Next generation of vertical saas platform buiding the right approach to digital transformation for entreprises, NGO's using e-Id secure systems, providing the best tools for communication, collaboration, personal branding and ecommerce environment
Dedicated to increase skills, share knwoledge and build the right approach to smart commerce
Built around Blockchain environment all in one and AI solution to simplify the digital experience: ID4ORG, ID4mart, ID4HUB
Engaging people, communities , organizations building knowledge spaces and Knowlege communities at different level of experience and expertise, driving to fill the gap of skills for emerging markets and trends, facilitating the communication, collaboration and personal branding key systemic tools to embrace digital transformation for citizens, micro enterprises with hign inclusive impact.
Its 5millions people affected first with expected large communities and organizations roughly around 20millions for the next years.
The platform will integrate all in one key solution with free approavch and specific equal fee for key communitiers, schools, universities ,
Well integrated with servicenow as booster .
IDHuBS is all in one Saas platform to enhance engage people in digital transformation through new generation of key developments around Web 3.0, AI and blockchain .
Its well organized besides needs around ID4org, ID4mart, IDHubs to accelerate the adoption by new players of the DT approach , through unified collaboration and communication tools , personal bra,ding, and ecommerce environment with payment.
The target population is well identified regarding the practices and analysis of how digital trabnsformation and the new digital workplace will affect new entrants or specific users , groups of exclusion and compnies with upskilling challenges or reskilling
the solution address their needs at different levels: directly by the use of tools well developed through the environment, using intuitive approach and more emotional tools, integrating in environment all the set of skills to address multiple population from muliple services, comp&nies , .. , setting up the right one stop shop environment for increasing the knowledge space of digital workplace or platform.
- Prepare those entering, re-entering, or who are already in the workforce for the future of work with affordable and equitable digital skills, training, and employment opportunities
The dawn of exponential digital era and the barriers besides according to our strategy to evangelize he concept of digital trabnsformation a,d he future of work after the pandemic will push our R&D team to address this crucial segment of building besides the hi tech concepts and technologies an easy doing approach to such digital transition w, all in one approach for each citizen, organization ..
- I am planning to expand my solution to one or more of these ServiceNow locations
Expansion Plan EMEA
Vertical segments,: Energy, industry, NGO's , Universities, Schools, retail,
Unique approach to boost digital transformation for multiple ecosystems.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth.
The solution is well adopted after several pilots in different sectors and working in key impact for specific NGO's SME's and B2C , B2B next approaches
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
We will use this prize for delivering the best new tech approach , through key developments in AI and ML , through neuroscience approach and achieving new upskills environment for specific population to address directly this target and develop new pilot approach with direct users .
- A new application of an existing technology