TONGO. Finding inspiration through connection.
Tongo is a method for teachers that allows the possibility of finding ways to facilitate the convergence of the rational and emotional processes in the learning experience, seeking to give both processes the same level of relevance and recognizing their intimate relationship to strengthen educational processes.
Tongo's strategy works through a web application with narrative content that allows through a series of guided steps and digital boards for inspiration and creation, the construction of a formula composed of academic knowledge, a connecting word and a soft skill, which detonates, through the use of metaphors, similes and analogies, as well as some creative techniques, ideas for the design of a meaningful, relevant and connected (integral) class.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) distinguishes cognitive and metacognitive skills as necessary for 2030, which include creative thinking; the social and emotional ones; and practical and physical, among which it refers to the use of digital and computing tools. To achieve its development, it defines that it requires, among others, trained teachers; students who link their learning experiences to the real world and have a sense of purpose in their learning; students discovering how one topic can be linked to others; and an adaptive curriculum idea.
Tongo is a method that helps teachers to: 1. use creativity as a vehicle to create content that links cognitive and metacognitive skills and social and emotional skills, strengthening comprehensive training; 2. design sessions connected to reality that transcend the educational space, broaden understanding, promote exploration, inspire and motivate. 3. take ownership of their digital and technology skills by approaching the digital reality of today's world as an integral part of the learning experience. For Tongo, teachers are active subjects and subjects of action in the classroom, on whom rests the responsibility for what happens, why it happens and how it happens. That is why, Tongo seeks to empower them so that, through practice and facilitating the ideation and planning of their classes, they make curricula more flexible by designing connected and meaningful learning experiences.
Tongo is a digital interface for teachers that uses creative thinking as a foundation in an easy to use yet with scientific rigor form. By providing a simple guide, Tongo stimulates the development of the teachers' creativity and appropriation of a digital platform whilst facilitating the design and management of classes that connect holistically the mobilisation of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
As a digital interface Tongo works via a web app that is supported by the interaction between the tools of the application, the online learning experience, examples, formats and templates. In addition, Tongo offers complementary strategies that improve the implementation experience, including:
Virtual and / or face-to-face creativity courses
Learning audiovisual materials
Forums where questions and discussion topics are raised to be resolved in a teacher community
Virtual meetings to discuss issues and share doubts, ideas and / or concerns
TONGO is designed for teachers and tutors of basic and secondary education who want to innovate in their classes, building more creative spaces with a greater impact and meaning, through the connection of the cognitive and metacognitive and the social and emotional dimensions. Initially, it is expected to work with teachers from Colombia, who number around 920,436 (Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares, 2019), but with a view to expanding in Latin America and continuing with Canada, and the United States.
The use of Tongo aims at the comprehensive development of the child and youth population, as well as the development, strengthening and appropriation of creative thinking and digital technology appropriation by teachers.
The idea for Tongo was born from some fieldwork carried out with teachers from the Educational Institution Sebastián de Belalcázar (Medellín, Antioquia) during a process to recognize their needs in the face of the challenge of securing integral development in the educational sessions. Subsequently, a first pilot was developed and a new validation of its use and potential results of the complete method was carried out, with teachers from different parts of the country, of different grades and different subjects, which included, as a prelude, a process of training in creative thinking.
The following needs have emerged from these processes, and our own experience as educators:
● Difficulty articulating the academic content and developing soft skills at the same time in the classroom, whilst recognizing the teacher’s key role to do so;
● Lack of having creative tools to design exciting sessions, connected with reality and that transcend the educational space;
● Strengthening the use of digital technologies; and
● Having a more efficient class planning, design and management process.
Tongo generates value by attending directly to these needs. For this, Tongo empowers teachers in the exploration and strengthening of their creativity for the design of exciting sessions, connected with reality and that transcend the educational space by facilitating the connection of the cognitive, rational content of the academic knowledge and the development of soft skills as the fundamental basis of any comprehensive learning experience designed using the method. In addition, the project includes complementary resources such as consultancy, courses, templates and forums that allow the teachers to broaden their perspectives and nurture their work with other voices.
On the other hand, Tongo as a web application strengthens the appropriation of digital technologies through a dynamic and simple user experience that allows the development of digital skills in the use of technology tools and interfaces. Additionally, the interface is inspired by recent technological developments, allowing teachers to have an intuitive user experience that allows a recognition of new forms of interaction in the digital world.
Regarding the utility of the Tongo method for the creation of a more connected, integral and impactful learning experience, participants so far have stated that they consider it a very useful tool. For example, Martha, a workshop leader, commented on how she felt using the process: “I liked it, I have been thinking about circular economy for a month and trying to implement this topic in the company, and I wanted to use TONGO to imagine how I would do it. It made me think about a lot of examples, how to deliver a concept to different contexts.” In the same way, Laura, a coordinator of an early childhood education center, said: “I loved it because I found the connections that I didn't think I could find.”
An important result that highlights that the use of the method is not an extra burden for teachers but rather a facilitator that can streamline the design process of classroom sessions, was confirmed with the answers to the question: Do you think using the TONGO method improves the idea and preparation of your class session, workshop, talk? For example, Laura, the coordinator of the children's center answered that it did facilitate her process: “Yes, because I spent 2 to 4 hours planning a session, instead with this method in 1 hour I planned a class, and it was very fluid until which I had to synthesize in more detail, but in 40 min I developed it and before it took me 1 whole day, so I feel that with step by step time is optimized ”. In the same way, Maria Lucia, a high school math teacher, said: “Something similar happens to me, I was going to do this same programming for the Cartesian plane and I have unmotivated ninth-grade students, I didn't do this process before and with it, I was able to enrich a lot and I feel that if I had applied this methodology we would have gotten out of the mess we are in, the demotivation and that we have not handled it well ”.
- Support teachers and educational institutions with teaching and learning methodologies, tools, and resources that help develop future skills for students
The Tongo method, through interactive and intuitive tools, creative techniques, guides, templates, formats, among other transmedia content, helps teachers to adapt their pedagogy in such a way that, by strengthening their creativity and skills in the use of digital technology, they can systematically integrate cognitive and metacognitive competencies with social and emotional ones in the classroom. In addition to inspiring meaningful sessions, Tongo helps teachers connect with the current reality of their learners so that they can create quality learning environments.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model.
The method has been through a process of theoretical validation in which the content and its conceptual support were verified against educational research, existing methods and pedagogies. Afterwards, the effectiveness of the method was verified through the use of soft models and some virtual sessions where usability and potential results with teachers from different cities in Colombia, that taught different degrees and subjects. This pilot included as a prelude, a training process in creative thinking that was later determined to be a crucial integral part of the method. Finally, Tongo was adjusted and the need for its complete transformation towards a digital platform was identified. The aim of this prototype phase is to create a minimum viable product of the interface that allows validating the user experience and interaction with the content and the interface.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
The main advantage of Tongo lies in its central component, which is the strengthening and facilitation of the creative process of teachers to make the connection between cognitive and metacognitive skills and social and emotional skills. We consider this process key to guaranteeing comprehensiveness in education and the possibility for the curriculum to be more flexible in its implementation in order to adapt to the contextual needs of its students. Although there are robust platforms that help teachers create virtual courses from their own content, manage course design and administration, including storage, and access templates and methodologies for didactic ideation, these same platforms more than a competition or substitutes can be part of a work ecosystem for the teacher. The main difference is that Tongo attends a part of the creative process prior to using the platforms mentioned before, which is the process of inspiration, conceptual ideation and connection that results in the content for the sessions that are planned for the classroom.Tongo believes that without a good basic idea, that comes from a narrative thread, that supports, gives meaning and purpose to an educational session, the forms and resources that are used for creating the session can become irrelevant.
TONGO is a platform (web application) designed for the user to enter their session planning dashboard from the project website. The initial home of the website will contain the basic information about the methods and will allow users to initiate their session. Once logged in, users will access the main dashboard in which they will manage the design of learning experiences, access courses, templates and the community. For the design process itself, the user will create a project that will lead into the design dashboard were they will be guided by a series of steps that will support and facilitate the use of the Tongo method. The dashboards are designed to allow for the users to follow their own progress with the courses that would be available for them through the platform, and as also their own session design projects.
Academic papers:
Dewey, J. (2008). El arte como experiencia. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós Ibérica, S, A.
Gardner, H. (2011). Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Ghandi. Basic Books: Nueva York.
Metaphors and Creative “Acts”. Psychological Science, 502-509. Maldonado, M. (2001). Las competencias, una opción de vida.
PISA 2022 Creative Thinking Framework (draft)
Robinson, K.; Aronica, L. (2015). Escuelas creativas. La revolución que está transformando la educación. Editorial Grijalbo.
Spencer, H. (1902). Facts and Comments. Boston: D. Appleton. The Rudolf Steiner School. (2005). Waldorf. New York: Delevigne & Associates.
Regarding the usefulness of the TONGO method, users have stated that they consider it a very useful tool. For example, Martha, a workshop leader, commented on how she felt using the process: “I liked it, I have been thinking about circular economy for a month and trying to implement this topic in the company, and I wanted to use TONGO to imagine how I would do it. It got me thinking about a lot of examples, how to deliver a concept to different contexts in the same way". Laura, a coordinator of an early childhood education center, said: "I loved it because I found the connections that I didn't think I could find".
- Audiovisual Media
- Software and Mobile Applications
The risks using our technology and the proposed mitigation strategies are:
Information handling: users have to register and accept terms and conditions proposed for the interface users. These terms are based on current legislation. Teachers will have ownership of the classes they designed, they can be public for the community to access with reference to the teacher respecting their copyright.
Excessive screen use time: TONGO users are adults, the method facilitates the class design process and reduces the planning time, therefore reduction of screed time is expected. The interface information storage solution will act as a personal research and design archive allowing for a better organization flow for the teacher.
Lack of connection with people: TONGO is aware of the importance of co-creation, which is why its core includes a community to share knowledge, creating new work networks and connections between the different users of the platform.
Controlled use of social networks: As the internet and digital technology permeates every aspect of our lives, specially in children and teenagers, new ways to promote a safe and nurturing environment online need to be promoted by teachers. TONGO supports the design of the learning experience by offering a range of possibilities set up as challenges where students make use of their social networks, as well as those of the educational establishment. These challenges are an invitation to contextualize learning, by creating and reflecting upon content creation and what constitutes a safe, healthy and nurturing use of digital technology.
- Women & Girls
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Colombia
- Colombia
The target audience for the Tongo project are the teachers of basic and secondary education, which in Colombia are around 920,436. It is expected to reach 460 new users in the first six months, representing 0.05% of the target audience, and then increase, in the first year, to 0.1% participation (920 teachers) and subsequently grow at a rate of 1% until reaching, in 10 years, 10% of the population of Colombian teachers that would be around 92,000.
Likewise, starting in the second year, we hope to start our penetration strategy in other Spanish-speaking markets such as Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile and Spain, initially reaching a participation of 0.1% (2.541) of the basic and high school teachers and 10% (254.142) in 10 years
By positively impacting 920 teachers in the first year and 63.535 teachers in the fifth year, it will also impact 6.397 children and adolescents by the first year and 1.082.063 children and adolescents by the fifth year.
Data taken from:
DANE (2019), Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares, 2019
OECD (2021), Teaching staff (indicator). doi: 10.1787/6a32426b-en)
UNESCO (2013), Situación Educativa de América Latina y el Caribe: Hacia la educación de calidad para todos al 2015)
For next year results are expected in terms of appropriation of the method by the target audience and an initial assessment of impacts on users of the platform.
Regarding the appropriation:
Internalization of the method, which allows teachers new explorations for designing sessions.
Recognition of TONGO as a method that guides them creatively.
Understanding and evidence of the benefits for designing classes.
As an effect of appropriation, teachers are expected to develop and strengthen their creative capacities and design their classes easier, faster, with better quality and greater relevance, making them spokespeople for the method.
Regarding medium-term objectives, in 5 years it is expected that a community will be consolidated where results are visible and evidence of the impact on students of classes designed with TONGO will be available, which will make the institutions recognize the work of teachers.
Community achievements will be:
Visibility of session designs and results obtained after the implementation.
Increase in community participants and knowledge and experiences sharing interactions, as well as generating new uses and ideas improvement.
The creation of creative teaching / learning spaces where collaboration between teachers from different disciplines and cities of residence.
The short and medium term objectives will be achieved from two main fronts, first usability and the second marketing. The first to strengthen understanding and ownership of the platform, so that its interface is friendly and provides an excellent user experience, and the second to reach desired audiences.
TONGO’s interface design allows the teachers to create their own indicators regarding the learning objectives proposed for the sessions they design. That allows them to measure the students' learning experience and TONGO’s impact. The indicators become statistics for the school, and the government that attends Sustainable Development Goals number 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Further, teachers and schools can measure specifically within this goal:
By promoting the connection between the cognitive and social skills in all the subjects, the schools will be capable of measuring the proportion of children under 5 years of age who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being, by sex (4.2.1).
By learning the TONGO method and its courses, governments and institutions will be able to measure the Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex (4.3.1).
By creating an interface that will facilitate the appropriation of the digital tools for teachers, governments and organization will be able to measure the proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill (4.4.1)
TONGO also includes a series of examples of challenges that will support the process of integrating creative thinking competencies for students. The review the impact Tongo will follow the proposed FRAMEWORK FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF CREATIVE THINKING IN PISA 2021.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Full time: 3 (learning experience and content designers)
Contractors: MUVA 3 (digital interface programing and visual design)
The TONGO method was dreamed, designed and created by teachers in love with education, who seek with their work to positively impact society and who believe with all their hearts that giving life to other worlds is possible.
Maria Camila Herrera Palacio
Process Engineer and MBA. She is in love with music, science and neuroeducation.
She has been a professor in the Faculty of Engineering of the EAFIT University and shared her knowledge in projects in rural areas of Antioquia, which includes pedagogical and engineering processes with farmers.
( (
Ana Maria Restrepo Echeverri
Industrial Designer, Marketing Specialist and MBA. She is in love with all expressions of art and language.
She has an experience of more than 10 years working in creative areas and more than 7 leading different types of work teams. She has been an entrepreneur, manager, professor at the Schools of Architecture and Engineering of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and has worked on co-creation projects and the design of products and experiences for culture and education.
Mónica Isabel Gómez Vélez
Environmental Engineer; student of Master of Digital Arts and Humanities at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan; Master of Education Cum Laude mention, with specializations in Creative Intervention, Financial and Tropical Ecosystems Management. She has 8 years of experience as educational consultant and lecturer of creative thinking and sustainability for design and engineering faculties and education. In the last 15 years she has developed various entrepreneurial projects in Colombia, Mexico and Norway.
Our team is made up of three women teachers committed to education. We have all worked with different communities, which has allowed us to understand education and its latent needs. Maria Camila, one of the founders, worked for more than five years in education with adult farmers from marginalized areas of Colombia. Mónica Isabel has worked with teachers and students from public and private schools in the city of Medellín. Ana Maria worked on culture and education projects with adolescents in the city of Medellín. The experience of these three founders, accompanied by the feedback from teachers from schools from different economic strata, was combined to create a method that would provide a solution to the needs of teachers.
Our team aims to create a platform that can be accessed by all teachers who want to design their educational spaces combining the cognitive and academic content, with the social-emotional processes and development of soft skills, whilst thinking about the integral education of their students and who want to enhance and work on their creativity.
We believe in the ability of TONGO to transform the classroom into a safe, healthy space, where diversity, equality and inclusion coexist healthily and become foundations for the education of our children.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
There are several reasons why we apply to this challenge.
Knowledge: Tongo is open to receive all the knowledge that can make it grow and expand to more communities, teachers and students. We believe in the importance of knowledge networks, belonging to SOLVE will give us access to an interdisciplinary group where we can get feedback and guidance from expert peers on education issues and technological platforms to help us improve.
Mentoring: One of the objectives of TONGO is that it can be measurable, for us and each user, in this way we know our audience and the impact our method has, and users will be able to measure the impact on their classes and students. Being part of the MIT and SOLVE community would provide mentorship to create the appropriate indicators.
Net: TONGO is a platform in which we would like to embed other platforms that are already designed to plan, measure indicators and generate a flow of shared knowledge, not to create what was created, but to combine it. The MIT and SOLVE network can bring us closer to these platforms to seek synergies.
Exposition: Having the possibility of showing our project in the media and conferences can bring us potential investors, contacts and people who believe in our dream and who have the resources (economic, knowledge, human) to help us make it come true.
Financial: One of the resources necessary to carry out TONGO is financial, and this call presents the possibility of accessing it.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Financial: Initially we require funding for the minimum viable product. However, business models for social enterprises that impact vulnerable populations should be studied.
Public Relations: TONGO, being a digital platform, will be connected to different platforms, including social networks. Since they are one of the biggest driving forces for brands. By 2020, the most used network was WhatsApp (85% of those surveyed), Facebook (81%), Youtube (70%), Instagram (59%) and Twitter (51%), and finding out (66% of those surveyed) about brands, products and different accounts is one of the main activities (Martínez, 2021).
Monitoring/Evaluation: One of TONGO's objectives is generating indicators so users can measure their progress and impact. Also, a database will be created for the education community to access information on the impact of fostering creativity in teachers for creating more integral learning experiences. Finally, information needs to be collected for educational research.
Product/Service Distribution: TONGO seeks the creation of an interdisciplinary and global community, where a flow of knowledge helps teachers connect, have ideas and tools for their classes. TONGO dreams of this connection between teachers of different pedagogies, countries, knowledge and ideologies and thus achieving the joint growth of education. So more than a customer database, TONGO looks for members of a global educational community.
Technology: TONGO is a digital platform that requires updates, for maintenance, and responding to market needs and technological advances. This is achieved with the accompaniment of those who work in technology and have the know-how.
One key partner for us is Movemos Marcas (, for the design of the platform / web application and its programming, we have the company Movemos Marcas. As a company they support their clients with the strategy, design and technology behind the development of digital products. They have a main focus on supporting the transformation of companies creating visually powerful, measurable and scalable solutions for them. They have experience working with important companies in Colombia such as: Sura, PPG, Arquitectura y Concreto, Cupula S.A, Constructora Conconcreto, Animalista, among others.
Furthermore, they create brands that engage and accompany them from the conceptualization to the development of their visual resources; they design and develop custom websites and applications, aimed at a good user experience and customer acquisition, developed with the best tools; and they tell stories that fall in love through digital animation, ideal for tutorials, launches and startup presentations.
Another key partner is the MIT and several of their faculties that could enrich TONGO with their knowledge and with which we would like to collaborate in the different investigations, this in order to enrich the academy, science and society, some of these faculties are: Brain and cognitive sciences; Institute for Data, Systems and Society; Anthropology: Science, technology and society; and Humanities.
