Yachaywasi is the first e-learning platform specialized in the training of people with hearing disabilities (hearing loss, deafness and hyperacusis), language disorders, visual and motor disabilities and other disabilities at the national level. We are committed to the inclusion of people with academic, social and occupational disabilities, our solution is a validated platform that has a voice-to-text player, sign language interpreter depending on the country, our solution is scalable since being an electronic platform learning can be used in any country in the world.
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics in Peru there are more than 3 million people with disabilities, in America and South America there is a population with hearing, visual, motor and verbal disabilities, of approximately 100 million people, there are many difficulties that make them impossible By having economic independence in adulthood, this leads to a high deterioration in their quality of life and perpetuates the vulnerability of this sector since it is in poverty levels.
Academic insertion First of all, training centers are not intended to educate or train people with disabilities in their business schools.
Second, at the labor level, many companies are not obliged to comply with an inclusion quota because this guideline is only for large companies and even in those cases, personnel are not hired due to not finding trained personnel within this population.
Third, access to financing and control of your personal finances are difficult because financial entities (Banks, Financing, Angel Investors, Government with financing programs) do not provide services in an accessible way to people with visual and hearing disabilities. , motor and language.
That is why it is relevant to have a decentralized platform that provides financial and entrepreneurial training to achieve the economic independence of this sector in all Peruvian provinces.
Our platform is an LMS (Learning Management System) that has special functionalities for people with hearing, verbal and visual disabilities. This platform allows people with disabilities to be trained and be able to insert or include people with disabilities in the labor market, it uses special frameworks for sign language, text-to-speech translators that allow people with disabilities to be trained in different courses such as:
Models of viable and profitable business plans in the event of a pandemic.
Formation of formal companies Sunat - Sunarp.
Web programming for the blind and deaf
3D printing for the deaf.
Design thinking.
Digital advertising.
Finance for SMEs.
Taxes and tax benefits.
Accounting and commercial cash register tools.
Patents and technological surveillance.
In America there are approximately 150 million people with hearing, verbal, visual and motor disabilities, in Peru according to statistics there is a population of 3 million people with disabilities https://www.inei.gob.pe/, https: / /www.conadisperu.gob.pe, people with disabilities are citizens of different ages and do not have opportunities to study or work due to discrimination and because there is no labor inclusion, we have developed our specialized e-learning platform together and with tests with deaf, blind and people with motor and verbal disabilities, our education platform solves the existing digital gap for people with disabilities in Peru.
- Design, create, and implement new educational or training models for educators and students that guarantee access to quality education in low connectivity environments
Yachaywasi was created to allow labor inclusion and inclusion in education through our specialized platform.
We are a technological solution created by Peruvian women engineers, which has a positive impact on people with disabilities, whether they are children, youth, adults or older adults.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
We are in a pilot phase and we have been having a positive impact on the quality of education and labor inclusion, we have carried out the deployment of operations in 11 cities and our impact is quantified in 800 people with disabilities and families of people with disabilities, we have agreements with the main disability institutions in Peru and we will replicate our experience and model in other countries such as Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
We are Yachaywasi the first learning platform for labor and social inclusion
of people with visual, hearing, verbal and motor disabilities, our technology improves
the cognitive capacities of the population with disabilities allowing to obtain the maximum
potential and level of knowledge by having classes classified and made directly according to the type of disability that the person suffers, we are the only platform in Peru
that has been helping the population with disabilities for free and we have agreements
With the main institutions for the disabled, we have more than 8 years working with people with disabilities.
Our solution is 100% software, it has functionalities of interpretation of sign language in real time, psychological counseling, system for translation of text to speech, we have programmed each functionality in conjunction with citizens with disabilities, our technology works is low cost and allows improve the education of people with disabilities and at the same time that they can be included in a job after training.
Our technology works and all of our sources come from scientific databases:
Text to speech translators:
https: //ieeexplore.ieee.org/do ...
https: //ieeexplore.ieee.org/do ...
Features for the deaf:
https: //ieeexplore.ieee.org/do ... https: //ieeexplore.ieee.org/do ...
https: //ieeexplore.ieee.org/do ...
Features for mutes:
- Big Data
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
The risks that we have identified are external risks in the manipulation of the laptop or cell phone to enter classes but in the use of our software there is no risk since before each session the recommended parameters of the volume level for people are indicated that if they can hear like the dumb or the blind.
- Women & Girls
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- Peru
- Bolivia
- Chile
- Colombia
In 2021 we train 800, in 2022 we plan to reach 100,000 since we are developing our new web version in 3 languages English, Portuguese and Spanish that will allow integrating more people, in 2023 we project 200,000, in 2024 we project 500,000 and in 2025 we project 1,000,000 of impacted citizens.
In 5 years we want to impact 1,000,000 disabled users and next year 100,000 people with disabilities since it is a need that the government of Peru supports.
We measure progress through surveys of students to their relatives, monthly exams and with the labor insertion in each new job for each trained disabled person who manages to insert himself laboriously.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Full-time staff: 15
Part-time staff: 4
Contractors: 3
Giannina Honorio: Master in Neuroscience, engineer by profession. This 2021 she was distinguished as a Peruvian bicentennial for more than 10 innovations and helps thousands of people with technologies that helped and improve the quality of life of thousands of people in vulnerable situations, she is part of the ROYAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING OF UK, and YLAI supported by the US embassy in Peru.
Lisseth Anicama: Doctor Otolaryngologist, has more than 10 years of experience treating people with deafness, muteness and verbal disorders.
Indira Pereyra: Master in stomatology specialist in integration of people with disabilities.
Karen Kino: Psychologist specializing in psychological treatment of people with disabilities.
Edith Biamonte: Engineer, master in innovation has more than 3 national awards, has patents and has 5 years of experience in the industry developing inclusive technologies.
We work with the government since it has registered all the disabled in Peru at the national level, they trust in our solution and we have an agreement to help people with disabilities.
Our solution is to include and give skills in software and hardware to disabled people without excluding any person because of their age, sex, religion or economic condition.
- Organizations (B2B)
We apply because we are an NGO that seeks to put technology at the service of society, we have developed many successful technological products that have been helping many people, products recognized by YLAI, RAENG, OXFORD, HAXXX, GOVERNMENT OF PERU, MINISTRIES, PERUVIAN UNIVERSITIES, CHILEAN, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITIONS, but this new product called YACHAYWASI is incredible as it helps people with disabilities and needs the support of an entity like MIT tprize that allows it to expand and help more people with disabilities in the world.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
We need more people to know our solution so that they can benefit and we need advice to be able to have a business model that allows us to help people and makes this non-profit initiative sustainable.
We would like to partner with CEPAL https://www.cepal.org/es and with:
Argentina - Network for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (REDI)
Bolivia (Pluriannual State of) - Bolivian Confederation of Persons with Disabilities (COBOPDI)
Brazil - Fenavape - Federação Nacional das Avapes (Network of federated organizations)
Chile - National Foundation for the Disabled FND
Colombia - Colombian Federation of Organizations of People with Physical Disabilities (FECODIF)
Costa Rica - Federation Red Pro People with Disabilities of Costa Rica (FEREPRODIS)
Cuba - Cuban Association of Physically Handicapped - Motor (ACLIFIM)
Ecuador - National Federation of Ecuadorians with Physical Disabilities (FENEDIF)
El Salvador - El Salvador War Crippled Association (ALGES)
Guatemala - The National Council for the Attention of Persons with Disabilities (CONADI)
Honduras - National Association of the Disabled of Honduras (ANADISH)
Mexico - Mexican Confederation of Physically Handicapped and Representatives of Mentally Handicapped AC (COMELFIRDEM)
Nicaragua - Center for the Promotion of Comprehensive Rehabilitation (CEPRI)
Panama - National Association of People with Disabilities (ANPEDI)
Uruguay - Uruguayan special network: Accessibility and Design for all
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - National organizations of and for people with disabilities