AI empowerment hub for everyone
Artificial Intelligence is changing the world and our children and youth will be the more impacted. What should we do to prepare our kids in the AI era? how can we ensure that students are not leaving school totally unaware of new careers are fields where they can excel if they just have the opportunity? How can we decrease the gender gap in AI and ensure diversity which is not just desirable but critical to avoid bias and other ethical issues? How can we raise awareness and increase self-strength for teenagers in the social media era where they are the main users and most affected?
We are building an empowerment hub for everyone to address these issues and moreover leverage AI literacy and support children and youth to make their impact and apply AI for social good. Our empowerment hub is based on an online learning platform, online sessions facilitated by experts in education and AI and a community of AI experts and advocates to provide the tools and resources to learn, explore, reflect and apply AI for good.
- Lack of AI literacy in schools.
- Lack of awareness about new fields and careers around data, AI, cloud computing, specially for high school students.
- Lack of understanding about risks of social media platforms for teenagers, how it can impact their mental health.
- Gender gap in AI (~80% male, 20% female of AI professionals), we need to increase diversity not just in terms of gender but ethnicity, age, etc.
Our AI empowerment hub is based on an online learning platform where we provide online courses with access to play and interact with AI technologies in real time, online sessions facilitated by experts in education and AI and a community of AI experts and advocates to provide the tools and resources to learn, explore, reflect and apply AI for good.
Children, youth, non-technical people or anyone interested to learn AI and solve a problem with AI.
We are mainly interested to serve people in developing countries, rural areas, people with disabilities and children in low income families.
We work in collaboration with companies such as Planet Pilots ( that help us to open doors in schools around the world.
- Support teachers and educational institutions with teaching and learning methodologies, tools, and resources that help develop future skills for students
We are a team with the academic and industry experience in the field of AI to build a bridge between AI experts, contemporary industries, schools and families. We are committed to leverage AI literacy for everyone, starting with our children and youth, supporting them to explore, learn, think critically and solve problems with AI so they develop the skills needed to thrive in the future. Our main aim in designing our solution is to support schools and families to raise a generation of empowered children and youth who are not merely passive consumers of AI technologies but, instead, active creators and shapers or their future and wellbeing in their communities. Our mission is to develop the AI talent everywhere so everyone will have the skills to participate and thrive in this AI and data era.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth.
We executed a pilot in Finland last year, run workshops for big organizations in New Zealand and they were successful. From now, we are working hard and smart to continue growing.
At the moment we are delivering a data science program for university students in Bolivia (Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz) and will start delivering our program in a school in Colombia.
- A new application of an existing technology
Our mission is to leverage AI empowerment for everyone, starting with the young.
We are building an online AI empowerment hub where kids around the world can connect online to explore, learn, reflect and apply Artificial Intelligence for social good. We have designed an AI curriculum for teachers and school students and built an online platform where online courses and social network is available to learn, interact with several AI technologies in real time, think critically about AI and connect with our community of AI experts that kindly want to share knowledge and research/work experiences with younger generations. We apply a hybrid system of online content for the kids/teachers to learn at the own time and also facilitate online sessions to discuss, debate, play, learn and explore together.
We work in close collaboration with entrepreneurs in education (e.g. Planet Pilots), AI experts and advocates to support families and teachers to raise a generation of children who are not merely passive consumers of AI technologies but active creators and shapers of their future and their communities.
An online learning platform.
A social network to connect with AI experts and advocates.
Online courses where kids can play and interact with several AI technologies in real time (JStensorflow APIs).
Please check the video in the link:
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Software and Mobile Applications
Working in the field of AI, we are totally aware of the risks. We don't collect data on our website, except for registration purposes. We will never allow third parties to collect data to be used for targeted advertising on our website or anywhere else.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- Colombia
- Finland
- New Zealand
- Bolivia
- Colombia
- Denmark
- Finland
- Japan
- New Zealand
Current number: 200.
One year: 10000.
5 years: 2 billion kids! We dream big and will do our best to reach and empower kids around the world.
Our goal for the next year is to deliver our programs and support kids in project-based initiatives. Thus, we will:
- Continue making strategic partnerships to reach more kids and schools.
- Continue improving our empowerment hub and building our community of AI experts.
- Deliver our "Share your fortune and love" program for the kids to be share the gained knowledge with kids in other countries.
5 years: deliver 1000 projects proposed, designed, developed and implemented by children or youth to improve our world and people's lives.
Coverage: number of kids that are part of our program.
Impact: number of projects proposed, designed, developed and implemented by children or youth to improve our world and people's lives.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
5 persons:
2 AI experts and developers.
2 technical developers.
1 graphic designer.
The founders have over 17 years of working experience in the field of AI, both of them have a master and PhD at Waseda University in Japan and had published more than 20 international and journal papers in the field of AI, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Data Mining. Both founders have academic and industry experience and know the potential, benefits as well as risks of AI if governments and people don't invest in education and upskilling workforce.
Moreover, both founders are from Bolivia and know first hand the amazing talent, energy, creativity of children but lack of support and opportunities in developing countries. We have founded Domitila with the mission to support kids around the world, providing access to the tools and resources for them to thrive and make their impact so all together make a better world.
The CEO and co-founder is female and is totally committed for keep building a diverse, equitable and inclusive team. In our programs for kids, for the online sessions we always invite female AI, Data Science and entrepreneurs to inspire girls in schools. I am totally aware of the gender bias in the field (~80% male, 20% female).
- Organizations (B2B)
We are applying because we need more support to achieve our mission. Support in terms of funding and connections to open more doors of schools and countries. Working with schools is the most challenging customer segment and we are in the process to be sustainable. In the past, we tried to establish Bolivia AI forum to leverage AI education and adoption in our home country Bolivia with a non-profit model but didn't work. That is why we are for-profit this time but not with the intention to take advantage or just care about revenue but with the objective to be sustainable in the long term.
We delivered and are always happy to organize workshops and programs for free when needed but we need more support to go to the next level. We believe we have a lot of to offer and will make our impact for social good.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
As explained before, we would like to hire more people that can helps us to keep building our community and concrete strategic partnerships.
UNESCO and tech giants such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft so we can connect kids and youth with latest technological advancements and also these companies are part of the conversation about ethical issues in AI and together - children, educators, families and industry experts, design and develop technologies and solutions with children and youth in mind.