Balanced Carbon Cycle for Sinthetize Bioplastics
The more carbon dioxide gaseous emissions and biomass you have, the more energy and bio- plastics will be produced.
The main purpose of this project is diminish carbon dioxide content both in the seawater and in the air by reducing and balancing its ionic and chemical composition in order to mitigate world global warming and reduce dependency for plastics derived from Oil and Gas exploitation. The process is comprised by a closed loop cycle where the seawater is returned in a suitable chemical composition and physicochemical properties (PH, temperature ,ionic composition ) in order to restore critical acidification and warming temperatures expected due to carbon dioxide emissions which altering sea ecosystems.
This project starts sucking seawater and cater this stream to a pretreatment area by splitting up this one in three on flows, one of these is carrying over a scrubbing solution for using in Capture CO2 from Air till reaching proper concentration (300 ppm),this process line comes back to an adequate ionic composition to seawater , the second one is transport deionized water which is going to use in a biomass power plant from agricultural waste and wood with the intention to produce Hydrogen which is extracted for synthetizing bio plastics , the third one contains a rich solution with high contents of CO2 dissolved which is sent to a capture CO2 system. CO2 capture from seawater and CO2 sequestrate from Biomass Power Plant is used for carboxylation reactions in order to obtain FDCA ( Furan 2,5 di-carboxylic acid )as an Intermediate compound to produce PEF(Polyethylene Furonoate) from Lignocellulosic material .CO2 produced in fermentation process and in a wastewater treatment of biodegradable -compounds are sent to a CO2 supercritical Power Plant which is integrated along with a Biomass Power Plant. Raw and Waste materials are recycled in every step of this whole process doing this one more efficient both in energy and in environment concerns.
- Restoring and preserving coastal ecosystems
The solution described out relates several new process technologies and get work together as an integrated process in order to yield a better performance by reducing and balancing chemical compounds to produce global warming especially Carbon dioxide and use this Gas to produce bio plastics and energy.
This approach combines not only existent but also new technologies ,both ones have been improved by using for example new Nano catalyst ,better process conditions and including additional equipments and reducing steps for reaching the targets and the process requirements that we work with. It should be mentioned, that the whole process is in conceptual engineering stage so we need to develop FEED and detailed engineering stage and then a pilot plant prototype.
Next goals is to produce Basic and detailed engineering for the whole disciplines involved (mechanical civil ,instrumentation ,electrical ,ecology ) as we design only process engineering topics (Computational fluid dynamics ,process software simulation ,energy optimization and so on ) and then building our first pilot plant .We are in need of supporting in researching and new process technologies and licenses especially in bio plastics synthesis ,molecular dynamics nanotechnology and Nano reactors .
This project could be extended until we reach a suitable balance between CO2 contents both in the air and in the seawater. Today CO2 in the air corresponds to 3.6 billion of tons of CO2 but in 2100 It is expected to reach 4.6 billion of CO2 tons if we are going on increasing CO2 emissions. Therefore we have about 1.0 billion of tons of atmospheric CO2 for extracting in this process without taking into account CO2 in excess in seawater. We will very glad to construct a pilot plant in the next three to five years.
- Rural
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- US and Canada
Our customers will retain with a savage marketing taking into account the products we are dealing as for example:
1. Eco-friendly bio-degradable bio-plastics
2. Eco friendly energy delivered to communities.
3. Eco-friendly fabrication process taking into account for global warming concerns.
4.Eco-friendly material raw for reducing biomass waste material.
5.Eco-firendly product due to Recycle culture, segregation and differentiation from PET regarding to PEF.
We cannot have predicted such occurrences as we are not able to fabricate products right now.
By 2019 market of PET bottles will expected to produce 533 billion of PET bottles and for the next three years will produce 583 billion of bottles. Today According to the National Geographic, 91% of all plastic is not recycled then 9% corresponds to Bio plastics therefore we are going to exploit only 1% .of this market so we have in mind to produce 583 million of PEF bottles per year and serve about to 431000 persons by 2021 .In 12 months we are going to fabricate bottles for pilot plant as a mean of introducing the product .
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- 1
- 1-2 years
The skill that we have is regarding to academic and process design engineering purposes but we have a lot of experience in major projects in the oil and gas industry which enabled to manage complex assignments and leading the project to the main goals by using cutting edge technology in order to communicate this process and the results as well as efficiency along of the project´s lifetime.
Implementations for expanding this project comprise the following Stages:
Stage 1
1. Scaling up pilot plant and designing for minimizing maintenance time and cost.
2. Designing optimum sized pilot plant and generate process licenses and patents.
3. Developing of commercial agreements with bio- refineries, Biomass Power Plants or Governments.
Stage 2
1. Commercial assessment taking into account contacting bio-plastics operators.
2 FEED and. Detailed engineering studies for estimating Cost of major and minor equipments.
3. Find Technology and proposals adequate to project requirements.
4. Develop Project marketing for reaching project 's funding and creating relationships with project partners in energy market place.
We are going to use Markup as a Revenue Model as It involves setting up the selling price of the good by adding profits and overhead charges to its cost price as well as act as middlemen and buy the products from manufacturers and other parties before selling it to others. It is important to mention that some profit comes from carbon credit bonus as a result of good environmental practices by reducing carbon dioxide emissions
We are applying in this contest cause Solve MIT has specialists and solver teams focus on figuring out Coastal problems with great experience and they are deeply worry about environmental concerns. Solve team can enable us with partners and engineering companies so that we can complete next stages by generating alliances in order to go ahead with our work and targets.
We have some obstacles to get through and They are the following :
1. Economical support for following up researching and engineering
(Especially in process technology like nano-reactors, nano-materials ,CFD and so on ).
2. We need to connect or forming some specific alliances with academic investigators or companies which has been established new processes related to bio-plastics and new bio-products.
3. Solve MIT has a Great reputable team members who has been a lot of experience and has specific areas in funding and partnership that we are quite beneficial for keeping on going with expanding our project.
- Technology Mentorship
- Media Visibility and Exposure
- Grant Funding
- Preparation for Investment Discussions
- Other (Please Explain Below)
Process Design Engineer