The project will initiate theater plays covering central themes to mitigate and adapt to climate change, Example preparedness to hazards.
Solomonic Peacocks Theater (SPT) is a professional theater Organisation based in Blantyre, Malawi and it intend to work with the in project that aims at addressing flooding problems affecting Chikwawa and Nsanje in Malawi, through drama/theater plays.
Hence the area is prone to floods and droughts, but cultural and social factors are the ones insinuating the problems, the organisation will use dram plays to change the community mindset to solve their own climate change problems.
Floods are the most frequent natural disasters occurring in coast communities in Malawi, mostly in Chikwawa in Nsanje districts in the Southern part of Malawi. Coastal threats are different throughout the world. For example, in the Malawi’s, coastal districts there are more potentially catastrophic coastal hazards such as flooding and droughts.
In this project, the world will change towards valuing interactive drama as a tool for change and managing environmental challenges.
- Resilient infrastructure
- Restoring and preserving coastal ecosystems
It is critical to develop hazard-resilient communities to prepare for these threats and enhance the ability of these communities to absorb impacts and bounce back. This preparation will reduce the lives lost in disasters, secure the economic stability of these communities, and support the health of our coastal ecosystems, including wetlands which are essential for reducing flood impacts on our coastal communities of Malawi, precisely in Nsanje and Chikwawa districts. The fundamental innovative ideas in the project will be application of theater plays, that will be played with practical climate change and adaptation issues.
In our project, technology will be a sense of communication, hence after the straining with the community leadership and members some mobile gadgets will be procured for those leaders in prone areas to communicate easily for early warning through meteorological services institutions in Malawi.
The ideas from drama plays will be shared in various media platforms across Malawi and beyond, and that will change the world.
The goals are:
- To build a basic element for climate change adaptation and prosperity
- To reduce the impact of floods and droughts in Nsanje and Chikwawa in Malawi
- To Enable productive communities to sustain ecosystems
To create theater development and economically empower communities and assist national development to build better ecosystems and reduce the impact of floods
- Child
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Old age
- Rural
- Sub-Saharan Africa
The project will be sustained hence some communities will be trained and empower their location, when the project phases out.
We are currently working 1000 groups of youths and adults in various aspects of projects.
We are working towards empowering them on various issues, including human rights, gender, environment and climate change.
We expect to serve about 12,000 people in 12 months and to reach 6000 in next 3 years.
- Non-Profit
- 10
- 3-4 years
Our organisation have project management experts, have drama players artists, and play writers experts, and such team will always make impact impacts.
Solomonic Peacocks Theater (SPT) is a professional theater Organisation based in Blantyre, Malawi. The organization was established in December 1999 and has since grown to become one of the most prominent theater groups in Malawi. SPT is registered with Confederation of Non-Governmental Organizations of Malawi (CONGOMA) and the Non-Governmental Organizations Board of Malawi, and is also a member of the National Theater Association of Malawi (NTAM).
The organization was established to provides theatrical performances across Malawi, Africa and overseas. The organization’s services include stage drama performances, television drama, adverts, comedies, public service announcements, talk-shows, road shows, theater for development (TfD), community mobilization and public awareness campaigns, theater training, theater research, theater consultation and commercial promotion of images, products and services.
We are applying for Solve to enable the communities to mitigate and adapt to climate change while developing and prospering through drama plays, that is more interactive.
Key barriers are for our succeed are inadequate funding
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship