Fourth Wave Technology Inc.
1. The long standing discrimination and inequality affecting minority groups in corporate America is a problem.
2. We propose a holistic approach to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion supported by technology that challenges the institutional bias and affords minority groups equal access to job opportunities, training and development, promotions to leadership positions and equal pay.
3. Improving representation of minorities in leadership positions and fast growing industries and narrowing pay gaps in corporations could boost black incomes by 30% and employ one million additional black workers according to research.
Minorities’ representation in leadership positions will give them a voice in decisions that affect them and improve advocacy for other voiceless minorities at lower levels.
Upward trajectory of minorities will lead to their economic empowerment;
Enabling savings, home ownership or decent housing, access to better education and health care;
Ultimately closing the racial wealth gap and reducing poverty in minority communities.
The disparities of minorities globally has been accelerated and highlighted by COVID-19 pandemic. With women’s jobs twice as likely to be cut during this recession than those held by men.
The pandemic has set the world back 36 years in its quest to achieve global gender parity – World Economic Forum.
Job losses were greater for people of color, many of whom lacked savings to cushion the financial blow; gaps in digital infrastructure exacerbated learning losses among children of color.
With Black workers concentrated in low-wage frontline jobs that could not be done remotely, exposure to the virus and inadequate access to healthcare cost lives according to research.
A McKinsey study shows an underrepresentation of black workers in fast-growing, higher-wage industries; lower odds for advancement and higher number of black workers in entry-level jobs; low representation in executive roles; and a lack of sponsorship and allies for black employees. All these factors are key to greater economic mobility of black people.
Our solution helps corporate leaders examine their role in perpetuating inequalities in hiring, pay and promotion of women and people of color.
We use data insights and audits to identify where bias has occurred and highlight areas for improvement.
Fourth Wave Tech offers a holistic approach that includes technology and DEI consulting services.
Our technology is a Voice-led interview software built on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning platforms to help leaders get deeper insights about their hiring practices; it identifies where bias has occurred and highlights areas of improvement.
The tool can be used for remote and in person interviews;
It tracks candidates by demographics, their average scores, proportion of candidates progressed, hired externally and/or promoted internally by demographics, average time spent per question by demographics and analysis of acceptance criteria and performance data of those who have been hired over-time.
This is a central place for setting up, conducting, reviewing and scoring interviews;
With tailored interview frameworks ,question banks with panel interviewer functionality.
Includes audio recording and transcription eliminating note-taking to allow for more engaging interview delivery and more accurate scoring.
Through our tool, leaders have access to real time data for transformation insights, efficient reporting and better decision making on diversity, equity and inclusion.
We also offer Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consulting services to ensure the effectiveness of the technology:
Audit Analysis for employee engagement, Internal Mobility, Sponsorship & Talent management processes as retention strategies for minorities.
Our target population is women and black people who have been targets of long standing discrimination and exclusion in corporate America.
Corporate America — including Wall Street and Silicon Valley giants — have pledged to play a bigger role in combating systemic racism across the United States, but track records show that not much progress or change has been made to date.
Representation of women and black executives in leadership positions of the Fortune 500 companies continues to lag behind.
In 2021, there are only 4 African Americans serving as Fortune 500 CEOs; making it 3.3% of Black senior and executive leaders presently working in corporate America, according to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission data.
And there is a total of 41 women chief executives, amounting to female leadership for just 8.1% of the Fortune 500.
Moreover, there is also underrepresentation of black professionals in high paying occupations and industries;
While the tech sector has shown an increase in the number of top earners in the past decade, only 4% of top earners in this group are black.
So, with lower odds for career advancement for black and female workers in frontline and entry-level jobs due to lack of opportunities, sponsorship or allies, their chances for economic advancement are bleak.
As black, female former executives and current business owners, we understand the needs of females and black people.
We have a frame of reference to the challenges they face because we have lived and continue to live the experiences of many. Essentially, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is personal to us, hence we want to be part of the solution.
We also engage minority workers through DEI audits in corporations to understand their needs. We interview employees individually and through focus groups to get their feedback and recommendations.
Our solution addresses minorities’ needs by helping corporate leaders challenge their institutionalized bias by using data to track gaps and areas of improvement in the hiring, reskilling/upskilling, retention strategies, promotions, pay, sponsorship/coaching of women and black people in their companies.
We help leaders drive DEI through various initiatives including:
- Support to minority-owned small businesses as vendors.
- Partnerships with historically black colleges and universities and Hispanic-serving institutions in the United States for hiring, research programs, and other areas of mutual opportunity.
- Reduce inequalities in the digital workforce for historically underserved groups through improved hiring and retention practices, skills assessments, training, and employer education and engagement
Our solution aligns with the Digital Workforce Challenge and the dimension to reduce inequalities in the digital workforce for historically underserved groups through improved hiring and retention practices, skills assessments, training and development, and employer education and engagement.
We improve diversity, equity and inclusion of women and black people in the workplace by changing the way minority candidates are interviewed, assessed, hired and promoted using data insights from our tool to track where bias occurs and make recommendations.
Through our deep audit analysis and retention strategies, we increase employee engagement among teams; while coaching leaders and managers on DEI strategies.
- My solution is already being implemented in one or more of these ServiceNow locations
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
Pilot stage – we are currently piloting and testing the software tool in Atlanta and New York City in the United States with recruitment companies and large multinational companies that employ approximately 362 000 staff in the United States and 82 000 internationally.
Our solution has already been tested and piloted in Ireland and London in the Health Care sector where many vaccinators were hired remotely during Covid -19 lockdowns. The solution is gaining traction in both Ireland and London through paid pilots.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Fourth Wave Technology Inc is a black and female owned and led company that develops disruptive technologies to solve business and socio-economic challenges in the United States.
Our solution is designed by black founders to advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion of people of color to help advance antiracist and equitable digital workforces.
Our approach utilizes best in practice research and technology built on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning platforms to level the playing field for attracting and retaining people of color and effectively reducing bias in the hiring process for external and internal black candidates.
Since, there is an underrepresentation of black leaders and black professionals in high paying occupations and industries in the United States,
by using our solution, companies will open more roles for remote work across the United States including for high paying and executive positions.
Most companies including tech companies now have an opportunity to better diversify their workforce and help narrow the wage gaps and access to mobility opportunities between black and white employees.
Our Data Analytics help challenge assumptions about knowledge, skills, attributes and experiences required because for the most part people of color are screened based on preferences than what’s predictive of success.
The team will use the prize to advance the tech solution to include features for gamification as another predictor of future success over and above behavioral competencies, technical competencies and values.
We plan to also increase the tech team to be able to support our clients as we scale.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
Our solution is built on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) platforms which are emerging technologies, although ML algorithms have been around.
Our Voice led Interview Software uses Artificial Intelligence to help leaders gain insights about their hiring practices and demographics they hire.
While there are other interviewing tools using these technologies in the market, they don't focus on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; as a result, human bias is integrated into algorithms by using frameworks that compare minority candidates to an existing homogeneous population.
Our solution is unique because it is holistic and uses data to gain deeper insights about areas where bias has occurred, demographics of candidates hired and promoted internally, how they are assessed and our recommendations on areas of improvement.
We use data analytics to challenge assumptions about competencies necessary for success for minorities.
Moreover, the shift to remote or hybrid work as a new business model in most organizations, makes automation of business processes, including hiring essential.
Recent studies suggest that geographical concentration of tech industry in less ethnically diverse locations may be a barrier to having black professionals enter high paying jobs in the tech industry.
So, our technology gives companies an opportunity to better diversify their workforce by opening more roles for remote work for minorities across the United States & interviewing remotely; thereby increasing access to career opportunities and narrowing wage gaps for minorities.
Our end-to-end approach includes technology, audits for employee engagement, retention strategies and leadership coaching - setting us apart.
Our Interview software is built on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning platforms which are existing technologies.
The tool is used for both remote and in-person interviews and automates key aspects of the interview to support the new model of hybrid/remote work in corporations.
The Voice-led interview software is cloud based and uses Artificial Intelligence to help leaders gain deeper insights about their hiring practices, the candidates they bring on board and their demographics by highlighting aspects of the interview or job specification frameworks and questions that may be biased towards some demographics.
Our data analytics help challenge assumptions about skills, attributes, and experience required because for the most part minority candidates are screened based on preferences than what's predictive of success.
The tool is used for external candidates and also tracks demographics of internal candidates being considered for promotions.
The tool has an open API therefore, it integrates with most companies' Applicants Tracking Systems (ATS) for a seamless candidate journey or the interview software can be used as standalone tool.
- One central place for setting up, conducting, reviewing and scoring interviews
- Tailored interview frameworks and question banks for all hiring campaigns
- Scoring metrics based on frameworks
- Panel interviewer functionality
- Automation of main tasks to ensure interviews and assessors can concentrate on making effective hiring decisions
- Audio recording and transcription eliminating the need for note-taking allowing for more engaging interview delivery and more accurate scoring
- Auto-generated feedback providing generic feedback to candidates that can be tailored and personalized by interviewers
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies are already in use for interview tools by various companies to improve efficiencies and consistency in the interview process by automating the hiring process and providing data analytics.
Our solution has been piloted and is already in use in the health sector in Belfast, Ireland.
The tool was used to hire vaccinators remotely during Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020.
Interviewers and panelists needed to deliver a new structured interview campaign at short notice with remote candidates.
Traditional face to face paper based interviews were not an option due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions and social distancing requirements.
A high volume of qualified applications were progressing to the interview stage due to the high profile campaign.
Using other platforms such as Zoom presented a compliance and security risk for interviewers and candidates.
HSE had to completely change the way they hire and conduct interviews with the impact of Covid-19. Not only for hiring usual positions, but also in order to hire a new type of role - vaccinators.
While there was a large number of applicants, this posed a greater challenge for HSE as the volumes were higher than they were used to and they had to do it all remotely.
We were able to help them go remote within days and provided a team of interviewers with a digital first approach to their hiring.
Using our interview software we were able to provide a best practice approach to interviewing, facilitating evidence-based decision making and automating key parts of the interview process to reduce the cognitive load of interviewers in order to reduce bias.
Through this, they were able to increase their volumes to meet the demand, saving time and seamlessly transitioning to a remote interview approach without compromising Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
Yes, this solution does introduce ethical, privacy and security risks because interviews are recorded and transcribed.
We mitigate this risk by informing candidates before the interview that they will be recorded.
We are upfront about the purpose for the recording and how the data is used; This way we get their consent to record the interview.
We also follow recording laws of each state in the US.
While some states do not require that we get recording consent from the candidates as long as one party is aware of the recording, even if it's the person doing the recording; we inform candidates regardless, to get their consent. We do this for ethical and trust reasons - values central to how we conduct business.
Data security is also very important to us; our data is stored on AWS.
We work with a world-class team of security experts monitoring our systems to protect our content at all times.
Our data is encrypted to ensure that only authorized users can access it.
We comply with local, regional and international data privacy laws and regulations.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- Ireland
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- United Kingdom
- United States
Our solution currently serves two major hospital groups in Ireland who hired 450 vaccinators during Covid-19 lockdowns. While the tool is still at its early stage of adoption in the two hospitals, our goal is to scale it to different departments within 12 months.
We will also onboard minimum of 5 top fortune 500 companies in the United States within the first year; hiring between 1000 - 10 000 candidates per annum.
In year 5, we will have served at least 10 large companies with 22 000 completed interviews.
The strategy is to focus on companies that are least transformed in diversity, equity and inclusion and whose leaders are early adopters and have committed to doing better so that their companies represent the communities they serve.
Our goal for the next 12 months is to sign 10 early adapters in Fortune 500 companies for pilots and tests to gain traction and feedback on the software tool.
We will offer consulting services to 5 medium-large size companies to help them determine appropriate diversity, equity and inclusion strategies, based on each entity's priorities, industry and regional nuances.
Our goal is to empower corporate leaders and managers to take action and drive real, measurable inclusion and equity change for their organizations within the next 5 years.
Our partnerships with recruitment outsourcing companies and Applicant Tracking Systems companies, will extend the Fourth Wave brand into their existing and new customer base.
Through our tool, leaders have access to real time data for transformation insights, efficient reporting and better decision making on diversity, equity and inclusion.
By reducing bias in interviews through fair and equitable recruitment and selection processes more minorities will be be hired or promoted to leadership positions.
Equity and Inclusion is our key focus and measurement point because statistics show a significant wage and promotion gap facing women, black and brown employees.
Our goal is to have a significant impact on improving company policies and tie DEI goals to leaders’ Key Performance and rewards programs to ensure inclusion of minorities so they can have a voice on decisions that are taken in board meetings and boardrooms that impact them.
This will allow minorities to have the agency, advocacy, freedom, and equal footing and inclusion in the American economy.
1. Through pilots and tests we have conducted in London and Belfast we have received meaningful feedback from early adopters and have learnt important lessons.
Through data and interview performance insights we are able to track successes, gaps and changes organizations need to make by identifying where bias has occurred and areas for improvement.
We are able to track the interview performance, demographic tracking and their average scores, proportion of candidates progressed and hired by demographics, average time spent per question by demographics and analysis of acceptance criteria.
2. Through audit processes, we help leaders engage minorities on DEI for needs analysis and input.
3. We help determine core matrix to achieve corporations DEI targets by measuring where they are and where they need to be to be effective.
Example, if improving the percentage of women and black executives in senior positions is their goal; we determine their current state/percentages and then determine the ideal percentage they seek to achieve over a stipulated period and the process to get there. These measures include interventions on closing wage gaps and access to promotion opportunities by minorities.
3. Since we recommend that DEI efforts be tied to leaders and managers' Key Performance Indicators and rewards programs, these deliverables can be measured yearly and this is how we will measure our impact goals.
When minority groups are given opportunities for upward mobility and pay parity in corporations they become economically empowered. These goals will ultimately tie to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
We have 4 full time and 2 part time team members.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is personal to us because we have lived and experienced the effects of inequity and exclusion in different forms from different areas for far too long.
As black people, female entrepreneurs and former corporate executives and leaders, we understand the plight of many minorities.
Now is the time for intentional action on the part of corporations to rectify the economic disparities through unbiased and fair hiring practices, equitable wages and equal career opportunities and advancement of minority groups in Corporate America.
Our passion for empowerment, coupled by our expertise, solution orientation and the desire to make an impact in this world have been the driving force behind our business.
Tumi Frazier, the project leader, experienced the effects of apartheid first hand, growing up in South Africa; where black people were marginalized, discriminated against and excluded from the mainstream economies and opportunities for advancement including access to descent education and basic services.
So, we are well positioned to respond to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and minorities’ needs because we have a frame of reference to the challenges and appropriate solutions needed to solve such challenges.
Our team has extensive experience and expertise in Diversity and Inclusion, Transformation, Change Management, disruptive technologies, matched by their passion and extensive understanding of global markets.
Our diverse expertise and understanding of different backgrounds and cultures enables Fourth Wave to be more adaptable to the global market.
We believe diverse teams bring about diverse expertise and perspectives which drive innovation.
We embrace diversity, equity and inclusion as a strategic advantage for breakthrough measurable results.
We use these core-values to drive inspirational leadership style, fair recruitment processes and retention strategies.
We believe that we are stronger in our differences than we are in our similarities.
The diversity of our team’s background and expertise enables an overall broader and enriched knowledge and experience, optimizing the value we provide.
Our team is a true representation of the communities we operate in and organizations we serve.
We partner and hire expertise in every country we work in, this way we have a better understanding of the cultural dynamics on the ground.
- Organizations (B2B)
1. To gain access to grants or donor funds.
than 1% of Venture Capital financing goes to black founders according to research. So, access to most business financing solutions is a major challenge for under- represented technology entrepreneurs, even more so, females.
2. Increased networks through introductions to partnerships/ Tech organizations committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and committed to supporting minority businesses as vendors.
3. To gain advisors, mentors and advocates within the Technology Industry in the United States and subsequently globally since we are globally focused.
4. Exposure
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Our solution has been piloted and now in use in some of the health care groups in Ireland and small recruitment companies in London.
In fact, the software tool was tested hiring vaccinators during Covid-19 global lockdowns.
Less biased decisions –Ireland East Hospital Group
The interview tool was used for Panel interviews with multiple interviewers to reduce bias and minimize the risk of interviewers picking personal choices for the role.
We helped this healthcare provider with a collaborative approach to hiring with a new level of flexibility and freedom. Scores were collated from panel interviewers and others that could retroactively view the interview.
Digitizing hiring at Health Service Executive
For the most part, it is challenging for organizations to keep interviews fair, structured and consistent when hiring remotely.
We helped Health Service Executive, one of the biggest healthcare providers move all of their interviews remotely while retaining the human element and candidate engagement.
Saving time hiring apprentices - Work
Setting up and running interviews can be time consuming.
We believe that Interviews should be about spending time with the applicants, not dealing with administration.
We helped an apprentice recruiter to automate parts of their process and captured interview data to provide more information to make fully-informed decisions.
Instilling consistency Tenable
Providing a structured and consistent experience creates a level playing field for all candidates, especially minorities.
We helped a cloud provider to instill consistency across their interviewers and interviews so that they could compare candidates more fairly.
1. Since MIT Solve and ServiceNow are in the tech industry; Fourth Wave Tech can gain expertise through mentorship and coaching including access to a wider Advisory Board.
2. We need help with exposure to other organizations; we need to gain traction as a minority vendor in various corporations to grow our business.
3. Introductions to partnerships such as (ATS) Applicants Tracking Service Providers and Tech organizations committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and committed to supporting female, black founders.
4. To connect us to advisors, mentors and advocates within the Technology Industry in the United States and subsequently globally since we are globally focused
5. Funding Partners to access more funds
1.Taleo and Smartrecruiters
a. Partnership to extend the Fourth Wave brand into their existing and new customer base.
b. Users of the FWT DEI technology.
2. DPM Group
a. Partnership to extend the Fourth Wave brand into their existing and new customer base
b. Users of the FWT DEI technology
3. ServiceNow
a. Users of the FWT DEI technology and Consulting services.
Bill McDermott, ServiceNow CEO is committed to advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, this is the type of a leader Fourth Wave is seeking to work with, to help with their other DEI efforts.
Access to some of their technical expertise will also be helpful, since they are a Software Development company.
4. QualComm
a. Users of the FWT DEI technology and Consulting services.
5. United Health Group
a. Users of the FWT DEI technology and Consulting services.
6. National Diversity Council – a nationwide network of affiliated councils to advance diversity and inclusion by transforming work places and communities into inclusive environments where individuals are valued for their talents and empowered to reach their fullest potential.
a. The partnership will give us access to the latest DEI metrics, best practices, market trends and reporting analytics.
b. Access to promote our DEI solution through partnerships, council engagement, conferences and symposiums.

Founder & CEO