Gel General Contractors Ltd
Summary-The accelerating pace of technological, demographic and socio-economic disruption is transforming industries and business models, changing the skills that employers need and shortening the shelf life of employee existing skill sets in the process. For example, technological disruptions such as robotics and machine learning rather than completely replacing existing occupations and job categories are likely to substitute specific tasks previously carried out as part of these jobs, freeing workers up to focus on new tasks and leading to rapidly changing core skill sets in these occupations. Even those jobs that are less directly affected by technological change and have a largely stable employment outlook say,marketing or supply chain professionals targeting a new demographic in an emerging market may require very different skills sets just a few years from now as the ecosystems within which they operate change. Beyond hard skills employers are not often equally concerned about the work related practical skills or competences that current employees (or prospective new hires) are able to use in order to perform various job tasks successfully.
Employabilty skills are the essential skills are the essential skills, personal qualities and values that enable you to thrive in any workplace. So if I can have the experience of enterprise skills,communication skills or workplace skills. Employability skills are transferable skills that are useful in nearly every job. They involve the development of an expertise, knowledge base or mindset that makes you more attractive to employers. Employability skills, soft skills, work readiness skills or foundational skills. They often improve your performance, minimize errors and promote collaboration with your co-workers, enabling you to perform your role more effectively. They are important skills that can make you more attractive to prospective employers. The main benefit of having these traits is that it can help stand out among other job candidates who are vying for the same position. I may have a better chance of getting people hired if they have employability skills that are particularly useful for the role. Some employable qualities come naturally, while others can be acquired through education, work or daily practice. I may already have some of the key employment skills but I can work to improve those skills and develop new ones. Common employability skills that I can offer to the people is great communication, teamwork, self management, leadership, learning and technology. Also organisation planning, problem solving and flexibility.
A comprehensive employment and training program that utilizes various employment and training activities authorized under the workforce innovation and opportunity. To systematically develop the employability of eligible youth, dislocated workers and adults, when appropriate to place them into jobs. On the job training (OJT),when properly implemented servers this purpose very effectively because a trainee is hired into a job or their current job is upgraded, while being trained in the new job's requisite skills. OJT is a strategy employment service that supports the business community in their hiring process by adding staff capacity, productivity and training at reduced costs of the employer and is an excellent vehicle for eligible job seekers to build their skills and re-established their employment status. OJT benefits the employer by reducing the cost of training new employees, the employer designs the on site training, training is aligned with the skills required for the job and is a long term investment in the company. OJT benefits the job seeker by providing an opportunity to "earn as they learn" in a hands on environment, acquire job and career advancement skills and provides an opportunity for long-term employment. Trainee assessment where documenting needy individuals service plan. The decision to place a participant into OJT must be based upon a documented assessment of the participant's skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. An individual may be placed into an OJT only when assessment, test and/or individual counseling indicate a need for and ability to benefit from the training specified in the OJT agreement. Occupational tasks,knowledge skills and abilities, tools and technology, work activities, wages and employment trends. Fastest growing-Occupations identifies the fastest growing occupations, the occupations with most job openings and the occupations with the most employment that are expected to grow rapidly in the next several years will need large number of new job openings, or are new and emerging occupations.
My solution serves the keys to self employment success starting a new business is exciting and increases your chances of business startup success by following these tips. Owning your own business comes with a number of perks, for starters, you get to be your own boss and set your own schedule. Now,who wouldn't love that? Additionally, you get the final say when it comes to decision making, the freedom to work with people of your own choosing and in success you reap more of the financial rewards. Unfortunately, being self employed also presents a number of challenges and properly maintaining a successful business takes a great deal of time, care and hard work.if you're thinking about going into business for yourself or you're looking for ways to improve your already existing company, these tips will help put you on the road to success. Perhaps the most important key to success is passion. Make sure that you are truly believe in the work that you do. Find an endeavor that fulfills you and gives you a sense of purpose. It will be exponentially easier to give it the care and attention it needs to thrive. They say that succeeding in business isn't A matter of what you know but rather who you know. Knowing the right people can certainly make a big difference in training people to be self-employed and also knowing experienced people in your field as they can serve as mentors and provides invaluable advice and instructions. Creating a business from the ground up is rarely easy and numerous complications can arise at anytime. By keeping these keys to success mind, however you can increase your likelihood of maintaining a financially lucrative and emotionally fulfilling business. A key way for the world's poor to escape poverty is to earn more for their labour. Most of the world's poor people are self-employed but because there are few opportunities in most developing countries from them to earn enough to escape poverty, they are working hard but working poor. Policy planks in the fight against poverty should be raising the returns to self-employed and creating more opportunities to move from self-employment and creating more opportunities to move from self-employment into higher paying wage employment. Improving the earning opportunities, creating off farm employment, training people for wage employment and making micro credit affordable are among the most promising policy interventions.
- Offer training and flexible curriculum in hard (technical) and soft (social and interpersonal) skills, preparing people for the work of the future
Engaging employers in an important strategy for workforce development programs, it can help align programs with employer needs so participants can secure jobs. The public workforce system has sought to engage employers for several decades, strong emphasizes the importance of partnering with employers. Federal grants programs and initiatives funded by private philanthropy have also made building relationships with employers a priority despite this push for workforce organizations to be more responsive to the industries that might hire programs graduates, workforce systems and organizations struggle with how to effectively engage employers and build deeper partnerships. Chase over the years to inform and access in key initiatives. These is new skills at work, A workforce development initiative that aims to expand and replicate effective approaches for linking education and training efforts with skills and competencies employers needs. The goals of the collaboration include using data and evidence to inform. Investments, assessing whether it's programs are achieving desires outcomes and informing the larger fields of policy and practice. In service of these goals,this brief provides an initial framework for considering the different goals dimensions of employer engagement, A central strategy of new skills at work.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth.
Career development refers to those personal improvements which one undertakes to achieve a personal career plan. It will be quite in the fitness of things to first understand about the following terms which will be used while discussing about career development. A career plan is the sequential pattern of jobs that form a career. Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and path to these goals. Career goals are the future positions one strives as a part of career. Career management is a process of designing and implementing goals, plans and strategies to enable the organization to satisfy employee needs while allowing individuals to achieve their career goals. The way people used to view careers decades ago stands changed. The cutthroat competition, economic slow down,globalization and so on have led to the phenomena of downsizing mergers, takeovers, mergers and consolidations,dual career couples and outsourcing, all of which are responsible for the change of perception of people about careers. They may not only change their organization but also, if need be,even the trade industry or even their profession. Hence,during this stage, one is likely to commit mistakes; one has also opportunities to learn from such mistakes and may also assume greater responsibilities.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
The successful exploitation of a new ideas is crucial to a business being able to improve its processes,bring new and improved products and services to market,increase its efficiency and most importantly improve its profitability. Marketplaces, whether local,regional, national or global are becoming highly competitive.Competition has increased as a result of wider access to new technologies and the increased trading and knowledge sharing opportunities offered by the Internet. This guide explains how you can make innovation a key business process and outlines the different approaches you can take. It gives you advice or planning for innovation and creating the right business environment to develop your ideas. It also outlines the help and support available to innovative businesses. Fundamentally, something new into your business. This could be improving or replacing business processes to increase efficiency and productivity, or to enable the business to extend the range or quality of existing products and/or services. Developing entirely new and improved products and services-often to meet rapidly changing customers or consumers demands or needs.I can help to improve productivity,reduced costs,be more competitive, build the valve of your brand, establish new partnerships and relationships to increase turnover and improved profitability. Communication involves not only listening to their needs but also actively observing their behaviour around current products and services, generally ideas on how you can make improvements. Create a supportive atmosphere in which people feels free to express their ideas without the risk of criticism or ridicule. Good ideas and knowledge in one part of your business should be shared with others.
successful businesses rely heavily on technology for communication, productivity and tracking purposes. As a matter of fact it drives and sustains their business operations, that's why it's important to understand the modern day technology that's readily available to us and how it can be used to our convenience. There are various types of business technology: however, some are more commonly used than others. Computers are used across multiple businesses. They are equipped with software that enables them to perform all sorts of tasks such as analyzing financial information, sending and receiving emails and designing sales presentations. The computer is made as a desktop apparatus or mobile laptop for either office or traveling purposes. PC ( personal computer) with Microsoft Windows is the most frequently used. Computers are vital because they allow businesses to manage their daily activities in a more productive and efficient way. Computers use different kinds of programs and operating information also known as software to do specific tasks, businesses utilize productivity tools such as Microsoft word,a word processing package and Microsoft excel a financial spreadsheet system. Microsoft PowerPoint and apple keynote are also used to easily and quickly prepare professional looking sales presentations. Businesses use certain software that is suitable to their needs. Networking is used to interact with groups of people to share information and documents to store information and to communicate using emails. It also permits computers to share a printer or a storage device. Networking is essential to businesses because it provides a means to build relationships with others to find new customers and partnerships and to grow. Also manufacturing businesses, creating a process of molding your products.
The use of computer technology in business provides many facilities. Business men are using computers to interact with their customers anywhere in the world. Many business tasks are performed more quickly and effectively. Computers also help them to reduce the overall cost of their business. Computers can be used in business in the following ways: Marketing, an organization can use computers for marketing their products. Marketing applications, provide information about the products to customers, computers is also used to manage distribution systems, advertising and selling activities. It can also be used in deciding pricing strategies. Companies can know more about their customers and their needs and requirements etc. Stock exchange is the most important place for businessmen. Many stock exchanges use computers to conduct bids. The stockbrokers perform all trading activities electronically. They connect with the computer where brokers matches buyers with sellers. It reduces cost as no paper or special building is required to conduct these activities. Specialized hospital management software are used to automate the day to day procedures and operations at hospitals. These tasks may be online appointments, payroll admittance and discharged records etc. Monitoring systems are installed in medical wards and intensive care units to monitor patients continuously. These systems can monitor pulse, blood pressure and body temperature and can alert medical staff about any serious situations. Specialized devices are used to help impaired patients like hearing aids. Computers are used in so many fields in our daily life from engineers to doctors, students, teachers, government organizations, they all use computers to perform specific tasks, for entertainment or just to finish office work. Computers have made our lives easier with greater precision, accuracy and less time taking. Computers can do alot in short time while the task can take alot of time while doing manually. Computers have taken industries and businesses to a whole new level.
- Manufacturing Technology
In the world of technology, computers is useful to finish a job easily, smoothly and fast. Computers has made an impact on society. It have changed the angle of life. The use of computer technology has affected every part of life. People are using a computer to perform different tasks easier. A big advantage of computers is to save time and effort,it reduces the overall cost to complete particular tasks. Computers are not only used for personal purposes that is mostly used in organizations, They use computers for record data, they use computers for maintaining accounts and managing financial transactions. They are providing facilities of online banking, customers can check their account balance from using the Internet, different tasks are performed automatically by using computers. It reduces the needs of people. Due to that unemployment in society increases, that is the big disadvantages of computers. Getting information very easy by the use of a computer. The use of computers puts the world at a different height but ever coin have two sides, in that way use of computers has some disadvantages, financial difficulties may make it hard for some students to access important coursework, students replace paper and pen with a computer for education, handwriting skills may suffer. Learners benefit from increased brain activities when writing new information by hand, particularly in subjects such as maths and chemistry. Most computer programs include spelling and grammar checks and students will depend on computers to correct spelling and grammatical errors. Many people use computers for negative purposes. They play games and chat for long periods of time which causes wastage of time and energy. Main disadvantages of the computer uses are increased unemployment in society, they use a computer to hack the data of companies and credit card numbers of people and misuse them
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidad and Tobago
The people my solution currently serves are approximately two hundred. Which begins with this thesis that if a better society is to be built, one that is more just and loving,one that provides greater creative opportunity for it's people, then the most open course is to raise both the capacity to serve and the very performance as existing major new regenerative forces operating within them. All the people that are employees, customers, business partners, communities. Challenges conventional wisdom about organizational structures. Trustees and leaders in businesses will think about the impact and structure of their organizations in a new way. Recognized organizations as well as individuals. Indeed had great faith that servant leader organizations could change the world. Caring for persons,the more able and the less serving each other is the rock upon which is a good society is built. If a better society is to be built, one that is more just and a loving one,that provides greater creative opportunity for it's people, then the most is to raise both the capacity to serve and the very performance as servant of major forces within them
Outbreak,structural transformation was driving a decline in poverty, despite a slowdown in average economic growth the transformation was characterized by a reduction in the total workforce employed in agriculture and take off in industrial production largely in agro-processing. Also in construction and manufactured in self employed business. Not withstanding shifts to higher productivity employment, per capita real growth declarated to 3% in the five years prior. As population growth climbed further to 3% per year. Furthermore, poor people remains highly vulnerable to shocks as seen in temporary rise in poverty following drought. There have been widespread firm closures,permanent employment in industry and services, A rapid of activities particularly in the movement of labor back to farming, living accommodations, providing for their families and new skills in creating businesses in the future to come. This might have on human capital development and capacity to benefit from it's demographic transitions. To keep up with growth in the labor force, the economy needs to create atleast 50 jobs that are currently created each year. Raising income further will also require improving productivity and opportunities for absorbing excess labor into more productive employment in industry and services. While it's open door policy is one of the most progressive worldwide, with enjoying access to social services, land and jobs,the continued influx-coupled with limited resources is placing tremendous pressure on existing amenities and straining the delivery of services in host communities. It will require deliberate actions to close gap between formal institutions and actual decision making. Also needs to unleash the productivity of it's sector and develop the private sector. It needs to equip the fast growing population with the required skills to make a better living in the sector or enter the job market in every area
There is little point in setting a goal if you will never know whether you were successful or not. To determine the level of success that you achieved, you must be able to measure your progress. When you measure your progress you can see how you coming along,and this is a powerful motivator to help you stick with it. If you are making good progress your confidence grows along with your motivation. The very fact that you know you are making good progress, will give you drive needed to see the goal through. When you measure your progress, it gives you a realistic picture of the situation. If you are not making the desired progress, you are able to see this before you fall too far behind. You can then identify the changes that need to be made and implement them. The first step to measure your progress is to be taken at the goal setting stage. When setting a goal, you must set a goal that can actually be measured e.g. rather than say I want to lose weight, you want to lose. The goal you set,will determine the method used to measure your progress e.g. if rather than,lose weight, you wished to get leaner, you might say you wanted to lose 3 inches of your waist. In this case,the best means of measurement would be a measuring tape,where as with weight loss,a scale would be the best form of measurement. This is an excellent way to stay organized. When you habe a plan,you can easily determine the priority of your tasks,which tasks are most important for each day, thus enabling you to maximize your productivity. Sticking with your schedule is important but give yourself some flexibility. Once you have set the goal and determined the appropriate method to measure your progress, you need to set up your system to measure your progress. Facts and figures, stat on play,keep a record,checklists and rate your progress. Some methods may be required and more effort. For the smallest investment of time,you receive detailed information which allows you to make any necessary changes to accelerate your progress.
- Nonprofit
I have 7 members on my team for full time in my company Gel General Contractors Ltd.They are very supportive, knowledgeable, respectful.My team is my strength and a warrior. My team have the ability to accomplish any tasks that comes my way.I have great communication with my staff and also my family.
My team and I will deliver this solution by the most effective team leaders and leadership that build the relationship of trust and loyalty, rather than fear or the power of their positions. Consider each employee's ideas as valuable. Remember that there is no such thing as a stupid idea. Be aware of employees unspoken feelings. Set an example to team members by being opened with employees and sensitive to their moods and feelings. Act as a harmonizing influence. Look for chances to mediate and resolve minor disputes, point continually towards the teams higher goals. Be clear around when communicating. Be careful to clarify directives. Encourage trust and cooperation among employees on your team. The relationships team members establish among themselves are very bit as important as those you establish with them. The team begins to take shape, paying close attention to the ways in which team members work together and take steps to improve communication, cooperation, trust and respect in those relationships. Emphasized the importance of each team members contributions and demonstrate how all of their jobs operate together to move the entire team closer to it's goal. Let the team work on creative solutions together,communication is the single most important factor in successful teamwork. My team have established clear time frames and the understanding their responsibilities. Using consensus and set ground rules for the team. Established a method for arriving at a consensus and encourage listening and brainstorming. Also establish the parameters of consensus building sessions.
My approach to building a diverse equitable and inclusive leadership team is to be successful also need to facilitate and inclusive work culture. Some ways employers can build or improve upon their diversity, equality and inclusion programs. My companies has been putting diversity,equality and inclusion into greater focus over the last few years, there is still significant room for improvement. Diverse teams foster better employee engagement and productivity and allow for better problem solving abilities as varying perspectives often approach business challenges in a new way. Diversity in my companies powers innovation and financial performance continues to stack up. Some studies have found that companies with pro diversity policies performed better and greater resilience financial crisis. That is the reason for this is clear time, more diverse companies have greater levels of innovation. Meaningful efforts towards diversity ,equality and inclusion, as well as providing a sense of belonging having invested in the people and having a strong background from their leadership team. Hiring for diverse backgrounds and promoting diversity initiatives is only a first step.Diversity,equality inclusion go hand to hand.Experience real organizational change,companies must build truly in inclusive work culture. This means extending initiatives beyond the hiring process and providing equal opportunity and treatment throughout every touch point of employees experience. Leaders can start addressing this by helping employees understand how individuals are impact by unconscious and what actions continue to reinforce. One way to build awareness and address unconscious is to encourage every employee to review questions and analyze their own opinions and assumptions.
- Organizations (B2B)
I applied to the 2021 T prize challenge because I want to make a difference. Leading employers knows how important it is to place employee"s professional development at the heart of company policy. Talented professionals want to work for a company that will help them to build skills and knowledge and further their career. Direct and consistent communication, career advancement steps can help workers feel more engaged. Job training and continuing education helps to fuel employee career growth. So I want to encourage people and to pursue relevant business courses and workshops that will further their career advancement. In addition to nurturing individual needs and growing specific skills; A job rotation programs can help facilitate people to establish themself for a better future. These opportunities will help gain new skills, more appreciation for their colleagues duties and a better understanding of the business. Job rotation can also be an effective way to increase cross- departmental collaboration and build rapport in a remote team. The organization will benefit from having a more well rounded workforce. Reminding employees of their unique contributions to the company's mission adds.meaning to their role. It can also increase their motivation to expand their responsibilities and advance in the organization. Succession planning can demonstrate to high potential employees that you not only want to invest in their professional development but also see them evolving into future leaders for the business. It can help motivate employees to learn the skills and knowledge needed for career advancement. Your employees will be better positioned to achieve their career goals.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
Setting goals for employees is at best tense. I'm helping them define the path and giving them a yardstick to measure personal growth. I also laying out the performance objectives that they'll be reviewed on adding a certain amount of pressure to get there. I can increase employee satisfaction and reduce turnover by helping employees make strides towards their goals but people's experiences, ideas and lives are changing all the time. How are they feeling about their job? The work they're doing? What else interests them? Their conversations allows to proactively nip problems in the bud and quickly identify growth opportunities. Most of us know about the important of setting specific, measurable career goals, monitoring process, offering training and educational opportunities. Understanding the bigger picture of what people want from life and how to factor that into their career development. I allow people to go outside their career comfort zone. These are a great way for employees to learn new skills and grow quickly while filling a need for the company. Make it easy for employees to learn about and apply for other opportunities within the company. You probably offer coaching to help employees with health goals. It's rare for a company to not offer some collection of employee well-being initiatives. By now,it's been proven that employees perform better when their physical, emotional and financial health are all cared for and prioritized. To care for the whole person, you have to cover lots of ground. Gaining adoption across them can feel near impossible but when you do tie them together the return is more than worth the investment. Putting a new wheel on a broken axle won't get you to your goal any faster. Similarly, focusing on just one aspect of your employees lives and give them the stability, security they need to deliver their best work
Organizations in our community like businesses and non-profit groups can play a key role in making the efforts of the group to reach it's goal. They may bring real resources like finances or skills to your efforts and a successful one. Real resources such as funding to help purchase things that the group needs,skills are also resources. Sometimes organizations have trained staff who can skillfully facilitate meetings, design eye-catching flyers,make media contacts or do other jobs your group needs help with.Credibility is a resource too. Sometimes, neighborhood groups just need someone else to understand their cause and help them be heard by other community organizations or to introduce them to other groups who are interested in the same things. Community organizations that might care about your project or the issue it is designed to address, organizational leaders in our community say that they must carefully choose to work on projects that meet the mission of their organization because their resource are limited. Sit down with their representatives from the organization and make sure everyone understands. Work together to come up with a timeline or am action plan that meets everyone's needs as much as possible. Partners share decision making equally. Partners are straightforward and honest,especially when problems come up. Partners agree on realistic expectations for roles and responsibilities ahead of time. Partners share credit for success and for shortfalls. Open honest communication is very important. Agree on a communication system for keeping one another updated on process or issues that arise.