Coastlines are some of the most climatically vulnerable places on Earth, and the communities that inhabit them are bearing the brunt of the natural disasters being driven by climate change. Recent events such as Hurricane Maria and the resultant loss of life and destruction are a vivid example of the scale and scope of what is to come. Events such as Maria have led to the deaths of thousands, and left many thousands more without power, a roof over their heads, or a reliable source of income. These communities, lacking the physical means to adapt, cannot otherwise afford to invest in sustainable housing, reduce nonrenewable resource consumption, or support themselves and their families.
As of the current date, disaster relief efforts are still underway in Puerto Rico. Worse, these largely seek simply to replace the destroyed infrastructure with infrastructure that is equally vulnerable to future disasters. A truly robust solution for all coastal communities must combine cheap, disaster resistant, efficient housing with disseminated energy generating capacity. That is precisely what we propose to do.
We are InOurHands, a 501(c)(3) organized to fulfill one of those targets by providing renewable energy financing to marginalized communities. Though we have successfully funded our first project in Pine Ridge, S.D., we have rapidly learned that, in many communities, renewable energy financing is not sufficient without a concurrent improvement in the efficiency of the housing stock. To meet that need we have developed the primary subject of this application, The Sulcata Home (named for the African Land Tortoise from which the building takes its shape). This is a structure designed to be extremely cheap, easy and quick to construct, highly energy efficient, long lasting, and disaster resilient.
Sulcata Homes are built using earth-abundant materials, and are better insulating than many modern building methods. At one-tenth the cost of traditional construction, they are carbon neutral in a matter of years, eminently affordable, and expected to outlast modern homes. They can be built rapidly utilizing unskilled local laborers, and because they are monolithic, are relatively maintenance-free.
Our vision is to combine the efficiency of the Sulcata Home with renewable energy financing from InOurHands to provide coastal communities and others with a robust solution: homes that will stand up to the abuse of natural disasters, disseminated energy to power those homes, and the local knowledge necessary to perpetuate the solution on their own, under their own terms.