Describe what makes your work innovative.
Innovation is the key to our work. When we started DVD lectures based on the e-Education project in 2010, nobody believed it would work. Our innovation was a tremendous success proving everyone wrong. The same is true for our BAE model.
In Bangladesh, during this pandemic, a few of the companies started online classes, video lectures. Some of them are doing tutoring. Nobody is giving them a full classroom experience, that is, interactive learning and evaluation, feedback system. None of them have any assessment system. None of them support any dropout students.
In our BAE model, we cover all of them. Learners get interactive online classes, MOOC lectures, in case anyone missed the class, assignment, and test accordingly. In this way, learners are getting the same as offline classes, but from better-trained teachers and better learning materials. Our teachers identified poor-performing learners and got them in tutoring so that they could catch up.
For those who do not have internet access, our tutors provide tele-tutoring regularly. We also provide special tutoring services for dropout students and get them back to school.
Our work supports not only learners but around 1000 university-going students who get financial benefits from their service to our work.