HeuriLearn is a platform where anyone can make their world a classroom. There is convenience and individuals can learn, take quizzes and gain certificates without any confines. It is germane for both students and non-students and has digital tools ensures heuristic learning. Tutors/content creators efforts are rewarded 65% remuneration per Ad views monthly.
HeuriLearn also serve as a learning management system . Our aim is to promote practical education and increase technology in education especially in basic and high schools .
HeuriLearn has feature where Youtubers can embed/link their videos and not necessarily re-upload to their HeuriLearn Account. Has Games for recess
Soon to add a feature to enable students apply several Universities/Schools with one submission and enable them express their skills, talents and life outside the classroom , as we noticed African universities solely base admissions on academics which does not promote civic engagement, practical education and innovations.
With the pandemic and double-track system in Ghana for most High schools, Most students tend to be out of school and idle. The educational gap is worrisome and schools tend not to have appropriate avenues to engage students and coerce them to learn skills and information which will add value to themselves.
Practical education is void in Ghana and aims to fix it. We hope to redefine education in Africa to not just be imbibition of scholarly knowledge but application to solve global problems is the utmost essence.
Heurilearn is tailored for anyone with passion to gain an education prior to solving problems. Educators get to gain substantial income from knowledge they impart via their videos. Our philosophy is to live and learn with no classroom thus HeuriLearn provide a simulation of a classroom but this time no confines and time boundaries.
HeuriLearn is a downloadable. Students join HeuriLearn in two ways
i. Their school/institution adds them
ii. They Sign up using the sign up form.
Users would have access to
Educational videos, Courses, PDF's, Games, Quizzes,Past questions and more.
What makes HeuriLearn unique is is the interactive nature and provision for limited internet access. It makes provision for Youtubers to embed/link their youtube videos and not necessarily re-upload to their HeuriLearn Account. It also serve as a Learning Management System which provides massive digital tools for institutions to turn their schools to 21st Century Digital schools.
We are keen on promoting technical , vocational and STEM courses as my coding skills was not even obtain via formal education. We believe education is the best medium to train human resources and ought to be more beneficial than literacy and making scholars.
Games included are to ensure Learning mode is fun and relatable especially to Kids below age of 15.
Mostly prerecorded videos and can embed/link zoom meetings on HeuriLearn.
Uploaders and Teachers earn for their efforts and content.
I am a recent high school Graduate (completed 2020).I know first hand how the pandemic affected and disrupted Education. Also in Ghana, there is a double-track system for high school education where nearly half the population of high school students stay home for other half be in school and rotated consecutively.
I conceived the idea of HeuriLearn in 2019 to curb this situation. My concern is the number of students left idle and inequality in access of education. I also had problems with the content and nature of education in Ghana.
I resolved to create a platform where students and non-students could have access to valuable information and skills with just a click away. I wanted to redefine Education in Africa to orient it towards training the human resources to be problem-solvers , Innovators and Entrepreneurs.
I wanted Education to be accessible to all and deemed fun and rewarding. I also took into consideration access to internet connection. I integrated Educational games so as users under 15 especially would learn whilst having fun.
Technical courses, Handiwork and soft skills and Research contents are most welcome on the platform and sent invite for content creators with such content.
Working earnestly to include a portal where students could submit one application to several Universities with opportunity to express skills, talents and activities. Most African Universities admit applicants based on only WASSCE results and this does not promote Civic engagement and translation of education to practical use outside the classroom.
My utmost impact I yearn for is to enable anyone ,everywhere readily have access to Education and actualize the world being their classroom. Where the content would not be just for scholarly use or academics but be prior Education for solving problems.
To avert misuse of the platform, we keenly scrutinize content and request Institutions signed up, to encourage student use Rethink words Keyboard. We formally sent a proposal to Rethink words to integrate their Technology so as to combat cyberbullying and also take maximum concern for users' mental health.
HeuriLearn is also HeuriLearn Learning Management System to improve technology in schools and make them 21st Century Digital schools. We currently piloting some schools and receiving great reviews.
HeuriLearn makes it easy for Youtubers(content creators) as they can easily link their videos and not necessarily re-upload their videos to HeuriLearn account. The can boost their videos and conditions for monetization is twice better, as it only requires 500 joiners to the class to begin monetization of content. In addition , they have massive digital tools to effectively teach the public as they can organize digital quizzes, upload pdf's, videos, live streaming(embedded zoom links) and more.
- Promote the assessment and recognition of skills developed outside the formal educational system
HeuriLearn solve more than one dimension of the TPrize Challenge such as
1) support institutions develop future skills for students: Heurilearn LMS provides all features to ensure institutions go paperless, digital and solve any needs of institutions. Customize to suit institution's preference.
2) Promote assessment and recognition of skills developed outside the formal educational system. HeuriLearn provides digital tools to effectively teach, assess (and monetize) skills, talents and knowledge which brings immediate socio-economic development.
3) Technical and soft skills, preparing people for work of the future. Reach out to more relevant content creators to actualize our mission.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
HEURILEARN is currently in its introduction stage. People and content creators keep increasing in numers.
HEURILEARN LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is currently piloting several schools and practically assessing convenience of the platform. We keep tweaking and including more features to solve more problems.
We currently capitalizing at western region and keep sending our proposal to schools to experience HEURILEARN for FREE.
Below is the proposal we send to educational institutions
- A new technology
HEURILEARN is innovative and unique. HEURILEARN unlike similar Apps do not just serve as an online educational platform but also ensure Knowledge Imparters earn for their efforts, also our content solely ensure practical education, problem-solving and Entrepreneurship. It also serves as a Learning Management System
HEURILEARN is tailored for all ages and meant not just for students but non-students too. We incorporate Games , Quizzes and Practical projects to make learning fun, rewarding and enable users have substantial practical and immediate benefits. Youtubers can link/embed their videos and not necessarily re-upload their content to Heurilearn account. Content creators can embed their zoom meetings on Heurilearn. It has online bookstore and portion to exhibit syllabus or curriculum to public. Automatically mark quizzes and score/rank students.
We hope to incorporate a feature which will enable applicants apply to several African Universities and institutions with just one submission and this time get opportunity to express their talents, skills and basically life outside the classroom. This is to promote Civic engagement of students as Higher institutions in Africa(Ghana especially) only admits students based on only academics (WASSCE) which does not promote problem-solving by the youth in Africa but just focus on scholarly knowledge.
Our platform also include certified courses, technical courses and life skills to accelerate self employment.
We also advertise jobs and vacancies via our platform (Powered by FlendyAds) thereby creating employment opportunities. We also reward active users and top scorers on our platform.
HEURILEARN came to existence via Coding and programming.
My knack of coding which I learnt informally and by self-tuition enabled us to launch HEURILEARN.
I used Javascript, PHP , HTML ,CSS jQuery , bootstrap and sweetAlert to enable HEURILEARN have all features and functions mentioned.
Ultimately is our expertise in coding and software development that enabled us to churn out several Apps, Games and projects.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Audiovisual Media
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
The only potential risk is the possibility of cyberbullying.
We however have measures in place to combat such situations.
Upon registration of institutions, We encourage them to make their students use Rethink words Keyboard to regulate Cyberbullying.
TechHero Ghana sent a formal proposal to integrate the technology(API) of Rethink Words to our HEURILEARN but did not receive any response.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- Ghana
- China
- Germany
- Ghana
- Nigeria
- Singapore
- South Africa
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
HEURILEARN have nearly 10 Institutions deploying our platform. We keep writing proposals and organizing demonstrations to Institutions to sign up to our platform. We contact relevant content creators to try out HEURILEARN.
We keep promoting HEURILEARN to reach more people.
We are targeting to reach 100+ schools and institutions by the end of 2021. We hope to be selected as an MIT Solve finalist , as our affiliation would escalate the numbers to at least thousands.
We have sent emails and proposal to companies. Some received positive feedback others negative and some no response at all.
We plan to use digital mediums to reach people and Institutions to get them on our platform and actualize our impact on a large scale. HEURILEARN is very young but progressing.
HeuriLearn recieved good reviews by top educationists such as Director of Admissions for New York University Abu Dhabi ,Amy Kice and even Elevate Prize social Media manager.
We are hoping in 5 years to come we would have crossed boundaries and prominent in several countries and be a household name in the world and known for the impact purported.
We aspire to intensify the promotion of HEURILEARN so all could know and register.
We aspire to make millions use our platform and eliminate boundaries such as Geography , time, space and money in earning an Education to be a global problem solver.
HEURILEARN have already created the platform to accomodate millions and serve an education for immediate impact and benefits. The next phase is to get the numbers included and deploying our platform.
HEURILEARN have over 10 Institutions deploying our platform. We keep writing proposals and organizing demonstrations to Institutions to sign up on our platform. We contact relevant content creators to try out HEURILEARN
We keep promoting HEURILEARN to reach more people.
We are targeting to reach 100+ schools and institutions by the end of 2021. We hope to be selected as an MIT Solve finalist , as our affiliation would escalate the numbers to at least thousands.
We have sent emails and proposal to Institutions
We plan to use digital mediums to reach people and Institutions to get them on our platform and actualize our impact on a large scale. HEURILEARN is very young but progressing. We officially launched it just May 31, 2021.
The TeachMe Demo received good reviews by top educationists such as Director of Admissions for New York University Abu Dhabi ,Amy Kice and even Elevate Prize social Media manager.
We are hoping in 5 years to come we would have crossed boundaries and prominent in several countries and be a household name in the world and known for the impact purported.
We aspire to make millions use our platform and eliminate boundaries such as Geography , time, space and money in earning an Education to be a global problem solver.
As mentioned earlier, We have over 10 institutions registered. We have several means to check our progress. We mean to attain the purpose of HEURILEARN thus take great concern in deciphering our progress and impact.
Number of Registered Users; with the help of Google analytics , we regularly check the number of active users and passive users.
Demand and Review For HEURILEARN : The number of recommendations and and feedback is also a pivotal criteria for checking HeuriLearn impact. We hope to increase the number to the hundreds this year (one of our objectives).
Popularity Of HeuriLearn; For HeuriLearn to effectively promote and scale up businesses it has to be ubiquitous and well known. Publicity of the platform is one we really check, we write proposals and use affordable advertising means to make known HeuriLearn. This is why we reward top users and scholars to entice more engagement of the public. HeuriLearn is rewarding and make efforts for people to notice that
Convenience of Platform ; much emphasis on given how easy people could use HeuriLearn. We get a lot of people affirming it easy to register and use HeuriLearn. We keep improving features of HeuriLearn to serve everyone and enhance digital inclusion.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
I consider them as partners rather than employees.
TechHero Ghana inflow of money is irregular and unappreciable but the vision and future drives us. We are basically four in number;
Claude Obiri Amadu ( Programmer/Founder)
Charles Appiah-Mends ( Software Engineer)
Samuel Fabiano (Graphic Designer)
Godwin Kanyo (Project Manager)
We are young and purpose-driven. I learnt to code informally and via self-tuition. I felt my skill should be used to help solve societal problems thus worked on projects like Paymobby , HeuriLearn, FlendyAds , built several websites and games(Zombie Isle 2 , High school Crush,etc) even before completion of high school in 2020. I studied Business though.
Charles (alias GreatCharles) is a also a software Engineer. He is 3rd year student at Takoradi Technical University. He assisted in the making of projects mentioned earlier.
Samuel Fabiano is the graphic designer. He makes animation and slides to be able to make youtube tutorial videos. He assisted in projects mentioned above.
Godwin Kanyo as the project manager get us gigs, potential clients and investors. He also codes. He works on the administrative aspects and promotion of projects and TechHero Ghana as a whole. He is a high school graduate.
I feel we are well oriented to deliver our solution as everyone's skillset makes TechHero Ghana progressive. Also everyone is eloquent and fluent in English thus language would not be a barrier.
We are binded by the passion to make impact. We all share a common philosophy to not use our young age as an excuse to not make impact but as a reason to solve global challenges and make an indelible impact.
Due to minimal coffers , we are unable to employ people but welcome People with passion to make impact and believe in the future of TechHero Ghana.
We had one female but quitted due to low income and to continue education. We do not discriminate and hope to even increase our numbers.
TechHero Ghana is a Tech start-up and definitely need more people for it to progress to be fully- fledged.
We just require you have enough talent ,skill ,knowledge and generally competent to carry out your role. You can simply join if you just show what you can offer for TechHero Ghana. There are no educational , gender, racial criteria to join our team.
We hope to stabilize our finances so as to be able to employ more people.
- Organizations (B2B)
I am a recent high school Graduate (completed 2020).I know first hand how the pandemic affected and disrupted Education. Also in Ghana, there is a double-track system for high school education where nearly half the population of high school students stay home for other half be in school and rotated consecutively.
I resolved to create a platform where students and non-students could have access to valuable information and skills with just a click away. I wanted to redefine Education in Africa to orient it towards training the human resources to be problem-solvers , Innovators and Entrepreneurs.
I am from an educational system devoid of practicality thus my mission to ensure proper training of human resource. With the TPrize ,We can improve features of HEURILEARN, organize workshops , Innovation challenges and embark more initiatives to improve heuristic education.
I have already created a platform which will curb inequality in access to education and yearn to gain enough funds to provide both online and physical resources to enable utilization of Education to tangible solutions and benefits. Career counselling and perception of Education as prior knowledge to empower human resources be problem-solvers, Innovators and Entrepreneurs is paramount in our solution and hope to scale-up our efforts with the help of the TPrize.
My utmost impact I yearn for is to enable anyone ,everywhere readily have access to Education and actualize the world being their classroom. Where the content would not be just for scholarly use but be prior Education for solving problems.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
I believe MIT Solve have wealth of experience in Technology and scaling up businesses thus assistance or even advice from them is invaluable to TechHero Ghana.
I hope to partner with Rethink words to work on averting cyberbullying on the platform.
Hope to work with great mentors associated with MIT Solve and TPRIZE to learn more.
TechHero Ghana is manned by age range from 18 to 27. We need all the package for solver teams and would like to collaborate with available aprtners to advance progress and actualize impact desired.
