Biofil Toilet: on-site fecal sludge management technology
Fecal solids converted into compost inside the tank of Biofil toilet, no desludging required.
Bangladesh is the most vulnerable nation to climate change. In fact, its entire population in 710 km long coastline is at high risk of rising sea levels. The much acclaimed Stern Review (2007) narrates that about 78 million people will be displaced in Bangladesh by 2020 because of climate change. The situation would force Bangladeshis to crowd even closer together or else flee the country as climate refugees. Our Biofil toilet technology can mitigate the sanitation challenges both in the urban slums of coastal towns as well as in the coastal villages where the climate vulnerable people migrating and have been living. Accumulation rate inside the tank of Biofil toilet is about 14 times slower than traditional pit latrine. As no fecal solids generated inside the tank of Biofil toilet tank, therefore, no sewerage line or transportation of fecal solids is required. Because of cyclone, high tide or monsoon rain, even if it is inundated, pollution to the environment is negligible than pit or septic tank latrines. In Biofil toilet, fecal solids never get in touch of the ground soil directly. So that, possibility of ground water contamination is much less through this toilet. Furthermore, there is no bad odor at all in Biofil toilet, even if the tank is full with fecal solids because of over use. This aspect is liked most by the users both in urban and rural areas.
- Resilient infrastructure
The filter system made of porous slab by stone chips inside the tank of Biofil toilet is the innovation of our solution. It effectively separates the fecal solids from effluent and, fecal solids eaten up by earth worm, which produce compost, the best organic fertilizer. There is no such toilet technology available in the market. Users themselves can take the compost out from inside the tank, therefore, no cost required for professional toilet tank emptier. Process of making porous slab in plastic is going on, which will help reduce the unit price minimum by 20%.
Filter system made of porous slab with stone chips is the main aspect of our solution. This filter is further strengthened by fine net and coconut fiber. Technical skill of expert and experienced mason is necessary to make the porous slab properly, which separate the effluent from fecal solids effectively.
Presently we have concentration of our work in one coastal district (Cox’s Bazar) of Bangladesh, covering minimum 30000 people of 6000 households, which will be expanded to at least three more districts within next 12 months. Approximately 2500 more households will be buying the Biofil toilets by next one year.
We have the projection to sell total 11000 units of Biofil toilets in Bangladesh by the end of next three years, which will be used by minimum 165000 women, men and children of 33000 households. Our technology will contribute in achieving SDG 5: Gender Equality, and SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.
By the year 2025 we would like to sell 100000 units of Biofil toilets in Bangladesh, which will have impact on more than one million people. Besides, we will introduce the technology in coastal area of other countries e.g. Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines.
- Child
- Female
- Urban
- Rural
- Lower
- East and Southeast Asia
About 39 percent of all latrines classified as “unimproved” in Bangladesh. To achieve target 6.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), minimum 12.48 million improved toilets needed in Bangladesh.
So far we have sold more than 2000 units of Biofil toilet and 99% of those were through national and international NGOs. Beyond this strategy, we have the plan to develop skills of local level sanitation entrepreneurs, who will get the porous slab from us and construct Biofil toilets in their locality. Through the involvement of local level sanitation entrepreneurs, it would be possible to expand the market rapidly and economically.
So far we have sold more than 2000 units of Biofil toilet of different models, which are being used by minimum 30000 women, men and people of 6000 households in coastal areas (Cox’s Bazar) and in urban slums of Dhaka. These people are using odor free hygienic toilet. Surrounding environment also not polluted by fecal solids.
We have the projection to sell 2400 units of toilets within next 12 months and another seven thousands units of Biofil toilets in Bangladesh by the end of next three years, altogether, which will be used by minimum 165000 women, men and children of 33000 households. Biofil toilets will be made available countrywide through local level sanitation entrepreneurs.
- For-Profit
- 10
- 3-4 years
We have good linkage with NGOs. Besides, we are sincere to our efforts. We do not compromise with the quality. In Bangladesh, we are the only team which has experience and skills of making Biofil toilets.
We have started our business through small amount of own fund and through personal loan. Over the period of last two years, all loans have been paid back and we made about USD 22000 net profit. Generally our effort is to keep maximum 12 to 15 percent net profit. We are planning to invest for broader market and, within next three to five years we will be active all over Bangladesh and our business will be sustainable.
We are interested to get technical support from SOLVE to further develop our technology and to make it more economic. Besides, linkage support from SOLVE to introduce our technology in other neighboring countries will be instrumental.
Although the Biofil toilet technology has been tested and found feasible in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh, however, response from institutional buyers yet to be at expected level. Shift of mindset to try something new and effective is required. Besides, philanthropic approach of both NGOs and government is another challenge. Potential individual buyers are more interested to get free toilet and, does not bother about the quality. Furthermore, lack of implementation of environmental laws and regulation by the peoples representatives create the scope for users to go on with unhygienic toilet which pollute the rivers, cannels and sea.
- Technology Mentorship
- Impact Measurement Validation and Support
- Media Visibility and Exposure
- Grant Funding
- Other (Please Explain Below)