Faced with a World Divided by multiple reasons, Distanced by big pending gaps, Disconnected from opportunities for all, Dominated by the Culture of Competition, where the “strongest/fittest survive” as Darwin said...
SymbioCreation promotes the Culture of Collaborative Creativity. How?
Through a new collaborative Methodology, a hybrid Multiplatform and a Massive Impact.
METHODOLOGY: inspired by symbiogenesis that, unlike what Darwin proposes, "Cooperation is a more powerful force of evolution than competition." Margulis.
SymbioCreation allows people to integrate ideas, capabilities and technologies, in a massive way, to CoCreate solutions of high value / impact.
DIGITAL To integrate individual ideas, generate group proposals and manage their evolution through AI and Blockchain for the recognition of the massive contributions.
PHYSICAL through the network of FabLabs giving participants physical local support and the opportunity to materialize their ideas remotely.
MAXIMUM POSSIBLE IMPACT, our impact indicator that measures the level of effectiveness of the proposals.
We faced with a world:
DIVIDED for multiple reasons: politics, history, religions, sports, etc.
DISTANCED with big pending social gaps “Latin America is one of the regions with the highest level of social inequality. The problem is not that we are different, but that we are distant! " Gustavo Gutierrez.
DISCONNECTED still: “114 million children still out of the classroom in Latin America and the Caribbean The world's largest number of children without face-to-face schooling” UNICEF, 24 March 2021. million-children-still-out-classroom-latin-america-and-caribbean
A world Dominated by the Culture of Competition, where “the strongest or fittest survive” as Darwin said ...
These conditions are especially critical in the Amazon rainforest, for example in Condorcanqui in Peru, where the Awajún and Wampis indigenous peoples live. In this amazing and isolated jungle lives talented young people, but with few opportunities to develop their potential. When they finish school (if they finish it) one in four adolescents is already mother / father. Many are seduced by activities such as illegal logging and informal mining, drug trafficking and narco-terrorism...
How could we generate opportunities for young people in these extreme conditions?
SimbioCreación allows people to integrate ideas, capabilities and technologies in a massive way, to co-create solutions of high value and impact.
Faced with a world Dominated by the Culture of Competition, where “the strongest or fittest/survive” as Darwin said ... SimbioCreación promotes the Culture of Collaborative Creativity. How?, Through:
A METHODOLOGY ( inspired by Symbiogenesis theory that, unlike what Darwin proposes, "Cooperation is a more powerful means of evolution than competition." Margulis.
Our principles (SimbioThinking): Convergence rather than competition. Integrate rather than Impose. Purpose rather than Profession. Create rather than Criticize.
DIGITAL ( | To integrate individual ideas, generate group proposals and manage their evolution through Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for the recognition of the massive contributions.
PHYSICAL (in alliance with and through the network of digital fabrication laboratories giving participants physical local support and the opportunity to materialize their ideas and projects remotely.
MAXIMUM POSSIBLE IMPACT (rather than MinimumViableProduct), is the impact indicator of SymbioCreation that measures the effectiveness (E) of the proposals based on: Impact (M) / resources (m):
E = M/m.
SymbioCreation promotes the Culture of Collaborative Creativity through the integration of people, institutions, ideas, cultures and technologies.
SymbioCreation seeks to make an impact worldwide by promoting the culture of collaborative creativity, especially in areas with the greatest social gaps, such as the Amazonian territory. How?
A. Developing competencies of the future, such as: STEAM, empathy, creativity and project prototyping using Digital Manufacturing, Electronics, Robotics and / or Biotechnology tools (Industry 4.0).
Challenge: The majority of young people who enter the labor market do so in jobs based on services and / or products with little added value (between Industry 1.0 to 2.0) with an estimated technology gap of 80 years.
B. Inspiring vocations as Agents of Change and their proactive capacity for the development of innovative products with high global impact.
Challenge: There is a general paternalistic culture. Young people and local authorities for the most part hope that solutions to their local challenges will always come from outside. Reagent | Proactive
Empower participants as actors of change.
C. Integrating ideas and capacities to generate proposals of high value and impact for your community. Promote Collaborative Culture between people and institutions.
Identified challenge: There is a generalized culture of mistrust, individualism and competition understood as one against the other (In symbiotic terms, "I win - You lose").
D. Democratize access to digital tools and advanced technologies.
Challenge: The Amazon rainforest has limited access to basic services such as potable water, electricity, and the Internet. There is no adequate technological educational infrastructure in any of the schools visited to support student learning.
A Symbio Transformation case:
Condorcanqui (Peru) is one of the most isolated provinces in the Amazon, a border area with Ecuador where 20 years ago we had a war conflict between these two brother countries. And where local peoples have felt excluded from the rest of the country and young peolpe are seduced by activities such as illegal logging and informal mining, drug trafficking and narco-terrorism... When we started SymbioCreation it was common -and hard- to find a spirit of pessimism among the participants. “José” raised as a personal proposal “to make a bomb (homemade explosive)”, he was skeptical and said: “Why are we going to do something if the authorities do nothing for us? We are forgotten!”
Definitely, the biggest challenge was not creating a product, but inspiring a different attitude in young people that would give them back the “power to believe to create” and technology played a fundamental role in the rediscovery of the world around and the great value they can find in it, and to start to believe that make things happen is possible... In the SimbioCreación process, participants are invited to share and integrate the most relevant information of each proposal to generate a new one of greater value. Some proposals can contribute more, others less, but ultimately all contribute to the achievement of the greater objective. The attitude of the participants, different from a contest, is to build the best possible solution to the general challenge between all of them, therefore, they are more willing to share information and value the contributions of others…
Three months later, at the end of the process, it was wonderful to see how the attitude of the young people of Condorcanqui had radically changed, especially José ... In the process, he changed his proposal from the homemade explosive to a device to generate energy with people activities in sports areas; and during the closing session he said, in front of the authorities present: "before this experience I thought that only the government should be in charge of solving the problems of my community, now I believe that I can also contribute and create solutions to support the government."
- Design, create, and implement new educational or training models for educators and students that guarantee access to quality education in low connectivity environments
We consider that SymbioCreation proposal and its impact are aligned with this challenge because we are focused on “increase the engagement of learners in remote, hybrid, and physical environments” especially in Latin America and the Amazon Rainforest, where the education gap is the biggest.
We integrate digital platforms ( and with physical networks of digital fabrication laboratories (we are parto of and founders of the Latin American FabLab Network to provide more opportunities to young people to create globally and prototype locally.
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency.
We have a proven and validated methodology and our own application, our own token (FabCoin) and a network of laboratories ( and in sustained growth. We have developed countless experiences of SimbioCreación worldwide, before and during the pandemic, especially in Latin America and the Amazon rainforest. But we continue working to improve its functionalities and impact, through:
+ Smart management of the evolution of ideas through AI.
+ Visualization diagrams of the Integration of ideas flow.
+ Identification of trends and influencers.
+ Automation of aspects that enhance the evolution of ideas, such as: Iteration levels, integration processes and frequency of interactions.
- A new technology
We believe in Bucky Fuller words: "Don't try to change a system, build a new one that will make the old one obsolete".
What do we want to transform? We want to innovate the way students interact with peers. In the schools there is much talk about the importance of collaboration, but what is promoted the most are competitions: in science, sports, arts, etc. ...
Here an example of what are we disrupting:
In the final integration session of SymbioCreation Cusco (2019), when the ambassadors (representatives of different schools) were meeting, the teacher Dayana told us excitedly: “I never imagined seeing my students working shoulder to shoulder with the students of that other school.
Our schools are historical rivals, they are always competing for everything! Sports, music, science, dance ... This rivalry has even led them to attack each other when they see each other on the street ... this is the first time I see them working together happily in a single project ”. Prof. Dayana Casas Bravo
SymbioCreation methodology allows participants to integrate ideas and capabilities in a collaborative way, to develop innovative products with high global impact through the use of advanced technological tools, such as Digital Manufacturing, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, BlockChain, Bio Technology, etc.
We have developed our own technology for accelerating ideas generation and integration based in Symbiogenesis theory. According to this theory , the integration of ideas can occur at two levels: "Phenotype" (formal integration) or the "Genotype" (Functional / Structural Integration).
This is the logic on which our platform and AI algorithms have been programmed, supported with java and python, and hosted in AWS.
We also have developed our own Token (FabCoin) based in Ethereum but , coming soon, upgrading to Binance.
In addition, our network of digital laboratories have multiple manufacturing tools, as 3D printing, laser cutters, electronic kits, etc.
Scientific basis: Symbiotic Planet: A New Look At Evolution Revised ed. Edición. Lynn Margulis.
Symbiocreation platform:
How to start SymbioCreation
Case: Symbio +K rilla (min. 2:50)
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Blockchain
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
One of the biggest risks / challenges is how to manage intellectual property considering that we are promoting massive collaboration to generate individual products.
How to provide flexible, "real-time" contribution recognition.
Our strategy to mitigate this risk is the incorporation of our own token to guarantee security and provide equitable recognition of the contribution of each participant.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Chile
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- France
- Mexico
- Peru
- Spain
- United States
- Brazil
- Chile
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- France
- Israel
- Japan
- Mexico
- West Bank and Gaza
- Peru
- South Africa
- Spain
- United States
- Venezuela, RB
According to our Maximum Possible Impact indicator - MPI, we have 3 levels of impact:
SENSITIZATION (S) Number of people who know about Digital technologies. They attend a conference or demonstration.
TRAINING (C) Number of people who have learned to use Digital tools. They participate in a training program.
DEVELOPMENT (D) Number of people who create projects and programs through the use of Digital tools.
Our currently impact is (2018-2021)
m= 1080 days
M=S * 0.02 + C * 0.2 + D * 1
TRAINING (C) : 80 000
DEVELOPMENT (D) : 12 000
E = (S * 0.02 + C * 0.2 + D * 1) / m
MPI: 34.07
Our expectation is to duplicate our impact each 2 years.
According to our Maximum Possible Impact indicator - MPI, we have 3 levels of impact:
SENSITIZATION (S) Number of people who know about Digital technologies. They attend a conference or demonstration.
TRAINING (C) Number of people who have learned to use Digital tools. They participate in a training program.
DEVELOPMENT (D) Number of people who create projects and programs through the use of Digital tools.
Our currently impact is (2018-2021)
m= 1080 days
M=S * 0.02 + C * 0.2 + D * 1
TRAINING (C) : 80 000
DEVELOPMENT (D) : 12 000
E = (S * 0.02 + C * 0.2 + D * 1) / m
MPI: 34.07
Our expectation is to duplicate our impact each 2 years.
SymbioCreation contemplates impact gamification. For this we have created the MPI tool (Maximum Possible Impact - Maximum Possible Impact) which is the indicator of effectiveness (E) of the proposed proposals, which is measured based on two variables: Impact generated (M) and resources used (m) .
E = M * m (-1)
E: Efficacy
M: Impact
m: Resources
Main Goal: "Reduce the gap in digital skills in Latin America."
m: Resource used in unit of time: 36 months.
M: The impact could has multi levels:
SENSITIZATION (S) Number of people who know about Digital Manufacturing. They attend a conference or demonstration.
TRAINING (C) Number of people who have learned to use Digital Manufacturing tools. They participate in a training program.
DEVELOPMENT (D) Number of people who create academic projects and programs through the use of Digital Manufacturing tools.
The level of impact can be estimated based on a factor determined by statistical data from similar previous experiences, as Michael Hurtado points out.
For example, in our experience in educational programs on digital manufacturing, out of every 1000 sensitized people, 20% (200) decide to train. Of the people trained, 20% (40) develop an innovative proposal and / or an undertaking.
Finally, we can define the final efficiency equation as:
E = (S * 0.02 + C * 0.2 + D * 1) / m
In base of this MPI approach, we develop different strategies to increase our impact in a short time considering our long term goals.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Full Staff: 5. Part time: 5.
Benito Juárez: General director Fab Lat
Delia Barriga: Executive Director Fab Lab.
Henry Sánchez: Educational innovation
Diana Di Tolla: Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Grace Schwan: Ambassador of new technologies
Mayra Ascencio: Educational innovatio
Hayashi Mateo: Mechatronic Engineer
We are a global team committed to technological democratization, social inclusion and sustainable development. Pioneers in Digital Manufacturing Technologies, synthetic biology and sustainable development in the Amazon. We are united by the passion to develop inclusive projects in favor of Amazonian and global sustainability. Our team skills are based on the integration of high technologies, such as digital manufacturing, biotechnology, robotics, entrepreneurship, etc. and local knowledge.
We are a super diverse, equitable and inclusive organization. Our mission is to provide access to the tools and the knowledge to educate, inspire, innovate and invent using technology and digital fabrication to allow people to make (almost) anything, and thereby creating opportunities to improve lives and biodiversity around the world.
- Organizations (B2B)
We love the MIT and MIT-SOLVE spirit. We feel comfortable and aligned with the principles that move this organization and we want to be connected with more inspiring people. We are also interested in bringing our experience and contacts in Latin America to this amazing community and we are also looking for partners and alliances to bring the benefits of SymbioCreation to more places of the world, especially to areas of crisis and large social gaps.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
Mainly for the business model strengthening and scaling, strategic allies for the development of the community, the opening of new markets and financing.
Partners interested in or in the field of:
A. Developing competencies of the future, such as: STEAM, empathy, creativity and project prototyping using Digital Manufacturing, Electronics, Robotics and / or Biotechnology tools (Industry 4.0).
B. Inspiring vocations as Agents of Change and their proactive capacity for the development of innovative products with high global impact.
