1. What is the problem that you are committed to solving?
Addressing the needs of those communities on the frontlines of climate change. Ensuring resiliency efforts are equitable and just. Mapping the full scale of impact within undervalued/under-reported communities. Recognizing the need for deeper education and advocacy with press, influencers and electeds.
2. What is the solution you are proposing?
Use crowdsourcing technology through partnerships to fully understand the day to day impacts- flooding, air quality etc. Develop online open source mapping and reporting systems to streamline planning among municipalities/states/regions. Use gathered data to advocate/educate influencers, elected officials and others about the depths of impacts and milestones, achievements from resiliency planning. There is also a need for this within the press, the leading source of public sway. Too often the press focuses of the most densely populated areas, with the highest monetary amount of property loss; yet some of the greatest impacts and highest percentage of losses are being felt by significantly smaller communities, without the ability/funding/prestige to have their stories shared outside of local news sources.
3. How will your solution change the world?
Developing plans to save, restore and reinforce frontlines communities will lay the groundwork for future impacted communities. Resiliency planning based on real measured impacts will be vital for all coastal communities in the foreseeable future, ensuring that disproportionately impacted communities are addressed first is vital. Addressing the needs of these communities first will be the learning environment for all future development and planning. The impacts seen here will be what proliferates into other communities in the years/decades to come. Furthermore, nonpartisan, educational partnership and advocacy is the only way we can solve these issues. There is a deep need for persistent, diplomatic, scientific education on current and future impacts with the realm of elected officials, press and influencers.