-COFS project is the first system caring by achieve REDFIELD ratio principle by found plankton by phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon from COFS system ingredients
About QUOFCS project :
This simple project using Quarry fines which produce as by-product from mining
processes and can't be utilized because its complexity and cost of separation
-using of Quarry fines happen by integrate it in a system make balanced nutrition
of phytoplankton ( as shown latterly in project )
-Quarry residuals mainly Consisting of : 60% limestone ( calcium carbonate ,
calcium hydroxide ) and nearly 20% clay (Illite + Kaolinite) and nearly 10%
quartz fines with some percentage of moisture
-QUOFCS project mainly work on Enhanced weathering by Improve ocean
alkalinity by Carbonate–silicate cycle , balanced iron fertilization
About ChiCoLa project :
-This simple project using simple ingredients as chitin , chitosan ( from marine Crustaceans industry) , phospholipids , another ingredients as: iron oxide , lipoimide , co-enzyme Q10 to create system can remove carbon dioxide from environment and using it in iron fertilization of oceans.
- ChiCoLa project mainly work on absorb carbon dioxide from environment and convert it to balanced nutrition of phytoplankton ( as shown latterly in project ) Which share in balanced iron fertilization system ( without problems)
- ChiCoLa project mainly work on Enhanced weathering by capture carbon
dioxide , balanced iron fertilization
COFS will be the company which mainly interest by manufacture , applying ,
development of COFS systems and create another systems to its activity ON any communication and transfer the end products to coastal communications
COFS will begin by this 2 systems and can expand to include another systems
COFS will make a revolution on iron fertilization principle and convert it from
just dropping iron ash into ocean ( which suffer from many advantages ) to make A completely sustainable system to balanced phytoplankton nutrition ( without mistakes ) and has elasticity to treat with any modifications without problems.