WBE (Wave Blue Energy)
Fight Against Climate Change.
Generation of energy from waves (Wave Blue Energy) GIVING FREE ENERGY TO VULNERABLE GROUPS
Due to the global problem of climate change WBE, (Wave Blue Energy) is a project in which our objective is to combat climate change which works through a WEC (Wave Energy Converter), which is a floating device in charge of receiving (in first instance) the movement of the waves and therefore convert the energy of the waves of the sea into an electricity generation technology.
We are aligned with the following objectives:
The UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 aligned with world-class institutional policies
Kyoto Protocol (2005-2013)
Paris Agreement
2030 Agenda
- Other
- Vietnam
- Indonesia
- Philippines
- Thailand
- Malaysia
The main effects of climate change:
The change will continue to occur during this century and also later
Temperatures will continue to rise
The frost-free season (and the growing season) will be extended
Changes in precipitation patterns
More droughts and heat waves
Hurricanes will be stronger and more intense
Sea level will rise 1 to 4 feet by 2100
The Arctic is likely to run out of ice
The effects that scientists predicted in the past to emerge from global climate change are happening now: loss of sea ice, accelerating sea level rise, and more intense heat waves.
Global climate change already has observable effects on the environment.
Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is melting prematurely, habitats of plants and animals have changed, and trees bloom earlier.
Due to global problem of climate change, Wave Blue Energy is a project in which our principal goal is to COMBAT CLIMATE WARMING (or climate change) which is reflected in the oceans and the atmosphere mainly caused by the emission of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities.
We are going to help the environment, producing the energy, converting the power of the waves of the sea, into an electricity Generation technology with a Wave Energy Converter, using the technology of buoyant bodies activated by waves on the coast of Baja California Sur.
For its technical development, it will be conformed as follows:
The study area has been delimited on the coast the coast of Baja California Sur, likewise the maritime climate has been found with the data closest to the area of interest through a statistical analysis in the last forty years (IIUNAM, 2015).
The wave conditions have been propagated towards the coast to determine the most energetic zones, from which one will be selected to determine the conditions to which the Wave Energy Converter (WEC) will be subjected, it is a wave energy converter device, the wave it breaks into the device and this in turn with the mechanism converts the kinetic energy of the waves to electrical energy.
WBE is made up of two stages:
The first 'Before project', consists of the possibilities of success, energy resource, connection capacity, technical and regulatory requirements and limitations, basic feasibility studies and identifying business opportunities.
The second 'Project' is the development, construction and operation of the project, from the design, manufacturing, personnel quotes, materials and transportation, environmental and visual impact, among others.
The solution that we propose benefits the environment and the society world wide.
1. Prioritize that energy solutions supply energy to health centers and first response teams.
2. Keeping vulnerable consumers connected.
3. Increase the production of reliable, uninterrupted and sufficient energy in preparation for a more sustainable economic recovery.
Principal Vulnerable Groups:
Children and adolescents
Older adults
People with disability
At present, the scientific community observes with concern the climate change originating from the concentrations of greenhouse gases (CGHG), emitted by human activities.
As the population advances both in size and in industrial development, these gases have progressively increased. Some of the effects of climate change are: the global increase in temperature on earth, rising sea levels, increased extreme weather events, floods, droughts, storms, among others.
Around two thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions are linked to the burning of fossil fuels for the production of heating, electricity, transport and industry (EEA, 2017). The creation of electrical energy has a great impact on climate change. Under this concern, global efforts and commitments were created to mitigate polluting emissions and guarantee a sustainable future, among them are:
Kyoto Protocol
Paris Agreement
Therefore, one of the alternatives to combat climate change is the generation of electricity with free energy from the burning of fossil fuels.
For this reason, the WBE project was created whose objective is to potentiate clean energies through a hybrid wave energy generator system on the coast of Baja California in Mexico.
- Pilot: A project, initiative, venture, or organization applying its research, product, service, or business model in at least one context or community
Pedro Maalouf
Inventor and coordinator
Rodolfo Silva
Director of researcher
Edgar Gerardo Mendoza
Alejandro Martinez
Engineering manager
Laura Valladares
Fernanda Loaiza
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
Our unique solution is that we are the only 24/7 energy generators.
We do not need from the sun or the wind to mitigate climate change, provide electrical safety and encourage environmental culture through the development and research of sustainable marine technology.
Our vision is to be the first Mexican technology to generate BLUE electricity through the construction and implementation of a hybrid wave power generation system.
This innovative solution is a technology that can be replicated in any country in the world.
We are placed at level 3 of the technological readiness levels (TRL)
The interest in renewable energy is a global trend, in order to reduce
greenhouse gases emitted from the burning of fossil fuels in the
generation of electricity. The growing idea of decarbonizing power
generation has been on the rise by various nationalities, with the sole
main purpose of providing affordable, non-polluting and reliable energy
in addition to the above, reducing greenhouse gases and global warming
has been the themes of the last years that concern humanity. (Agenda
2030, s.f.)Oceanic or marine energy is an underdeveloped renewable
energy, but with great energy potential.
For the first 12 months:
Characterize and design the energy conversion device at the laboratory level using floating body technology.
Develop and implement an electric power generation and supply system in the coast of Baja California.
From month 13 to 24:
Potentialize wave energy through the implementation of another wave energy converters device and replicate in isolated coastal areas, local areas or to electrical grids from wave energy.
Promote renewable energies as the main source of energy.
Generate and offer jobs to unemployed, disabled or vulnerable people in the operation stage
The Interest in renewable energies is a global trend, in order to reduce greenhouse gases emitted from the burning of fossil fuels in the Generation of electrical energy.
The growing idea of decarbonizing power
The generation has been increasing by various nationalities, with the only primary purpose of providing affordable, clean and reliable energy in addition to the above, reduce greenhouse gases and global warming have been the issues of recent years that concern humanity. (Diary 2030, n.d.) Ocean or marine energy is an underdeveloped renewable energy energy, but with great energy potential.
The global theorist The ocean energy potential is estimated at 82,950 TWh / year, divided in the different retreats. Among them, the energy of the waves or the wave Energy ranks second, representing 36% of this potential, being one of the most promising in its use (SENER, 2012). furthermore, the infrastructure of this technology requires few simple elements for its installation and maintenance is minimal.
Wave Blue Energy (WBE), is a project that is added to combat climate change,provide electricity to safety and promoting environmental culture through research, development and innovation of a hybrid wave power generating system principally for vulnerable groups.
- Other
- Society in general
We are able to adapt it world wide, the only thing that we need is:
Waves from the sea, and we can get it 24/7 in any coast field
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- Other
- Infrastructure
- Other
Education for the new generations about alternative ways to generate electricity in a clean and sustainable way.
As I have mentioned previously, the development is currently in a pilot plan.
As we are carrying out our project in the wave channels of the best laboratory in Latin America, we will have the best results of the measurements, but due to the pandemic that crossed the world, these laboratories were closed and we are starting doing the tests again.
These are the reason we need the resources to continue developing and get at a solution.
We are located between level 2 and 3 of the technological readiness levels (TRL).
According to the classification of TECHNOLOGICAL PREPAREDNESS LEVELS (TRL), they are divided into the following 9 levels.
TRL 1: Basic idea.
TRL 2: Concept or technology formulated.
TRL 3: Proof of concept.
TRL 4: Laboratory component level validation.
TRL 5: Component level validation in a relevant environment.
TRL 6: Validation of the system or subsystem in a relevant environment.
TRL 7: Validation of the system in a real environment.
TRL 8: Complete validation and certification in a real environment.
TRL 9: Successful tests in real environment.
The solution that we propose benefits the environment and the society world wide.
For practicy we plan starting locally to get worldwide penetration.
1. Prioritize that energy solutions supply energy to health centers and first response teams.
2. Keeping vulnerable consumers connected.
3. Increase the production of reliable, uninterrupted and sufficient energy in preparation for a more sustainable economic recovery.
Principal Vulnerable Groups:
Children and adolescents
Older adults
People with disability
At present, the scientific community observes with concern the climate change originating from the concentrations of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities.
As the population advances both in size and in industrial development, these gases have progressively increased. Some of the effects of climate change are: the global increase in temperature on earth, rising sea levels, increased extreme weather events, floods, droughts, estores, among others.
Around two thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions are linked to the burning of fossil fuels for the production of heating, electricity, transport and industry (EEA, 2017). The creation of electrical energy has a great impact on climate change. Under this concern, global efforts and commitments were created to mitigate polluting emissions and guarantee a sustainable future, among them are:
Kyoto Protocol
Paris Agreement
Therefore, one of the alternatives to combat climate change is the generation of electricity with free energy from the burning of fossil fuels.
For this reason, our WBE project was created whose objective is to potentiate clean energies through a hybrid wave energy generator system.
- Other
- Financing
The potential risk at present is not to start immediately.
The scientific community is observing with concern the climate change coming from the concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG), emitted by human activities.
As the population advances both in size and in industrial development, these gases have progressively increased.
Some of the effects of climate change are: the global increase in temperature on earth, rising sea levels, increased extreme weather events, floods, droughts, storms, among others. (IDEAM, 2007)
Around two thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions are linked to the burning of fossil fuels for the production of heating, electricity, transport and industry (EEA, 2017). The creation of electrical energy has a great impact on climate change. Under this concern, global efforts and commitments were created to mitigate polluting emissions and guarantee a sustainable future.
Limited equipment
Insufficient experience in testing in real conditions
We are going to help the environment, producing the energy, converting the power of the waves of the sea, into an electricity Generation technology with a Wave Energy Converter, using the technology of buoyant bodies activated by waves on the coast of Baja California in Mexico.
For its technical development, it will be conformed as follows:
The study area has been delimited on the coast of Manzanillo in the state of Colima, likewise the maritime climate has been found with the data closest to the area of interest through a STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN THE LAST FORTY YEARS (IIUNAM, 2015).
The wave conditions have been propagated towards the coast to determine the most energetic zones, from which one will be selected to determine the conditions to which the Wave Energy Converter (WEC) will be subjected, it is a wave energy converter device, the wave it breaks into the device and this in turn with the mechanism converts the kinetic energy of the waves to electrical energy.
Additionally, training is being carried out, specifically for the generation of geometries which will be used in the open source code NEMOH that analyzes fluid-structure interaction, of the type of wave converter being analyzed, buoy and turbine type. NEMOH, is a numerical solver for the calculation of first order hydrodynamic coefficients, such as added mass, damping and excitation forces in the frequency domain of the floating body and turbine.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Work team:
Pedro Maalouf
Inventor and coordinatorFull-Time Job
Rodolfo Silva
( http://www.ii.unam.mx/es-mx/In... )
Director of researcher and collaborator
Part-Time Job
Edgar Mendoza
( http://www.ii.unam.mx/es-mx/In... )
Researcher and collaborator
Part-Time Job
nez Flores
Part-Time Job
Engineering manager and colaborator.
Ing. Laura Michel Valladeares Cadena
Full-Time Job
Researcher and collaborator
Ing. Maria Fernanda Loaiza Valdes
Full-Time Job
Researcher and collaborator
Ocean energy experts
UNAM support
CEMIE-Ocean support
Consult with experts
Organizational structure
Sufficient equipment for laboratory tests.
Mexican innovation in the field of clean energy
Team of Mexican scientists
International support for the generation of electricity from renewable sources
Few pilot projects in Latin America for the generation of electricity through waves
International sectoral funds
Investment in the wave sector
International recognition for financial support contests
Commercial device
Partnership with international governments
Limited equipment
Insufficient experience in tests in real conditions.
Limited national policies on renewable energy
Reduced support in the Mexican electricity sector
Investor flight in Mexico
Policy change in the six-year development plan
Reduction of support for electricity generation projects from renewable sources
Global financial uncertainty due to the 2020 pandemic.
Educational institutions / UNAM
National University of Mexico
CEMIE- Ocean A.C
Work team
Public administration
Comprehensive Port Administration of Ensenada
Private electricity companies
Trusts technical committee
Secretary of Energy
Energy regulatory commission
Federal electricity commission
National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy
National Center for Energy Control
Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection
Wave Blue Energy (WBE), is a project that adds to combat climate change, provide electrical security and promote the environment.
culture through research, development and innovation.
In reference to innovation:
Being an innovative technology creating a new business model to obtain a unique solution generating 24/7
Being a cleaner and more profitable adaptation to existing solutions.
Regarding support for marginalized and vulnerable groups:
We embrace social innovation by having new ways to support marginalized and vulnerable groups.
Increasing access to electricity, a fundamental right of humanity, that is why we decided to turn a great idea into a global solution.
Reduce poverty with the important implementation of offering employment to generate equality, educating people to be self-sufficient and
generate autonomy.
This innovation will generate impacts on social development and will achieve solutions such as equality, higher income, reduction
the mortality rate.
In reference to the future and sustainability:
We have a long-term vision plan and we will be able to scale to the next levels to reach more and more places in search of international ensembles.
1. CEMIE OCEANO is the organization that UNAM depends on.
(https://cemieoceano.mx) and with whom the development is taking place.
It is the ocean energy research center with the greatest capacities for the development of technologies with high social and
industrial impact, as well as the largest number of successful lines of research in Latin America.
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (https://www.unam.mx) is a Mexican public university.
It stands out as one of the best universities in Latin America and one of the most active in artistic, technological and research
2. Mexican Academy of Energy Law AMDE (https://amde.com.mx) association to which we will belong.
3. Mexican Hydrogen Association with whom we are working to add tidal energy and join the association.
We are interested in applying to the Octava Social Innovation Challenge, in the same way we are eager to aplicate it in any other applications because it can help people in vulnerable conditions in the world, give them affordable access to electricity and power improves the quality of life of people in general. We plan to do this in a self-sustaining way so that it can become a business and in the future we will stop depending on external resources.
The association with Octava and MIT Solve adds value to our solution with the material resource they can contribute, in this way it will be a starter for the project.
The solution to solve the current barrier is economical, the result that we offer is invaluable and permanent.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Network connections (e.g. government, private sector, implementation communities)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
Basically the only way that we need help to achieve these are:
· Economically
· Legal and Regulatory Matters to scale it.
· Networking with governments.
· Distribute it worldwide.