same technology could also be applied in other places to solve similar problems. I have participated in various charity programs to promote food security in areas hit by drought such as Feed-A-Child program and made donations to the less privileged members of the society through visits to children homes. To work on this solution within the local area, I have engaged with a few locals from the area and obtained their opinion on the idea. They were all jubilant and excited since this solution potentially offers a solution to a majority of their problems.
- Other: Addressing an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four dimensions above
Water and food security in dry and semi-arid places. Zero hunger is listed as the second SDG according to the United Nations. Food and water are basic human needs that are vital for human survival. My solution addresses this challenge by offering a water solution to dry areas, areas that are being hit by a drought or at risk of desertification. By assessing the type of water naturally available to the dry area, water extraction, desalination, purification and distribution can begin. The locals can be supplied with water for their daily use and encouraged to engage in agricultural practices that will promote food security. For Turkana county, the water will also be freely available for their livestock. Additionally, with this water project in place, on top of securing food and water for the region where it is implemented, re-afforestation and afforestation programs can be initiated in areas hit to curb the adverse effects of climate change.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
This solution is still at its concept stage because it ia an idea that has not yet been implemented in this specific area. since it entails application of an existing technology to a new place, I highly believe that the solution is feasible and can be initiated and implemented in my area. It is a very viable solution and addresses the issue at hand (food and water security) while at the same time being sustainability to the community. With adequate financing, the solution will be developed and piloted in Turkana county in conjunction with the local citizens. The locals will be able to get employment opportunities while working at the water plant and other SDGs such as clean water and sanitation, no poverty and decent work and economic growth among others will be met as secondary accomplishments
- A new use of an existing technology (e.g. application to a new problem or in a new location)
The core technology that powers involves a series of joint activities i.e. Water extraction from Lake Turkana using automated mechanical pumps. These pumps will be set up and laid to pump some of the water from the lake and direct them through a system of laid down water pipes to the water plant that will be situated not far from the lake. With the lake water coming in, the next step is to desalinate the water using desalination chambers. This removes the salt content in the water. The water is then purified to make it fit for drinking and home use and for farming. the solution concludes by setting up water distribution points within the locality. since the community in the region actively practices nomadic pastoralism, these distribution points will be set up to provide water for them at their convenience. The solution heavily relies on mechanical equipment that will be manned by skilled personnel.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Manufacturing Technology
- Other
- Kenya
This solution has not yet been launched. However, with its intense feasibility while offering water solutions to the drought stricken Turkana County, the solution aims to serve approximately 10,000 residents of the affected county on its first year of successful operation. These residents will include all genders, young and old who stay in the county. With increased scallability, the solution will be able to serve more parts of the county, up to 30,000 residents.
My impact goals include providing food and water security to the drought stricken Turkana county in Kenya. With this solution in place, a number of Sustainable Development Goals are addressed all together. The solution will ensure that with presence of water in the region and pulled efforts from the government and non-governmental organizations, the locals can be educated and encouraged to engage in agricultural activities to support their livelihoods and give them food. Since we do not want to deplete the water source, this water extraction process will occur in moderation. the Turkana community will be able to have access to food and water and also get employment opportunities to construct the water plant and to man the equipment within.
Additionally, with this solution, afforestation programs can be initiated in the region. The area has desert-like conditions and this can be controlled by planting trees in the region. this activity will eventually create a micro-climate in the region and desertification will cease to be a first-hand concern for the people. furthermore, the area will start becoming agriculturally productive and some crops could be grown under greenhouses with appropriate irrigation schemes to support the growth of the crops.
The first indicator of progress is establishing a well functioning water plant that is fitted with all the required equipment and materials. Initiating sensitization programs for the local citizens and offering employment opportunities to them.
SDGs to be addressed include;
- Clean water and Sanitation - The solution primarily aims to provide clean water to the area and its people.
- Zero hunger - with water security ensured, plans for agricultural farming for subsistence and commercial purposes can be started.
- Decent work and Economic growth- The establishment of the water plant guarantees working opportunities for citizens in the region. This will resultantly steer efforts towards the next SDG :
- No poverty
The solution is still at its concept stage. The largest barrier is financial constraint to initiate the solution and develop it fully. Additionally, acquiring the relevant machinery required and payment of wages may be a challenge. The culture of the people may also interfere with development plans of the project as some may be reluctant to start practicing agricultural farming as a means of their livelihood.
Trouble may also arise if the local government reuses to support the implementation of this project within its locality. This will imply that the project would be illegal without the required permits of operation.
The team working on this solution are 3 people. However, we hope the team expands once the project begins. The team comprises of very qualified personnel , with skills and motivation to solve the water crisis in Turkana County. We have all volunteered for various charity organizations and held fund drives to generate income to support the less fortunate in our immediate community. My team members are highly philanthropic and motivated to improve the quality of life of the people in these areas. Furthermore, we have toured Turkana county and interacted with the locals as a means of data collection for this project. A member of my team hails from Turkana county and as a result I am able to get information on more sensitive data about the area and we can deliberate on different ways to best solve their problems.
We are currently not working with any organization. We intend to partner with the local county government of Turkana county and NGOs to obtain required permits, increase coverage and start the water extraction solution process.
- No
- Yes
The solution will actively assist women and girls living in the county of operation. With this solution, these group of people will be empowered and sensitized on how to sustain their families and homes. Furthermore, education will be promoted and young girls encouraged to pursue their dreams and to work towards bettering their lives.