Youth Entrepreneurship Training Program
Our Youth Entrepreneurship Training Program addresses the challenges of the job market by providing entrepreneurial classes to our scholarship students through a virtual and in-person training module. In a country where there is a limited job market, EFTC has created a solution that creates new opportunities while empowering our students. The pandemic has exacerbated existing inequities for our students, with 60% of EFTC families reporting unemployment due to the pandemic. The entrepreneurship program teaches students about financial literacy, market research, technical training, and supply and demand. The modules are facilitated by outside experts, both through virtual platforms and in-person classes. For EFTC it is important that our students have a diverse skill set, that allows them to continue to work towards and meet their goals while becoming more economically stable. At a global scale, the program can be adapted based on the job market demands and create better opportunities.
As we move towards a post-Covid world, job opportunities remain scarce. Last year, 60% of EFTC families reported unemployment due to the pandemic. At the national scale, 70% of the Guatemalan population is part of the informal economy, and studies show this number is estimated to be closer to 80% due to the pandemic.
Our solution serves almost 300 families, reaching about 700 students. Guatemala is a country built on entrepreneurs. Many people, including our student’s parents, are informal entrepreneurs. As our students move on to high school, a large percentage choose to pursue a trade instead of a more academically focused career path. Learning practical skills, coupled with the creativity and determination it takes to succeed in the midst of unimaginable hardship, makes our students the ideal resilient entrepreneurs of the future.
Implemented this year, our Entrepreneurship Program provides skills to students who are interested in starting their own businesses. It is split into two main parts: training for our further education students and entrepreneurship curriculum implemented for our Junior High students. For further education, the program consists of 5 weeks of financial literacy training, 6 weeks of technical training, and 5 weeks where they implement what they learned on a small scale. Our current modules for the year are nail technician training, hairdressing, and sewing. The modules are facilitated by outside experts, and include field trips to local businesses for a hands on tour of how they operate. With proper funding, we will be able to expand the modules offered to cover all areas of student interest. Additionally, an entrepreneurship club will be implemented at the Junior High level, to prepare students for future training. In order to make these classes and training accessible to all, especially during the pandemic, the program implements both virtual and in-person courses. Students, teachers, and outside entrepreneurial experts can connect through virtual platforms. This keeps our students safe in the context of Covid, and allows them to connect with experts at the global scale.
Education for the Children is a foundation that provides education services from kindergarten to university, for children and young adults from a disadvantaged community in Guatemala. Our solution serves almost 300 families, reaching about 700 students. The majority of our students live below the poverty line on less than $2 per day. The students we support are otherwise unable to attend school due to the high costs of materials, uniforms, and transportation. Last year, 60% of our families reported unemployment due to the pandemic. With 70% of the Guatemalan population informally employed, and this number estimated to jump to 80% in post Covid, it is necessary to implement a solution for our inspiring students hoping to join the workforce. By empowering students with specific skills and training, they will have the independence to advocate for themselves and to move into the workforce.
- Offer training and flexible curriculum in hard (technical) and soft (social and interpersonal) skills, preparing people for the work of the future
EFTC's solution will address the economic barriers under-resourced populations are facing in a post Covid world. With 60% of EFTC families reported unemployment due to the pandemic, this number is reflected at the national level across Guatemala. By building young entrepreneurs using virtual platforms and in-person training, our students will be prepared to not only find economic stability and independence, but also contribute to the Guatemalan economy. The Youth Entrepreneurship Training Program offers technical and social skills that will benefit those entering the workforce and pursing their careers.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
EFTC's Youth Entrepreneurship Training Program was implemented at the start of 2021 at a smaller scale, and has show incredible success. Students have graduated with skills in nail technician training and hairdressing, along with other skills in financial literacy. Students who graduate from our Entrepreneurship Training Program can apply for future grants through our funded program that provides small grants to our inspiring students to open up their own businesses. With 2020 being the first year of the funded program, students have successfully started a sewing business, a crepe restaurant, and an ice cream shop.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
Our entrepreneurship model has adapted to the effects of Covid-19, and embraces technology to widen its reach.
- Audiovisual Media
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Women & Girls
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Guatemala
- Guatemala
- Nonprofit
5 staff members are a part of the solution team. These members include the Director of EFTC, the Director of the Scholarship Program, the Educative Counselor, the Career Counselor, and a teacher to run the entrepreneurship club.